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subuda remota error geturl

Estas en el tema de subuda remota error geturl en el foro de PHP en Foros del Web. Hola, estoy intentando realizar una suboda remota a traves de un script en php que me he bajado de internet. He instalado Xampp para que ...
  #1 (permalink)  
Antiguo 15/09/2015, 06:39
Fecha de Ingreso: septiembre-2015
Mensajes: 1
Antigüedad: 9 años, 6 meses
Puntos: 0
subuda remota error geturl

estoy intentando realizar una suboda remota a traves de un script en php que me he bajado de internet. He instalado Xampp para que ejecute el php pero me dice el siguiente error cuando lo ejecuto en el navegador a traves de localhost:
Use Default login/pass.
Login to

Fatal error: Call to undefined function geturl() in C:\xampp\htdocs\lolabits\ on line 43

Este es el código: (esta en negrita la linea)
Un saludo.
__________________________________________________ _____________


####### Free Account Info. ###########
$lolabits_login = ""; //set your id (login)
$lolabits_pass = ""; //set your password



if ($lolabits_login && $lolabits_pass){
$_REQUEST['my_login'] = $lolabits_login;
$_REQUEST['my_pass'] = $lolabits_pass;
$_REQUEST['action'] = "FORM";
echo "<b><center>Use Default login/pass.</center></b>\n";
if ($_REQUEST['action'] == "FORM")
<table border=0 style="width:270px;" cellspacing=0 align=center>
<form method=post>
<input type=hidden name=action value='FORM' />
<tr><td nowrap>&nbsp;User*<td>&nbsp;<input type=text name=my_login value='' style="width:160px;" />&nbsp;</tr>
<tr><td nowrap>&nbsp;Password*<td>&nbsp;<input type=password name=my_pass value='' style="width:160px;" />&nbsp;</tr>
<tr><td colspan=2 align=center><input type=submit value='Upload' /></tr>
<tr><td colspan=2 align=center><small>*You can set it as default in <b><?php echo $page_upload[""]; ?></b></small></tr>
if ($continue_up)
<table width=600 align=center>
<tr><td align=center>
<div id=login width=100% align=center>Login to <?php echo $host; ?></div>
$page = geturl($host, 80, "/", "http://".$host."/", 0, 0, 0, $_GET["uproxy"], $pauth);
$cookie = GetCookies($page);

preg_match_all('/Set-Cookie: (.*);/U',$page,$temp);

$csrf_token = str_replace('__RequestVerificationToken_Lw__=', '', $cookie);

$csrf_token = str_replace('+', '%2B', $csrf_token);
$csrf_token = str_replace('/', '%2F', $csrf_token);

$post['FileId'] = "0";
$post['Login'] = $_REQUEST['my_login'];
$post['Password'] = $_REQUEST['my_pass'];
$post['RememberMe'] = "false";
$post['redirect'] = "true";
$post['redirectUrl'] = "";

$post['__RequestVerificationToken'] = $csrf_token;

$page = geturl($host, 80, "/action/Login/login", "http://".$host."/", $cookie, $post, 0, $_GET["uproxy"], $pauth);

is_notpresent($page, 'HTTP/1.1 302', 'Error logging in - are your logins correct!');

$cookie = GetCookies($page);
$page = geturl($host, 80, "/". $_REQUEST['my_login'], "http://".$host."/", $cookie, 0, 0, $_GET["uproxy"], $pauth);


$pos = strpos($page, '<!DOCTYPE');
if($pos == false)
html_error ('Login error');
$page = substr($page, $pos);

$dom = new DOMDocument();

$accNoTag = $dom->getElementById('__accno');
if($accNoTag == NULL)
html_error('Error logging in - are your logins correct!');
$accountId = $accNoTag->getAttribute('value');

<!--<script>document.getElementById('login').style.dis play='none';</script>-->
<div id=info width=100% align=center>Retrive upload ID</div>
<script>document.getElementById('info').style.disp lay='none';</script>
$path = "/ChomikUploadingFile.aspx?id=" . $accountId. "&sid=0";
$page = geturl($host, 80, $path, "http://".$host."/", $cookie, 0, 0, $_GET["uproxy"], $pauth);


$redir = getRedirector($page);

$uploadUrl = parse_url($redir);

$uploadPath = str_replace("UploadingFileProgress", "UploadingFile", $uploadUrl["path"]);

$page = geturl($uploadUrl["host"],$uploadUrl["port"] ? $uploadUrl["port"] : 80, $uploadPath.($uploadUrl["query"] ? "?".$uploadUrl["query"] : ""), "http://".$host."/", $cookie, 0, 0, $_GET["uproxy"], $pauth);


$pos = strpos($page, '<!DOCTYPE');
if($pos == false)
html_error ('Upload error');
$page = substr($page, $pos);

$dom = new DOMDocument();

$viewStateTag = $dom->getElementById('__VIEWSTATE');
$viewState = $viewStateTag->getAttribute('value');

$uploadPost = array();
$uploadPost['__EVENTTARGET'] = 'UploadButton';
$uploadPost['__EVENTARGUMENT'] = '';
$uploadPost['RegulationsOwner'] = 'on';
$uploadPost['FileSampleDescription'] = '';
$uploadPost['__VIEWSTATE'] = $viewState;
$uploadPost['APC_UPLOAD_PROGRESS'] = $progress_key;
$uploadPost['APC_UPLOAD_USERGROUP'] = $usergroup_key;
$uploadPost['UPLOAD_IDENTIFIER'] = $progress_key;

$uploadPath = str_replace("UploadingFileProgress", "UploadingFile", $uploadUrl["path"]);

$upfiles = upfile($uploadUrl["host"],$uploadUrl["port"] ? $uploadUrl["port"] : 80, $uploadPath.($uploadUrl["query"] ? "?".$uploadUrl["query"] : ""), "http://".$host."/", $cookie, $uploadPost, $lfile, $lname, "File1", "", $_GET["uproxy"]);

<script>document.getElementById('progressblock').s tyle.display='none';</script>

is_notpresent($upfiles, 'HTTP/1.1 200', 'Upload error');

$pos = strpos($upfiles, '<!DOCTYPE');
if($pos == false)
html_error ('Upload error');
$upfiles = substr($upfiles, $pos);

$dom = new DOMDocument();

$uploadConfirmTag = $dom->getElementById('UploadedConfirm');
if($uploadConfirmTag == NULL)
html_error ('Upload error');

function getRedirector($page) {
preg_match('/Location: ([^\r|\n]+)/i', $page, $redir);
return $redir[1];

// written by VinhNhaTrang 04/11/2010
__________________________________________________ __________

Etiquetas: geturl, html, remota
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