function para ejecutar la consulta
Código PHP:
/** Para ejecutar consultas en la conexi�n abierta */
function ejecutarConsulta($msql = "") {
if ($msql == "") {
$this->merror = "No introdujo la sentencia SQL";
return false;
$msql = strtolower( $this->_removeAllQuotes($msql) );
if ( preg_match( "#(?:/\*|\*/)#i", $msql ) )
die( "You are not allowed to use comments in your SQL query.\nAdd \ipsRegistry::DB()->allow_sub_select=1; before any query construct to allow them" );
return false;
if ( preg_match( "#[^_a-zA-Z]union[^_a-zA-Z]#s", $msql ) )
die( "UNION query joins are not allowed.\nAdd \ipsRegistry::DB()->allow_sub_select=1; before any query construct to allow them" );
return false;
else if ( preg_match_all( "#[^_a-zA-Z](select)[^_a-zA-Z]#s", $msql, $matches ) )
if ( count( $matches ) > 1 )
die( "SUB SELECT query joins are not allowed.\nAdd \ipsRegistry::DB()->allow_sub_select=1; before any query construct to allow them" );
return false;
//ejecutamos la consulta
$this->mid_consulta = mysql_query($msql);
if (!$this->mid_consulta) {
$this->merror_numero = mysql_errno();
$this->merror = mysql_error()." error";
return false;
return $this->mid_consulta; // Si todo salio bien regresa el id de la consulta
Código PHP:
public function getTemas(){
$this->ejecutarConsulta("select * from w_temas where tid = '{$this->settings['tema_id']}' limit 1");
$data = mysql_fetch_assoc($this->mid_consulta);
return $data;
Warning: mysql_fetch_assoc() expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean given in
espero puedan ayudarme en este problema