Tengo un problema bastante grave. Tengo un sitio web con su dominio y entra perfectamente. Todo funciona a la perfección. Estoy usando los DNS de www.zoneedit.com
Cuando envío mails al mail que saqué con zone Edit (que redirecciona a otro mail) me llegan rebotados. Miren:
"Delivery Notification: Delivery has failed
This report relates to a message you sent with the following header fields:
Return-path: <[email protected]>
Disposition-notification-to: [email protected]
Received: from tcp-daemon.TDIMSO03.backend.tdata.com.ar by
(iPlanet Messaging Server 5.2 Patch 1 (built Aug 19 2002))
id <[email protected]>
(original mail from [email protected]); Fri,
26 Dec 2003 15:13:54 -0300 (GMT)
Received: from pc1 (COR2ppp-269.uc.infovia.com.ar [])
by TDIMSO03.backend.tdata.com.ar
(iPlanet Messaging Server 5.2 Patch 1 (built Aug 19 2002))
with ESMTPA id <[email protected]> for
[email protected]; Fri, 26 Dec 2003 15:13:45 -0300 (GMT)
Date: Fri, 26 Dec 2003 15:15:29 -0300
From: MI MAIL <[email protected]>
Subject: hola [email protected]
To: MAIL SACADO EN ZONE EDIT <[email protected] >
Message-id: <[email protected] >
MIME-version: 1.0
X-MIMEOLE: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V6.00.2800.1165
X-Mailer: Microsoft Outlook IMO, Build 9.0.2416 (9.0.2910.0)
Content-type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1
Content-transfer-encoding: 7BIT
Importance: Normal
X-Priority: 3 (Normal)
X-MSMail-priority: Normal
Your message cannot be delivered to the following recipients:
Recipient address: [email protected]
Reason: Remote SMTP server has rejected address
Diagnostic code: smtp;554 Service unavailable; Sender address [[email protected]] blocked using zebl.zoneedit.com; see http://spews.org/ask.cgi?S2867
Remote system: dns;mail2.zoneedit.com (TCP||52806||25) (mail2.zoneedit.com ESMTP Postfix)"
Ya revisé en zone edit y está todo bien.
No quiero cambiar de DNS, quiero solucionar el problema actual. Los mails a los que redirecciona están perfectamente bien, los he revisado miles de veces, y las redirecciones que he sacado tambine las escribo bien.
¿Qué puedo hacer?

Chau y gracias!