hasta el momento no puedo no entiendo que ocurre

gracias... espero uan ayuda <form name="form" method="post"> </p> </p> <table width="80%" border="0" cellspacing="1"> <tr> <td width="8%"><img src="images/buscar_arancel.jpg"class="floatTL" alt="Something scenic" /></td> <td width="8%">Buscar</td> <td width="24%"><input type="text" name="buscar" size="30" /></td> <td width="5%"></td> <td width="63%"> <input type="submit" name="Button1" value="Buscar" /></td> </tr> <tr> <td> </td> <td> </td> <td> </td> <td> </td> <td> </td> </tr> </table> <br /> <?php { $query= "SELECT pais.PAIS_NOMBRE, pais.PAIS_COD FROM cliente, articulo, formulario, valor_articulo, empresa, pais, detalle WHERE articulo.ARTICULO_COD = detalle.ARTICULO_COD AND valor_articulo.VALOR_COD = detalle.VALOR_COD AND formulario.FORMULARIO_COD = detalle.FORMULARIO_COD AND cliente.CLIENTE_RUT = formulario.CLIENTE_RUT AND empresa.EMPRESA_COD = formulario.EMPRESA_COD AND empresa.PAIS_COD = pais.PAIS_COD AND articulo.ARTICULO_NOMBRE LIKE '%$_POST[buscar]%' GROUP BY PAIS_COD"; $consulta = mysql_query( $query ) or die( "Problema :" .mysql_error() ) ; echo "<table width=\"100%\" border=\"1\" cellspacing=\"1\">" ; echo "<thead>" ; echo "<tr>" ; echo "<th>", "DIN", "</th>" ; echo "<th>", "Articulo", "</th>" ; echo "<th>", "Clasificación", "</th>" ; echo "<th>", "Valor USD", "</th>" ; echo "<th>", "Empresa", "</th>" ; echo "<th>", "Procedencia", "</th>" ; echo "<th>", "Persona", "</th>" ; echo "<th>", "Rut", "</th>" ; echo "</tr>" ; echo "</thead>" ; echo "<tbody>" ; while ( $row = mysql_fetch_array($consulta_mercancia)){ echo "<tr>" ; echo "<td>", "$row[din]", "</td>" ; echo "<td>", "$row[art]", "</td>" ; echo "<td>", "$row[clasif]", "</td>" ; echo "<td>", "$row[valor]", "</td>" ; echo "<td>", "$row[empresa]", "</td>" ; echo "<td>", "$row[pais]", "</td>" ; echo "<td>", "$row[nombre]", "</td>" ; echo "<td>", "$row[rut]", "</td>" ; echo "</tr>" ; //echo " <br/>"; } echo "</tbody>" ; echo "</table>" ; } ?>