Me sale el siguiente error:
Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '=' in /home/ar000512/public_html/config.php on line 20
El código es el siguiente:
Código PHP:
/* $Id: config.php,v 1.0 2005-08-26 16:23:36-07 brian Exp brian $ */
// vim: expandtab sw=4 ts=4 sts=4:
/* Set your language...
Code: eng for english, nor for norwegian or other... */
$language = "eng";
$version = "1.35"; // version of search portal script
/* allows you to check over photos submitted before they go live
1 = live on submit
2 = pending
$SetPending = '2';
$AdminAllowComments = '1'; // Allow Comments on Site
$AdminAllowMsg = '1'; // Allow Comments on Site
$siteurl = ""; // no ending slash
/* for IIS users you will need to add this manually.
eg: $home/ar000512/public_html/ = "c:/Inet/www/path/auction";
$home/ar000512/public_html/ = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] "/rateme"; // no ending slash
$upload_dir = "$home/ar000512/public_html/rateme/pictures"; // no ending slash
/* Your emailadress. BE SURE TO SET. */
$from_address = "[email protected]";
define('FLOOD_TIMEOUT',"1800"); // defines max time they have to wait before sending messages. used for slowing down spam
define(MAXFILE_SIZE,"500000"); // defines max file size for images
define(MAXIMAGE_W_SIZE,"500"); // defines max image width size for uploaded images
define(MAXIMAGE_H_SIZE,"500"); // defines max image height size for uploaded images
/* How many members do you want per page*/
$admin_member_per_page = 25;
/* Number of profiles per each page */
$number_of_ads_per_page = 16;
/* Table names must be set here */
$admintbl = "admin";
$usr_tbl = "users";
$cat_tbl = "categories";
$comment_tbl = "comments";
$msg_tbl = "emailmesg";
$pic_tbl = "picture";
$secure_image = "security_images";
$rating_tbl = "rating";
$sess_tbl = "session";
1=HTTP Authentication
0 or '' = html login
only use this if you do not have permissions to create a .htaccess/.htpasswd files.
$logintype["http"] = ''; //specifies the login type
// set to on (1) it will NOT clean out the session db table automatically.
$GLOBALS['noshutdownfunc'] = 1;
// Do not edit below unless you change install directory:
$full_path_to_db = "$home/ar000512/public_html/adminpanel/db.php";
if (file_exists($full_path_to_db))