Consegui donde se define doquery...
Código PHP:
function query($query,$fetch = false,$debuginf = '__FILE__.": Function ".__FUNCTION__.": Line ".__LINE__',$allow_delete = false){
$query = str_replace("{{prefix}}","{{table}}",$query);
doquery($query, '', $fetch, $prefix = true, $allow_delete = $allow_delete, $debuginf = $debuginf);
function doquery($query, $tbl, $fetch = false, $allow_delete = false, $prefix = true){
global $link, $debug, $user, $_GET;
// echo $query."<br />";
$info =debug_backtrace();
$callingfile = $info[0]['file']; $callingline = $info[0]['line'];
$table = mysql_escape_string($tbl);
$allow_delete = true;
/* bad words */
$badword = false;
if ((stripos($query, 'RUNCATE TABL') != FALSE) && ($table != 'errors')) {
$badword = true;
}elseif ((stripos($query, 'ELETE') != FALSE) && (!$allow_delete) && ($table != 'fleets')) {
$badword = true;
}elseif (stripos($query, 'ROP TABL') != FALSE) {
$badword = true;
}elseif (stripos($query, 'ENAME TABL') != FALSE) {
$badword = true;
}elseif (stripos($query, 'REATE DATABAS') != FALSE) {
$badword = true;
}elseif (stripos($query, 'REATE TABL') != FALSE) {
$badword = true;
}elseif (stripos($query, 'ET PASSWOR') != FALSE) {
$badword = true;
}elseif (stripos($query, 'EOAD DAT') != FALSE) {
$badword = true;
if ($badword) {
$message = 'Hola, Yo no se que estabas inentando hacer, pero el comando que acabas de enviar a la base de datos no se ve muy amistoso... asi que lo hemos bloqueado.<br /><br />Tu IP, tus datos y cualquier otra informacion que encontremos de ti sera guardada junto con la consulta que intentastes hacer. Buen Dia.';
$report = "Intento de hackeo (".date("H:i:s d/m/Y")." - [".time()."]):\n";
$report .= ">Informacion de base de datos\n";
$report .= "\tID - ".$user['id']."\n";
$report .= "\tUser - ".$user['username']."\n";
$report .= "\tAuth level - ".$user['authlevel']."\n";
$report .= "\tAdmin Notes - ".$user['adminNotes']."\n";
$report .= "\tCurrent Planet - ".$user['current_planet']."\n";
$report .= "\tUser IP - ".$user['user_lastip']."\n";
$report .= "\tUser IP at Reg - ".$user['ip_at_reg']."\n";
$report .= "\tUser Agent- ".$user['user_agent']."\n";
$report .= "\tCurrent Page - ".$user['current_page']."\n";
$report .= "\tRegister Time - ".$user['register_time']."\n";
$report .= "\n";
$report .= ">Query Info\n";
$report .= "\tTable - ".$table."\n";
$report .= "\tQuery - ".$query."\n";
$report .= "\n";
$report .= ">\$_SERVER Info\n";
$report .= "\tIP - ".$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']."\n";
$report .= "\tHost Name - ".$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']."\n";
$report .= "\tUser Agent - ".$_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']."\n";
$report .= "\tRequest Method - ".$_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD']."\n";
$report .= "\tCame From - ".$_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']."\n";
$report .= "\tUses Port - ".$_SERVER['REMOTE_PORT']."\n";
$report .= "\tServer Protocol - ".$_SERVER['SERVER_PROTOCOL']."\n";
$report .= "\n--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n";
$fp = fopen(ROOT_PATH.'../hackers.txt', 'a');
fwrite($fp, $report);
$link = mysql_connect($dbsettings["server"], $dbsettings["user"],
$dbsettings["pass"]) or trigger_error(mysql_error()."<br />".$query."^|^SQL Connection Error");
//$debug->error("SQL Error".mysql_error()."<br />$query","SQL Error");
//message(mysql_error()."<br />$query","SQL Error");
mysql_select_db($dbsettings["name"]) or trigger_error(mysql_error()."<br />".$query."^|^SQL Connection Error");
echo mysql_error();
// por el momento $query se mostrara
// pero luego solo se vera en modo debug
//$sql = str_replace("{{table}}", $dbsettings["prefix"].$table, $query);
if($prefix) $sql = str_replace("{{table}}", "`".$dbsettings["prefix"].$table."`", $query);
else $sql = str_replace("{{table}}", "`".$table."`", $query);
$sql = str_replace("{{prefix}}", $dbsettings["prefix"], $sql);
//Convert ``s
$sql = str_replace("``", "`", $sql);
//echo $sql."<br />\n";
$sqlquery = mysql_query($sql) or trigger_error(mysql_error()."<br />".$sql."^|^SQL Error^|^".$callingfile."^|^".$callingline);
//$debug->error(mysql_error()."<br />$sql<br />","SQL Error",$debuginf);
//print(mysql_error()."<br />$query"."SQL Error");
if($_GET['debug']){ echo $sql."<br />"; }
trigger_error("A script is attempting to use the deprecated table: ".$table."<br />".$sql."^|^SQL Error^|^".$callingfile."^|^".$callingline);
//if($_GET['debug']){ echo nl2br(print_r(debug_backtrace(),true))."<br />"; }
unset($dbsettings);//se borra la array para liberar algo de memoria
global $numqueries,$debug;//,$depurerwrote003;
//$depurerwrote003 .= ;
//$debug->add("<tr><th>Query $numqueries: </th><th>$query</th><th>$table</th><th>$fetch</th></tr>");
if($fetch == true){ //hace el fetch y regresa $sqlrow
return FetchArray($sqlquery);
}else{ //devuelve el $sqlquery ("sin fetch")
return $sqlquery;
// Return results as an array
function FetchArray($results) {
//Check if the result is a valid resource
// Return false, declaring an error
return false;
else {
// Retrieve the result as an array
$array = mysql_fetch_array($results,MYSQL_ASSOC);
// Return the cleaned array
return $array;
// Return results as an 2d array
function FetchAll($results, $rowsarray = true) {
$rows = mysql_num_rows($results);
if($rows > 1){
$return = array();
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($results)){
if(sizeof($row) > 2){ //Its two because we have an assiative array so both 0 and `id` for example of the same.
$return[] = $row;
$return[] = $row[0];
$return[] = $row;
return $return;
}elseif($rows == 1){
if(sizeof($row) > 2){ //Its two because we have an assiative array so both 0 and `id` for example of the same.
return mysql_fetch_array($results);
return mysql_fetch_array($results,MYSQL_NUM);
return mysql_fetch_array($results);
return false;
//Escape strings
function EscapeString($string){
return mysql_real_escape_string($string);
// Created by Perberos. All rights reversed (C) 2006
// Modified by Sonyedorly, FetchArray, Sanitize, and Unsanitize by Sonyedorly