1. Download the php-local-browscap module (1.4) and rename it php-local-browscap.php (2008-01-17)
2. Download php_browscap.ini from Gary Keith and rename it browscap.ini
estos 2 passos ja estan bien configurados
Código PHP:
Warning: syntax error, unexpected $end, expecting ']' in ./browscap.ini on line 49 in /var/www/html/php/php-local-browscap.php on line 72
Warning: uksort() expects parameter 1 to be array, boolean given in /var/www/html/php/php-local-browscap.php on line 74
Warning: array_map() [function.array-map]: Argument #2 should be an array in /var/www/html/php/php-local-browscap.php on line 75
Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /var/www/html/php/php-local-browscap.php on line 78
stdClass Object ( )
dice que se puede utilizar esta librería pero no se como empezar
Código PHP:
How to use this library
You just have to call the get_browser_local() function with:
$user_agent=null (implied)
The signature of the browser to be analysed. If this parameter is left to null,
then it uses $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'].
$return_array=false (Implied)
When this parameter is activated, the function returns an array instead of an object.
$db='./browscap.ini' (Implied, not in the native function)
Allows specifying the path of the browscap.ini database,
otherwise assumes that it is in the current directory.
$cache=false (Implied, not in the native function)
Specify if the database can be kept in memory, to improve performances when querying this function more than once.
Returns an object (or an array, if asked to do so in the second parameter) with the capacities of the browser.