2004 abc
2005 abc
2006 abc
2007 abc
2008 abc
2009 abc
2010 abc
2011 abc
Yo quisiera mostrarle asi:
2011 abc
2010 abc
2009 abc
2008 abc
2007 abc
2006 abc
2005 abc
2004 abc
Este es mi archivo Php
Código PHP:
// search for mp3 files. set this to '.flv' or '.jpg' for the other scripts
$filter = ".mp3";
// path to the directory you want to scan
//$directory = "";
// read through the directory and filter files to an array
@$d = dir($directory);
if ($d) {
while($entry=$d->read()) {
$ps = strpos(strtolower($entry), $filter);
if (!($ps === false)) {
$items[] = $entry;
// third, the playlist is built in an xspf format
// we'll first add an xml header and the opening tags ..
echo "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' ?>\n";
echo "<playlist version='1' xmlns='http://xspf.org/ns/0/'>\n";
echo " <title>Sample PHP Generated Playlist</title>\n";
echo " <info>http://www.jeroenwijering.com/</info>\n";
echo " <trackList>\n";
// .. then we loop through the mysql array ..
for($i=0; $i<sizeof($items); $i++) {
echo " <track>\n";
echo " <annotation>".($i+1).". ".$archivo."</annotation>\n";
echo " <location>".$directory.'/'.$items[$i]."</location>\n";
echo " <info></info>\n";
echo " </track>\n";
// .. and last we add the closing tags
echo " </trackList>\n";
echo "</playlist>\n";