Possible Uses:
# Host your own site on your own connection from home/work/school/etc
# Access your computer with a name (like zeus.afraid.org or yourdomain.com) instead of a numeric IP address
# Run your own http server, ftp server, or anything you want to install on your computer/server
# Fetchable URL to update your IP instantly on our network if you have a dynamic address
# Hosts even work for your LAN. If you have a LAN connected to the internet you can point hosts to private IP addresses (even private IPv6 addresses) and they will work within your network
# Let your friends point theirname.yourdomain.com to their own connection
# Use web forwarding to transparently redirect a hostname to another URL. Let our servers handle the redirection
# afraid.org has been un-interrupted for hundreds of days at a time
# afraid.org is operated from multiple redundant high capacity well connected servers
# Host your own site on your own connection from home/work/school/etc
# Access your computer with a name (like zeus.afraid.org or yourdomain.com) instead of a numeric IP address
# Run your own http server, ftp server, or anything you want to install on your computer/server
# Fetchable URL to update your IP instantly on our network if you have a dynamic address
# Hosts even work for your LAN. If you have a LAN connected to the internet you can point hosts to private IP addresses (even private IPv6 addresses) and they will work within your network
# Let your friends point theirname.yourdomain.com to their own connection
# Use web forwarding to transparently redirect a hostname to another URL. Let our servers handle the redirection
# afraid.org has been un-interrupted for hundreds of days at a time
# afraid.org is operated from multiple redundant high capacity well connected servers