el codigo es:
Código PHP:
//$globals['user_ip'] = check_ip_behind_proxy();
$globals['user_ip'] = $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"];
$negative_votes_values = Array (-1 => _('irrelevante'), -2 => _('antigua'), -3 => _('cansina'), -4 => _('spam'), -5 => _('duplicada'), -6 => _('provocación'), -7 => _('errónea'));
function get_negative_vote($value) {
global $negative_votes_values;
return $negative_votes_values[$value];
function user_exists($username) {
global $db;
$username = $db->escape($username);
$res=$db->get_var("SELECT count(*) FROM users WHERE user_login='$username'");
if ($res>0) return true;
return false;
function email_exists($email) {
global $db;
$email = $db->escape($email);
$res=$db->get_var("SELECT count(*) FROM users WHERE user_email='$email'");
if ($res>0) return $res;
return false;
function check_email($email) {
return preg_match('/^[a-zA-Z0-9_\-\.]+@[a-zA-Z0-9_\-\.]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,4}$/', $email);
function url_clean($url) {
$array = explode('#', $url, 1);
return $array[0];
function check_username($name) {
return (preg_match('/^[a-z0-9_\-\.çÇñÑ·]+$/i', $name) && strlen($name) <= 24);
function txt_time_diff($from, $now=0){
$txt = '';
if($now==0) $now = time();
if($days>1) $txt .= " $days "._('días');
else if ($days==1) $txt .= " $days "._('día');
if($hours>1) $txt .= " $hours "._('horas');
else if ($hours==1) $txt .= " $hours "._('hora');
if($minutes>1) $txt .= " $minutes "._('minutos');
else if ($minutes==1) $txt .= " $minutes "._('minuto');
if($txt=='') $txt = ' '. _('pocos segundos') . ' ';
return $txt;
function txt_shorter($string, $len=70) {
if (strlen($string) > $len)
$string = substr($string, 0, $len-3) . "...";
return $string;
function clean_text($string) {
return htmlspecialchars(strip_tags(preg_replace('/[\n\t\r]+/s', ' ', trim($string))));
function save_text_to_html($string) {
//$string = strip_tags(trim($string));
//$string= htmlspecialchars(trim($string));
$string= text_to_html($string);
$string = preg_replace("/\r\n|\r|\n/", "\n<br />\n", $string);
return $string;
function text_to_html($string) {
// Dirty trick to allow tagging consecutives words
$string = preg_replace('/([_*]) ([_*])/', "$1 $2", $string);
$string = preg_replace('/(^|[\s\.,¿])_([^\s]+)_([\s\.,\?]|$)/', "$1<em>$2</em>$3", $string);
$string = preg_replace('/(^|[\s\.,¿])\*([^\s]+)\*([\s\.,\?]|$)/', "$1<strong>$2</strong>$3", $string);
$string = preg_replace('/([ \n\r\(:]|^)([hf][tps]{2,4}:\/\/[^ \t\n\r\]\(\)]+[^ .\t,\n\r\(\)\"\'\]\?])/', '$1<a href="$2" rel="nofollow">$2</a>', $string);
return $string;
function check_integer($which) {
if (is_numeric($_REQUEST[$which])) {
return intval($_REQUEST[$which]);
} else {
return false;
function get_current_page() {
if(($var=check_integer('page'))) {
return $var;
} else {
return 1;
// return $_GET['page']>0 ? $_GET['page'] : 1;
function get_search_clause($option='') {
global $db;
if($option == 'boolean') {
$mode = 'IN BOOLEAN MODE';
if(!empty($_REQUEST['search'])) {
$words = $db->escape(strip_tags(trim($_REQUEST['search'])));
if (preg_match('/^tag:/', $words)) {
$_REQUEST['tag'] = 'true';
$words=preg_replace('/^tag: */', '', $words);
} elseif (preg_match('/^date:/', $words)) {
$_REQUEST['date'] = 'true';
$words=preg_replace('/^date: */', '', $words);
if ($_REQUEST['tag'] == 'true') {
$where .= "MATCH (link_tags) AGAINST ('$words' $mode) ";
} else {
$where = "MATCH (link_url, link_url_title, link_title, link_content, link_tags) AGAINST ('$words' $mode) ";
if (!empty($_REQUEST['from'])) {
$where .= " AND link_date > from_unixtime(".intval($_REQUEST['from']).") ";
// To aovid showing news still in "limbo"
$where .= " AND link_votes > 0 ";
return $where;
} else {
return false;
function get_date($epoch) {
return date("Y-m-d", $epoch);
function get_date_time($epoch) {
return date("Y-m-d H:i", $epoch);
function get_server_name() {
global $server_name;
return $server_name;
function get_gravatar_url($email, $size, $alt=true) {
get_avatar_url(1, 1, $email, $size, $alt);
function get_avatar_url($user, $avatar, $email, $size, $alt=true) {
global $globals;
if ($avatar > 0 && !empty($globals['avatars_dir'])) {
$file = $globals['avatars_dir'] . '/'. intval($user/$globals['avatars_files_per_dir']) . '/' . $user . "-$size.jpg";
$file_path = mnmpath.'/'.$file;
if (is_readable($file_path)) {
return $globals['base_url'] . $file;
} else {
return $globals['base_url'] . "backend/get_avatar.php?id=$user&size=$size";
} else return check_gravatar_url($email, $size, $alt);
function check_gravatar_url($email, $size, $alt=true) {
global $globals;
if ($globals['do_gravatars']) {
if ($alt) $default = '&default=http%3A%2F%2F'.get_server_name().$globals['base_url'].'img%2Fcommon%2Fno-gravatar-2-'.$size.'.jpg';
return 'http://www.gravatar.com/avatar.php?gravatar_id='.md5($email).'&rating=PG&size='.$size.$default;
} else {
return $globals['base_url'].'img/common/no-gravatar-2-'.$size.'.jpg';
function utf8_substr($str,$start)
preg_match_all("/./su", $str, $ar);
if(func_num_args() >= 3) {
$end = func_get_arg(2);
return join("",array_slice($ar[0],$start,$end));
} else {
return join("",array_slice($ar[0],$start));
Gracias gzaloprgm