Código PHP:
<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
function submitForm() {
//make sure hidden and iframe values are in sync before submitting form
updateRTE('rte1'); //use this when syncing only 1 rich text editor ("rtel" is name of editor)
//updateRTEs(); //uncomment and call this line instead if there are multiple rich text editors inside the form
alert("Valor Enviado: "+document.form_nuevo_enlace.detalles.value) //alert submitted value
return true; //Set to false to disable form submission, for easy debugging.
//Usage: initRTE(imagesPath, includesPath, cssFile)
initRTE("rte/images/", "rte/", "rte/rte.css");
<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
//Usage: writeRichText(fieldname, html, width, height, buttons, readOnly)
writeRichText('detalles', 'Aquí "<em>Escribir</em> <b>descripción del enlace</b>"', 400, 200, true, false);
Alguien ha manejado RFT???