aver si me pueden ayudar...
como puedo crear una funcion para traducir los estados del tiempo en español????...
como ven en este link http://karku.net63.net/cli/weathernuevo.php los estados me salen en ingles..

Código PHP:
$timeout=3*60*60; // 3 hours
if (isset($_ENV["TEMP"]))
else if (isset($_ENV["TMP"]))
else if (isset($_ENV["TMPDIR"]))
// Default Cache Directory
if (substr($cachedir,-1)!='/') $cachedir.='/';
$weather_chile = new weather("PAXX0005", 3600, "c", $cachedir);
// Parse the weather object via cached
// This checks if there's an valid cache object allready. if yes
// it takes the local object data, what's much FASTER!!! if it
// is expired, it refreshes automatically from rss online!
$weather_chile->parsecached(); // => RECOMMENDED!
// allway refreshes from rss online. NOT SO FAST.
//$weather_chile->parse(); // => NOT recommended!
// -------------------
// -------------------
print "<h1>Actual Situation</h1>";
print "acttext: ".$weather_chile->forecast['CURRENT']['TEXT']."<br>"; // Partly Cloudy
print "acttemp: ".$weather_chile->forecast['CURRENT']['TEMP']."<br>"; // 16
//print "imagurl: ".$weather_chile->forecast['CURRENT']['IMAGEURL']."<br>"; // http://us.i1.yimg.com/us.yimg.com/i/us/nws/th/main_142b.gif
print "<img src=http://karku.net63.net/cli/ikonos/".$weather_chile->forecast['CURRENT']['CODE'].".png>";
// Forecast
for ($day=1; isset($weather_chile->forecast[$day]); $day++) {
print "<h1>Forecast Day $day</h1>";
print "day: ".$weather_chile->forecast[$day]['DAY']."<br>"; // Wed
print "date: ".$weather_chile->forecast[$day]['DATE']."<br>"; // 26 Oct 2005
print "low °C: ".$weather_chile->forecast[$day]['LOW']."<br>"; // 8
print "high °C: ".$weather_chile->forecast[$day]['HIGH']."<br>"; // 19
print "text: ".$weather_chile->forecast[$day]['TEXT']."<br>"; // Partly Cloudy
print "<img src=http://karku.net63.net/cli/ikonos/".$weather_chile->forecast[$day]['CODE'].".png>";