Mi servidor se sobrecarga y ya no se que hacer. El servidor usa php + mysql:
[Algunas variables de Configuración]
-php.iniTimeout 120 KeepAlive Off
-my.cnf (archivo completo)safe_mode = Off max_execution_time = 90 max_input_time = 90 parsing request data memory_limit = 250M
[mysqld] connect_timeout = 5 interactive_timeout= 50 join_buffer_size = 1M key_buffer = 256M max_allowed_packet = 16M max_connections = 300 max_connect_errors = 10 myisam_sort_buffer_size= 64M read_buffer_size = 2M read_rnd_buffer_size= 2M sort_buffer_size = 2M table_cache = 1024 thread_cache_size = 100 thread_concurrency = 4 wait_timeout = 5 query_cache_size = 128M query_cache_limit = 1M query_cache_type = 1 default-storage-engine = MyISAM long_query_time= 10 log-slow-queries=/var/log/mysql/log-slow-queries.log query-cache-type = 1 query-cache-size = 40M
He observado que en log-slow-queries.log aparecen entradas como:
Esas consultas cuando las realizo yo tardan 1seg o muy poco. La base de datos es de 400.000 entradas y estamos hablando de una tienda online. Alguien sabe donde puede estar el problema?# Query_time: 41.507906 Lock_time: 0.000268 Rows_sent: 0 Rows_examined: 2573 SET timestamp=1320492110; select id,merchant,image_url,price,name,logo,dupe_hash from PT_products where match (name) against ('Live') and match(name) against ('At') and match (name) against ('The') order by rand() LIMIT 16; # Query_time: 100.804454 Lock_time: 0.000258 Rows_sent: 5 Rows_examined: 4976 SET timestamp=1320492101; select id,merchant,image_url,price,name,logo,dupe_hash from PT_products where match (name) against ('SURVIVAL-GUIDE-TO-THE-GPST-GPVTS-SELECTION-CENTRE-GP') and match(name) against ('RECRUITMENT') and match (name) against ('STAGE') order by rand() LIMIT 16;
Para 'solucionar' el problema de sobrecarga he añadido este cron:
*/15 * * * * sync ; echo 3 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches
Con esto libero memoria cada quince minutos pero no se muy bien que efectos negativos tendra a largo plazo.
Datos del servidor:
Intel 2.4 Ghz P4 Celeron Generic 1024 MB DDR 266 Generic 1024 MB DDR 266 Apache 2.0.63 PHP 5.3.8 Mysql 5.5.17
Un saludo y miiiiil gracias!