El problema es que me marca un error el XML que no consigo descubrir que es.
CODIGO PHP:This page contains the following errors: error on line 34 at column 98: EntityRef: expecting ';' Below is a rendering of the page up to the first error.
Código PHP:
header("Content-Type: text/xml");
$slides = "";
function effect(){
$effects = array(
'num="3" slicing="vertical" direction="down" cube_color="0xFFFFFF"',
'num="4" direction="right" shader="flat" cube_color="0xFFFFFF"',
'num="6" slicing="vertical" direction="up" shader="flat" delay="0.05" z_multiplier="4" cube_color="0xFFFFFF"',
'num="4" direction="right" shader="phong" cube_color="0xFFFFFF"');
return $effects[mt_rand(0,count($effects)-1)];
$conexion = mysql_connect($db_server, $db_user, $db_passwd);
mysql_select_db($db_name , $conexion);
$post2 = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM smf_topics WHERE id_board='1' ORDER BY id_topic DESC LIMIT 5");
while ($totolia2 = mysql_fetch_array($post2)) {
$id = $totolia2['id_topic'];
$post = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM smf_messages WHERE id_topic='" . $id . "' ORDER BY id_msg DESC");
while ($totolia = mysql_fetch_array($post)) {
$body22 = $totolia['body'];
$title = $totolia['subject'];
$contenido1 = $totolia['body'];
$contenido = substr($contenido1, 0, 30);
$parser = "|\[img\](.*?)\[/img\]|is";
$elpost = "";
if (preg_match($parser, $body22, $video1)){
$elpost = $video1[1];
if ($elpost == $body22 || $elpost == "IMAGEN PARA LA PORTADA" || $elpost == ""){
$slides.= '<slide></slide>';
} else {
// Cogiendo valor fuente
$slides.= '<slide><url>thumb.php?ruta='.$elpost.'&ancho=500</url><link target="_self">index.php?topic='.$id.'</link><description><link target="_self">index.php?topic='.$id.'</link><heading>'.$title.'</heading><paragraph>'.$contenido.' [...]</paragraph></description></slide><transition '.effect().' />'."\n";
echo('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<defaults symbol="circular" time="3" />
<tweenOver tint="0xFFFFFF" scaleX="1.1" scaleY="1.1"/>
<tweenOut tint="0xFFFFFF"/>
<defaults round_corners="5,5,5,5"/>
<tweenOver tint="0xFFFFFF" scaleX="1.1" scaleY="1.1"/>
<tweenOut tint="0x000000" />
<tweenOver tint="0x000000" />
<defaults round_corners="5,5,5,5"/>
<tweenOver tint="0xFFFFFF" scaleX="1.1" scaleY="1.1"/>
<tweenOut tint="0x000000" />
<tweenOver tint="0x000000" />
Alguna idea chicos? Gracias ;)