Te paso esta que uso, el uso es bastante simple:
Código PHP:
$table = new GeckoTable( array( "cellspacing" => 0, "cellpadding" => 0, "class" => "myTable" ) );
$table->addHeader( "ID" );
$table->addHeader( "Name" );
$table->addHeader( "Options", array( "colspan" => 2 ) );
$table->addCell( 1 );
$table->addCell( "Fulanito" );
$table->addCell( $modifyLink );
$table->addCell( $deleteLink );
echo $table;
La clase:
Código PHP:
* GeckoTable
* @package com.gkdev.utils;
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2008
* @access public
class GeckoTable {
private $_html_string; // @var private string variable that holds all of HTML and Table properties
private $_rows; // @var private integer variable that holds the total rows
private $_tbody_open; // @var private boolean variable that holds if a table body is open
private $_row_open;
* Constructor
* Creates a new Instance of a Object Oriented Table
* @param array $table_props Table properties
* @access public
public function __construct( $table_props = array() ) {
$table_properties = '';
$table_properties = $this->prop2String( $table_props );
$this->_html_string = "<table$table_properties>\n";
$this->_rows = 0;
$this->_tbody_open = false;
$this->_row_open = false;
* prop2String
* Converts a array of key/value pairs to a attribute string
* ej:
* array(
* 'attrib1' => 'value1',
* );
* to:
* attrib1="value1" (escaped)
* @param array $properties Array of properties
* @acccess private
* @return string converted array
private function prop2String( $properties ) {
$properties_str = '';
foreach( $properties as $property => $value ) {
$properties_str .= " $property=\"$value\"";
return $properties_str;
* addCaption
* Adds a Caption to the Table
* @param string $caption
* @access public
* @return void
public function addCaption( $caption ) {
$this->_html_string .= "<caption>$caption</caption>\n";
* getRows
* Gets the number of rows from the table
* @access public
* @return integer
public function getRows() {
return $this->_rows;
* addBody
* Adds a Body to a Table
* @param array $body_props
* @access public
* @return void
public function addBody( $body_props = array() ) {
if( $this->_tbody_open ) {
if( $this->_row_open ) { $this->closeRow(); }
$bprops = $this->prop2String( $body_props );
$this->_tbody_open = true;
* closeBody
* Closes a open Body (automatically called)
* @access private
* @return void
private function closeBody() {
$this->_tbody_open = false;
* addRow
* Adds a new Row to the Table
* @param array $row_props
* @access public
* @return void
public function addRow( $row_props = array() ) {
if( $this->_row_open ) { $this->closeRow(); }
$rowprop = $this->prop2String( $row_props );
$this->_row_open = true;
* closeRow
* Closes a Row
* @access private
* @return void
private function closeRow() {
$this->_html_string.= "\n</tr>\n";
$this->_row_open = false;
* addHeader
* Adds a Table Header to the Table
* @param string $label
* @param array $header_props
* @access public
* @return void
public function addHeader( $label, $header_props = array() ) {
$header_props = $this->prop2String( $header_props );
$th = "\t<th$header_props>$label</th>\n";
$this->_html_string .= $th;
* addCell
* Adds a new Cell to the Table
* @param string $text
* @param array $cell_props
* @access public
* @return void
public function addCell( $text = ' ', $cell_props = array() ) {
if( $this->_row_open === false ) { $this->addRow(); }
$cell_props = $this->prop2String( $cell_props );
$cell = "\t<td$cell_props>$text</td>\n";
$this->_html_string .= $cell;
* getOutput
* Returns the Table Output after construction
* @access public
* @return string
public function getOutput() {
if( $this->_row_open ) { $this->closeRow(); }
if( $this->_tbody_open ) { $this->closeBody(); }
$str = $this->_html_string;
$str.= "</table>\n";
return $str;
public function __toString() {
return $this->getOutput();