busque en google como redireccionar en php, y me saló esto
eso lo sustituyo por la linea de codigo cuandos e envia correctamente pero no funciona..¿Sabeis como solucionarlo ?<?php
Header("Location: tupagina.php");
Header("Location: tupagina.php");
os pego el codigo demi formulario por si os ayuda
* Contact form PHP
* Credits: http://dev-tips.com/featured/ajax-and-php-contact-form
// If the form have been submitted and the spam check field is empty
if ( isset( $_POST['name'] ) && empty( $_POST['spam_check'] ) ) {
// Enter your email
$mail = '[email protected]';
// Include our email validator for later use
require 'inc/email-validator.php';
$validator = new EmailAddressValidator();
// Declare our $errors variable we will be using later to store any errors.
$errors = array();
$name = strip_tags( $_POST['name'] );
$emailfrom = strip_tags( $_POST['email'] );
$subject = strip_tags( $_POST['subject'] );
$message = strip_tags( utf8_decode( $_POST['message'] ) ); // Use uft8_decode to make special characters æ, ø, å, ü and é work
// Set a default subject
if ( empty( $subject ) )
$subject = 'Default subject';
// We'll check and see if any of the required fields are empty.
// We use an array to store the required fields.
$required = array( 'Name' => 'name', 'Email' => 'email', 'Message' => 'message' );
// Loops through each required $_POST value
// Checks to ensure it is not empty.
foreach ( $required as $key => $value ) {
if( isset( $_POST[$value] ) && $_POST[$value] !== '' )
$errors[] = $key . ' cannot be left blank';
// Make sure the email is valid.
if ( !$validator->check_email_address( $emailfrom ) )
$errors[] = 'Email address is invalid';
// Now check to see if there are any errors
if ( empty( $errors ) ) {
// No errors, send mail using conditional to ensure it was sent.
if( mail( $mail, "$subject", $message, "From: $emailfrom" ) )
echo '<p class="success">Tu Email se ha enviado Correctamente</p>';
echo '<p class="error">ERROR!! No se ha podido enviar el correo</p>';
} else {
// Errors were found, output all errors to the user.
echo '<p class="error">';
echo implode( '<br />', $errors );
echo '</p>';
} else { // The user have tried to access thid page directly or this a spambot
echo "You're not allowed to access this page directly";
* Contact form PHP
* Credits: http://dev-tips.com/featured/ajax-and-php-contact-form
// If the form have been submitted and the spam check field is empty
if ( isset( $_POST['name'] ) && empty( $_POST['spam_check'] ) ) {
// Enter your email
$mail = '[email protected]';
// Include our email validator for later use
require 'inc/email-validator.php';
$validator = new EmailAddressValidator();
// Declare our $errors variable we will be using later to store any errors.
$errors = array();
$name = strip_tags( $_POST['name'] );
$emailfrom = strip_tags( $_POST['email'] );
$subject = strip_tags( $_POST['subject'] );
$message = strip_tags( utf8_decode( $_POST['message'] ) ); // Use uft8_decode to make special characters æ, ø, å, ü and é work
// Set a default subject
if ( empty( $subject ) )
$subject = 'Default subject';
// We'll check and see if any of the required fields are empty.
// We use an array to store the required fields.
$required = array( 'Name' => 'name', 'Email' => 'email', 'Message' => 'message' );
// Loops through each required $_POST value
// Checks to ensure it is not empty.
foreach ( $required as $key => $value ) {
if( isset( $_POST[$value] ) && $_POST[$value] !== '' )
$errors[] = $key . ' cannot be left blank';
// Make sure the email is valid.
if ( !$validator->check_email_address( $emailfrom ) )
$errors[] = 'Email address is invalid';
// Now check to see if there are any errors
if ( empty( $errors ) ) {
// No errors, send mail using conditional to ensure it was sent.
if( mail( $mail, "$subject", $message, "From: $emailfrom" ) )
echo '<p class="success">Tu Email se ha enviado Correctamente</p>';
echo '<p class="error">ERROR!! No se ha podido enviar el correo</p>';
} else {
// Errors were found, output all errors to the user.
echo '<p class="error">';
echo implode( '<br />', $errors );
echo '</p>';
} else { // The user have tried to access thid page directly or this a spambot
echo "You're not allowed to access this page directly";