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redireccion móvil

Estas en el tema de redireccion móvil en el foro de PHP en Foros del Web. Actualmente tengo 2 versiones para mi web la movil y la pc. bueno pues me gustaría que la redireccion se hiciera automáticamente pero que la ...
  #1 (permalink)  
Antiguo 20/09/2012, 08:27
Avatar de novamix  
Fecha de Ingreso: enero-2007
Ubicación: Getafe, Spain
Mensajes: 50
Antigüedad: 18 años, 1 mes
Puntos: 1
redireccion móvil

Actualmente tengo 2 versiones para mi web la movil y la pc.
bueno pues me gustaría que la redireccion se hiciera automáticamente pero que la gente tuviera la oportunidad de ir a la web normal. haciendo click en un enlace. pero no lo consigo el código que tengo es este, actualmente se redirecciona bien. pero no se como hacerlo .. he buscando en internet pero tampoco encuentro nada. asi.

Código PHP:
function dameURL(){

    <script type="text/javascript">
if(screen.width < 767){
location.replace('<?php echo dameURL();?>')
  #2 (permalink)  
Antiguo 20/09/2012, 08:41
Fecha de Ingreso: enero-2011
Ubicación: /root
Mensajes: 530
Antigüedad: 14 años, 2 meses
Puntos: 61
Respuesta: redireccion móvil

puedes detectar si es movil usando este script , aunque hay muchos en internet , la logica seria si es distinto de movil redireccione a la web normal.

function mobile_device_detect($iphone=true,$ipad=true,$andr oid=true,$opera=true,$blackberry=true,$palm=true,$ windows=true,$mobileredirect=false,$desktopredirec t=false){

$mobile_browser = false; // set mobile browser as false till we can prove otherwise
$user_agent = $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']; // get the user agent value - this should be cleaned to ensure no nefarious input gets executed
$accept = $_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT']; // get the content accept value - this should be cleaned to ensure no nefarious input gets executed

switch(true){ // using a switch against the following statements which could return true is more efficient than the previous method of using if statements

case (preg_match('/ipad/i',$user_agent)); // we find the word ipad in the user agent
$mobile_browser = $ipad; // mobile browser is either true or false depending on the setting of ipad when calling the function
$status = 'Apple iPad';
if(substr($ipad,0,4)=='http'){ // does the value of ipad resemble a url
$mobileredirect = $ipad; // set the mobile redirect url to the url value stored in the ipad value
} // ends the if for ipad being a url
break; // break out and skip the rest if we've had a match on the ipad // this goes before the iphone to catch it else it would return on the iphone instead

case (preg_match('/ipod/i',$user_agent)||preg_match('/iphone/i',$user_agent)); // we find the words iphone or ipod in the user agent
$mobile_browser = $iphone; // mobile browser is either true or false depending on the setting of iphone when calling the function
$status = 'Apple';
if(substr($iphone,0,4)=='http'){ // does the value of iphone resemble a url
$mobileredirect = $iphone; // set the mobile redirect url to the url value stored in the iphone value
} // ends the if for iphone being a url
break; // break out and skip the rest if we've had a match on the iphone or ipod

case (preg_match('/android/i',$user_agent)); // we find android in the user agent
$mobile_browser = $android; // mobile browser is either true or false depending on the setting of android when calling the function
$status = 'Android';
if(substr($android,0,4)=='http'){ // does the value of android resemble a url
$mobileredirect = $android; // set the mobile redirect url to the url value stored in the android value
} // ends the if for android being a url
break; // break out and skip the rest if we've had a match on android

case (preg_match('/opera mini/i',$user_agent)); // we find opera mini in the user agent
$mobile_browser = $opera; // mobile browser is either true or false depending on the setting of opera when calling the function
$status = 'Opera';
if(substr($opera,0,4)=='http'){ // does the value of opera resemble a rul
$mobileredirect = $opera; // set the mobile redirect url to the url value stored in the opera value
} // ends the if for opera being a url
break; // break out and skip the rest if we've had a match on opera

case (preg_match('/blackberry/i',$user_agent)); // we find blackberry in the user agent
$mobile_browser = $blackberry; // mobile browser is either true or false depending on the setting of blackberry when calling the function
$status = 'Blackberry';
if(substr($blackberry,0,4)=='http'){ // does the value of blackberry resemble a rul
$mobileredirect = $blackberry; // set the mobile redirect url to the url value stored in the blackberry value
} // ends the if for blackberry being a url
break; // break out and skip the rest if we've had a match on blackberry

case (preg_match('/(pre\/|palm os|palm|hiptop|avantgo|plucker|xiino|blazer|elaine )/i',$user_agent)); // we find palm os in the user agent - the i at the end makes it case insensitive
$mobile_browser = $palm; // mobile browser is either true or false depending on the setting of palm when calling the function
$status = 'Palm';
if(substr($palm,0,4)=='http'){ // does the value of palm resemble a rul
$mobileredirect = $palm; // set the mobile redirect url to the url value stored in the palm value
} // ends the if for palm being a url
break; // break out and skip the rest if we've had a match on palm os

case (preg_match('/(iris|3g_t|windows ce|opera mobi|windows ce; smartphone;|windows ce; iemobile)/i',$user_agent)); // we find windows mobile in the user agent - the i at the end makes it case insensitive
$mobile_browser = $windows; // mobile browser is either true or false depending on the setting of windows when calling the function
$status = 'Windows Smartphone';
if(substr($windows,0,4)=='http'){ // does the value of windows resemble a rul
$mobileredirect = $windows; // set the mobile redirect url to the url value stored in the windows value
} // ends the if for windows being a url
break; // break out and skip the rest if we've had a match on windows

case (preg_match('/(mini 9.5|vx1000|lge |m800|e860|u940|ux840|compal|wireless| mobi|ahong|lg380|lgku|lgu900|lg210|lg47|lg920|lg84 0|lg370|sam-r|mg50|s55|g83|t66|vx400|mk99|d615|d763|el370|sl90 0|mp500|samu3|samu4|vx10|xda_|samu5|samu6|samu7|sa mu9|a615|b832|m881|s920|n210|s700|c-810|_h797|mob-x|sk16d|848b|mowser|s580|r800|471x|v120|rim8|c500f oma:|160x|x160|480x|x640|t503|w839|i250|sprint|w39 8samr810|m5252|c7100|mt126|x225|s5330|s820|htil-g1|fly v71|s302|-x113|novarra|k610i|-three|8325rc|8352rc|sanyo|vx54|c888|nx250|n120|mtk |c5588|s710|t880|c5005|i;458x|p404i|s210|c5100|tel eca|s940|c500|s590|foma|samsu|vx8|vx9|a1000|_mms|m yx|a700|gu1100|bc831|e300|ems100|me701|me702m-three|sd588|s800|8325rc|ac831|mw200|brew |d88|htc\/|htc_touch|355x|m50|km100|d736|p-9521|telco|sl74|ktouch|m4u\/|me702|8325rc|kddi|phone|lg |sonyericsson|samsung|240x|x320|vx10|nokia|sony cmd|motorola|up.browser||mmp|symbian|smartp hone|midp|wap|vodafone|o2|pocket|kindle|mobile|psp |treo)/i',$user_agent)); // check if any of the values listed create a match on the user agent - these are some of the most common terms used in agents to identify them as being mobile devices - the i at the end makes it case insensitive
$mobile_browser = true; // set mobile browser to true
$status = 'Mobile matched on piped preg_match';
break; // break out and skip the rest if we've preg_match on the user agent returned true

case ((strpos($accept,'text/vnd.wap.wml')>0)||(strpos($accept,'application/vnd.wap.xhtml+xml')>0)); // is the device showing signs of support for text/vnd.wap.wml or application/vnd.wap.xhtml+xml
$mobile_browser = true; // set mobile browser to true
$status = 'Mobile matched on content accept header';
break; // break out and skip the rest if we've had a match on the content accept headers
  #3 (permalink)  
Antiguo 20/09/2012, 08:41
Fecha de Ingreso: enero-2011
Ubicación: /root
Mensajes: 530
Antigüedad: 14 años, 2 meses
Puntos: 61
Respuesta: redireccion móvil

Código PHP:
Ver original
  1. case (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_X_WAP_PROFILE'])||isset($_SERVER['HTTP_PROFILE'])); // is the device giving us a HTTP_X_WAP_PROFILE or HTTP_PROFILE header - only mobile devices would do this
  2.       $mobile_browser = true; // set mobile browser to true
  3.       $status = 'Mobile matched on profile headers being set';
  4.     break; // break out and skip the final step if we've had a return true on the mobile specfic headers
  6.     case (in_array(strtolower(substr($user_agent,0,4)),array('1207'=>'1207','3gso'=>'3gso','4thp'=>'4thp','501i'=>'501i','502i'=>'502i','503i'=>'503i','504i'=>'504i','505i'=>'505i','506i'=>'506i','6310'=>'6310','6590'=>'6590','770s'=>'770s','802s'=>'802s','a wa'=>'a wa','acer'=>'acer','acs-'=>'acs-','airn'=>'airn','alav'=>'alav','asus'=>'asus','attw'=>'attw','au-m'=>'au-m','aur '=>'aur ','aus '=>'aus ','abac'=>'abac','acoo'=>'acoo','aiko'=>'aiko','alco'=>'alco','alca'=>'alca','amoi'=>'amoi','anex'=>'anex','anny'=>'anny','anyw'=>'anyw','aptu'=>'aptu','arch'=>'arch','argo'=>'argo','bell'=>'bell','bird'=>'bird','bw-n'=>'bw-n','bw-u'=>'bw-u','beck'=>'beck','benq'=>'benq','bilb'=>'bilb','blac'=>'blac','c55/'=>'c55/','cdm-'=>'cdm-','chtm'=>'chtm','capi'=>'capi','cond'=>'cond','craw'=>'craw','dall'=>'dall','dbte'=>'dbte','dc-s'=>'dc-s','dica'=>'dica','ds-d'=>'ds-d','ds12'=>'ds12','dait'=>'dait','devi'=>'devi','dmob'=>'dmob','doco'=>'doco','dopo'=>'dopo','el49'=>'el49','erk0'=>'erk0','esl8'=>'esl8','ez40'=>'ez40','ez60'=>'ez60','ez70'=>'ez70','ezos'=>'ezos','ezze'=>'ezze','elai'=>'elai','emul'=>'emul','eric'=>'eric','ezwa'=>'ezwa','fake'=>'fake','fly-'=>'fly-','fly_'=>'fly_','g-mo'=>'g-mo','g1 u'=>'g1 u','g560'=>'g560','gf-5'=>'gf-5','grun'=>'grun','gene'=>'gene','go.w'=>'go.w','good'=>'good','grad'=>'grad','hcit'=>'hcit','hd-m'=>'hd-m','hd-p'=>'hd-p','hd-t'=>'hd-t','hei-'=>'hei-','hp i'=>'hp i','hpip'=>'hpip','hs-c'=>'hs-c','htc '=>'htc ','htc-'=>'htc-','htca'=>'htca','htcg'=>'htcg','htcp'=>'htcp','htcs'=>'htcs','htct'=>'htct','htc_'=>'htc_','haie'=>'haie','hita'=>'hita','huaw'=>'huaw','hutc'=>'hutc','i-20'=>'i-20','i-go'=>'i-go','i-ma'=>'i-ma','i230'=>'i230','iac'=>'iac','iac-'=>'iac-','iac/'=>'iac/','ig01'=>'ig01','im1k'=>'im1k','inno'=>'inno','iris'=>'iris','jata'=>'jata','java'=>'java','kddi'=>'kddi','kgt'=>'kgt','kgt/'=>'kgt/','kpt '=>'kpt ','kwc-'=>'kwc-','klon'=>'klon','lexi'=>'lexi','lg g'=>'lg g','lg-a'=>'lg-a','lg-b'=>'lg-b','lg-c'=>'lg-c','lg-d'=>'lg-d','lg-f'=>'lg-f','lg-g'=>'lg-g','lg-k'=>'lg-k','lg-l'=>'lg-l','lg-m'=>'lg-m','lg-o'=>'lg-o','lg-p'=>'lg-p','lg-s'=>'lg-s','lg-t'=>'lg-t','lg-u'=>'lg-u','lg-w'=>'lg-w','lg/k'=>'lg/k','lg/l'=>'lg/l','lg/u'=>'lg/u','lg50'=>'lg50','lg54'=>'lg54','lge-'=>'lge-','lge/'=>'lge/','lynx'=>'lynx','leno'=>'leno','m1-w'=>'m1-w','m3ga'=>'m3ga','m50/'=>'m50/','maui'=>'maui','mc01'=>'mc01','mc21'=>'mc21','mcca'=>'mcca','medi'=>'medi','meri'=>'meri','mio8'=>'mio8','mioa'=>'mioa','mo01'=>'mo01','mo02'=>'mo02','mode'=>'mode','modo'=>'modo','mot '=>'mot ','mot-'=>'mot-','mt50'=>'mt50','mtp1'=>'mtp1','mtv '=>'mtv ','mate'=>'mate','maxo'=>'maxo','merc'=>'merc','mits'=>'mits','mobi'=>'mobi','motv'=>'motv','mozz'=>'mozz','n100'=>'n100','n101'=>'n101','n102'=>'n102','n202'=>'n202','n203'=>'n203','n300'=>'n300','n302'=>'n302','n500'=>'n500','n502'=>'n502','n505'=>'n505','n700'=>'n700','n701'=>'n701','n710'=>'n710','nec-'=>'nec-','nem-'=>'nem-','newg'=>'newg','neon'=>'neon','netf'=>'netf','noki'=>'noki','nzph'=>'nzph','o2 x'=>'o2 x','o2-x'=>'o2-x','opwv'=>'opwv','owg1'=>'owg1','opti'=>'opti','oran'=>'oran','p800'=>'p800','pand'=>'pand','pg-1'=>'pg-1','pg-2'=>'pg-2','pg-3'=>'pg-3','pg-6'=>'pg-6','pg-8'=>'pg-8','pg-c'=>'pg-c','pg13'=>'pg13','phil'=>'phil','pn-2'=>'pn-2','pt-g'=>'pt-g','palm'=>'palm','pana'=>'pana','pire'=>'pire','pock'=>'pock','pose'=>'pose','psio'=>'psio','qa-a'=>'qa-a','qc-2'=>'qc-2','qc-3'=>'qc-3','qc-5'=>'qc-5','qc-7'=>'qc-7','qc07'=>'qc07','qc12'=>'qc12','qc21'=>'qc21','qc32'=>'qc32','qc60'=>'qc60','qci-'=>'qci-','qwap'=>'qwap','qtek'=>'qtek','r380'=>'r380','r600'=>'r600','raks'=>'raks','rim9'=>'rim9','rove'=>'rove','s55/'=>'s55/','sage'=>'sage','sams'=>'sams','sc01'=>'sc01','sch-'=>'sch-','scp-'=>'scp-','sdk/'=>'sdk/','se47'=>'se47','sec-'=>'sec-','sec0'=>'sec0','sec1'=>'sec1','semc'=>'semc','sgh-'=>'sgh-','shar'=>'shar','sie-'=>'sie-','sk-0'=>'sk-0','sl45'=>'sl45','slid'=>'slid','smb3'=>'smb3','smt5'=>'smt5','sp01'=>'sp01','sph-'=>'sph-','spv '=>'spv ','spv-'=>'spv-','sy01'=>'sy01','samm'=>'samm','sany'=>'sany','sava'=>'sava','scoo'=>'scoo','send'=>'send','siem'=>'siem','smar'=>'smar','smit'=>'smit','soft'=>'soft','sony'=>'sony','t-mo'=>'t-mo','t218'=>'t218','t250'=>'t250','t600'=>'t600','t610'=>'t610','t618'=>'t618','tcl-'=>'tcl-','tdg-'=>'tdg-','telm'=>'telm','tim-'=>'tim-','ts70'=>'ts70','tsm-'=>'tsm-','tsm3'=>'tsm3','tsm5'=>'tsm5','tx-9'=>'tx-9','tagt'=>'tagt','talk'=>'talk','teli'=>'teli','topl'=>'topl','hiba'=>'hiba','up.b'=>'up.b','upg1'=>'upg1','utst'=>'utst','v400'=>'v400','v750'=>'v750','veri'=>'veri','vk-v'=>'vk-v','vk40'=>'vk40','vk50'=>'vk50','vk52'=>'vk52','vk53'=>'vk53','vm40'=>'vm40','vx98'=>'vx98','virg'=>'virg','vite'=>'vite','voda'=>'voda','vulc'=>'vulc','w3c '=>'w3c ','w3c-'=>'w3c-','wapj'=>'wapj','wapp'=>'wapp','wapu'=>'wapu','wapm'=>'wapm','wig '=>'wig ','wapi'=>'wapi','wapr'=>'wapr','wapv'=>'wapv','wapy'=>'wapy','wapa'=>'wapa','waps'=>'waps','wapt'=>'wapt','winc'=>'winc','winw'=>'winw','wonu'=>'wonu','x700'=>'x700','xda2'=>'xda2','xdag'=>'xdag','yas-'=>'yas-','your'=>'your','zte-'=>'zte-','zeto'=>'zeto','acs-'=>'acs-','alav'=>'alav','alca'=>'alca','amoi'=>'amoi','aste'=>'aste','audi'=>'audi','avan'=>'avan','benq'=>'benq','bird'=>'bird','blac'=>'blac','blaz'=>'blaz','brew'=>'brew','brvw'=>'brvw','bumb'=>'bumb','ccwa'=>'ccwa','cell'=>'cell','cldc'=>'cldc','cmd-'=>'cmd-','dang'=>'dang','doco'=>'doco','eml2'=>'eml2','eric'=>'eric','fetc'=>'fetc','hipt'=>'hipt','http'=>'http','ibro'=>'ibro','idea'=>'idea','ikom'=>'ikom','inno'=>'inno','ipaq'=>'ipaq','jbro'=>'jbro','jemu'=>'jemu','java'=>'java','jigs'=>'jigs','kddi'=>'kddi','keji'=>'keji','kyoc'=>'kyoc','kyok'=>'kyok','leno'=>'leno','lg-c'=>'lg-c','lg-d'=>'lg-d','lg-g'=>'lg-g','lge-'=>'lge-','libw'=>'libw','m-cr'=>'m-cr','maui'=>'maui','maxo'=>'maxo','midp'=>'midp','mits'=>'mits','mmef'=>'mmef','mobi'=>'mobi','mot-'=>'mot-','moto'=>'moto','mwbp'=>'mwbp','mywa'=>'mywa','nec-'=>'nec-','newt'=>'newt','nok6'=>'nok6','noki'=>'noki','o2im'=>'o2im','opwv'=>'opwv','palm'=>'palm','pana'=>'pana','pant'=>'pant','pdxg'=>'pdxg','phil'=>'phil','play'=>'play','pluc'=>'pluc','port'=>'port','prox'=>'prox','qtek'=>'qtek','qwap'=>'qwap','rozo'=>'rozo','sage'=>'sage','sama'=>'sama','sams'=>'sams','sany'=>'sany','sch-'=>'sch-','sec-'=>'sec-','send'=>'send','seri'=>'seri','sgh-'=>'sgh-','shar'=>'shar','sie-'=>'sie-','siem'=>'siem','smal'=>'smal','smar'=>'smar','sony'=>'sony','sph-'=>'sph-','symb'=>'symb','t-mo'=>'t-mo','teli'=>'teli','tim-'=>'tim-','tosh'=>'tosh','treo'=>'treo','tsm-'=>'tsm-','upg1'=>'upg1','upsi'=>'upsi','vk-v'=>'vk-v','voda'=>'voda','vx52'=>'vx52','vx53'=>'vx53','vx60'=>'vx60','vx61'=>'vx61','vx70'=>'vx70','vx80'=>'vx80','vx81'=>'vx81','vx83'=>'vx83','vx85'=>'vx85','wap-'=>'wap-','wapa'=>'wapa','wapi'=>'wapi','wapp'=>'wapp','wapr'=>'wapr','webc'=>'webc','whit'=>'whit','winw'=>'winw','wmlb'=>'wmlb','xda-'=>'xda-',))); // check against a list of trimmed user agents to see if we find a match
  7.       $mobile_browser = true; // set mobile browser to true
  8.       $status = 'Mobile matched on in_array';
  9.     break; // break even though it's the last statement in the switch so there's nothing to break away from but it seems better to include it than exclude it
  11.     default;
  12.       $mobile_browser = false; // set mobile browser to false
  13.       $status = 'Desktop / full capability browser';
  14.     break; // break even though it's the last statement in the switch so there's nothing to break away from but it seems better to include it than exclude it
  16.   } // ends the switch
  18.   // tell adaptation services (transcoders and proxies) to not alter the content based on user agent as it's already being managed by this script, some of them suck though and will disregard this....
  19.     // header('Cache-Control: no-transform'); //
  20.     // header('Vary: User-Agent, Accept'); //
  22.   // if redirect (either the value of the mobile or desktop redirect depending on the value of $mobile_browser) is true redirect else we return the status of $mobile_browser
  23.   if($redirect = ($mobile_browser==true) ? $mobileredirect : $desktopredirect){
  24.     header('Location: '.$redirect); // redirect to the right url for this device
  25.     exit;
  26.   }else{
  27.         // a couple of folkas have asked about the status - that's there to help you debug and understand what the script is doing
  28.         if($mobile_browser==''){
  29.             return $mobile_browser; // will return either true or false
  30.         }else{
  31.             return array($mobile_browser,$status); // is a mobile so we are returning an array ['0'] is true ['1'] is the $status value
  32.         }
  33.     }
  35. } // ends function mobile_device_detect

  #4 (permalink)  
Antiguo 20/09/2012, 08:47
Avatar de novamix  
Fecha de Ingreso: enero-2007
Ubicación: Getafe, Spain
Mensajes: 50
Antigüedad: 18 años, 1 mes
Puntos: 1
Respuesta: redireccion móvil

esta muy bien. pero lo que yo quiero es que cuando entre desde el movil y yo quiera ver la version normal de la web le pueda dar a un boton y esta me lleve a la normal. sin que la normal me redireccione de nuevo.
  #5 (permalink)  
Antiguo 20/09/2012, 12:14
Avatar de Triby
Mod on free time
Fecha de Ingreso: agosto-2008
Ubicación: $MX->Gto['León'];
Mensajes: 10.106
Antigüedad: 16 años, 7 meses
Puntos: 2237
Respuesta: redireccion móvil

Crea una cookie para guardar el tipo de navegación que quiere el usuario; después mediante un if verificas si existe la cookie y evitas incluir ese script de redireccionamiento.
- León, Guanajuato
- GV-Foto
  #6 (permalink)  
Antiguo 21/09/2012, 03:51
Avatar de novamix  
Fecha de Ingreso: enero-2007
Ubicación: Getafe, Spain
Mensajes: 50
Antigüedad: 18 años, 1 mes
Puntos: 1
Respuesta: redireccion móvil

Utilizando el archivo mobile_detect.php que se puede descargar desde aqui:

luego implemento el codigo que crea la coockie. y simplemente es poner un enlace en la web del movil hacia la web del sitio normal y ya esta.
Código PHP:
Ver original
  1. <?php @include("Mobile_Detect.php");
  2. $detect = new Mobile_Detect();
  3. if ($detect->isMobile() && isset($_COOKIE['mobile']))
  4. {
  5. $detect = "false";
  6. }
  7. elseif ($detect->isMobile())
  8. {
  9. header("Location:");
  10. }
  11. ?>
  #7 (permalink)  
Antiguo 16/09/2013, 12:34
Fecha de Ingreso: diciembre-2008
Mensajes: 65
Antigüedad: 16 años, 2 meses
Puntos: 0
Respuesta: redireccion móvil

Hola Novamix.

A ver si me puedes ayudar un poco. Tengo un site montado en Joomla y una versión HTML para móviles. La parte móviles está dentro de una carpeta llamada mobile. A través de tu explicación con Mobile Detect cuando entro desde móvil me redirecciona perfectamente a la parte móvil.

El tema está en que en la parte móvil tengo un botón para ver la versión clásica y siguiendo tu explicación y poniendo en un botón de link en la versión móvil para poder ir a la versión clásica, la url de la clásica no me redirecciona a la clásica y vuelve a saltar la móvil.

Puse tu código he intenté comprenderlo, pero no me a la versión clásica.

¿Podrías ayudarme?. Llevo intentandolo, incluso probé con htacces pero con esto me salta un error 500 por lo que buscando encontré que lo habías solucionado modificando el archivo PHP.

Te lo agradezco de antemano. Cualquier ayuda es de agradecer.

  #8 (permalink)  
Antiguo 16/09/2013, 13:21
Avatar de xSkArx  
Fecha de Ingreso: marzo-2008
Ubicación: Chile
Mensajes: 945
Antigüedad: 17 años
Puntos: 96
Respuesta: redireccion móvil

Yo creo que lo mas conveniente es implementar diseño responsivo, asi te ahorras lineas de codigo.
Busca, lee y practica todo lo que puedas.
Usa siempre el buscador antes de postear.
Si posteas código, utiliza el HIGHLIGHT correcto.

Etiquetas: movil, redireccionar
Atención: Estás leyendo un tema que no tiene actividad desde hace más de 6 MESES, te recomendamos abrir un Nuevo tema en lugar de responder al actual.

La zona horaria es GMT -6. Ahora son las 14:23.