La movida es que haciendo al configuración básica me sale un error que no tengo ni idea a qué se debe.
Código YML:
Ver original
payum: security: token_storage: PaymentBundle\Entity\PaymentToken: { doctrine: orm } storages: PaymentBundle\Entity\Payment: { doctrine: orm } gateways: paypal_rest: factory: paypal_rest client_id: %dev_paypal_clientd_id% client_secret: %dev_paypal_secret% config_path: '%kernel.root_dir%/config/sdk_config.ini'
Código Error:
Ver original
Request GetHumanStatus{model: ArrayObject} is not supported. Make sure the gateway supports the requests and there is an action which supports this request (The method returns true). There may be a bug, so look for a related issue on the issue tracker.
El sdk_config.ini no se si es realmente necesario