resulta que estoy trabajando con geoserver y xampp todo funciona perfecto pero al hacer una peticion de informacion en determinado punto del mapa me arroja el mensaje...
Se produjo un error interno en el servidor y le fue imposible completar su solicitud.
Mensaje de error:
couldn't create child process: 720005: proxy.cgi
este es el código de mi proxy.cgi
#! c: /Python34/python.exe
#! c:/xampp/cgi-bin/proxy.cgi
"""This is a blind proxy that we use to get around browser
restrictions that prevent the Javascript from loading pages not on the
same server as the Javascript. This has several problems: it's less
efficient, it might break some sites, and it's a security risk because
people can use this proxy to browse the web and possibly do bad stuff
with it. It only loads pages via http and https, but it can load any
content type. It supports GET and POST requests."""
import urllib2
import cgi
import sys, os
# Designed to prevent Open Proxy type stuff.
Código :
Ver original
method = os.environ["REQUEST_METHOD"] if method == "POST": qs = os.environ["QUERY_STRING"] d = cgi.parse_qs(qs) if d.has_key("url"): url = d["url"][0] else: url = "" else: fs = cgi.FieldStorage() url = fs.getvalue('url', "") try: host = url.split("/")[2] if url.startswith("http://") or url.startswith("https://"): if method == "POST": length = int(os.environ["CONTENT_LENGTH"]) headers = {"Content-Type": os.environ["CONTENT_TYPE"]} body = r = urllib2.Request(url, body, headers) y = urllib2.urlopen(r) else: y = urllib2.urlopen(url) # print content type header i = if i.has_key("Content-Type"): print "Content-Type: %s" % (i["Content-Type"]) else: print "Content-Type: text/plain" print y.close() else: print "Content-Type: text/plain" print "Illegal request." except Exception, E: print "Status: 500 Unexpected Error" print "Content-Type: text/plain" print "Some unexpected error occurred. Error text was _ :", E
method = os.environ["REQUEST_METHOD"]
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