Warning: mysql_num_rows(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in archivo.php in line XX
Esto solo al poner el codigo de integración del foro, se lo quito y todo bien, me interesa, para que solo usuarios registrados puedan comentar la noticia.
//**********CODIGO DE INTEGRACION phpBB <? $volver="..$_SERVER[PHP_SELF]"; define('IN_PHPBB', true); $phpbb_root_path = '../comunidad/'; include($phpbb_root_path . 'extension.inc'); include($phpbb_root_path . 'common.'.$phpEx); $userdata = session_pagestart($user_ip, PAGE_INDEX); init_userprefs($userdata); global $db, $board_config; global $HTTP_COOKIE_VARS, $HTTP_GET_VARS, $SID; $cookiename = $board_config['cookie_name']; $cookiepath = $board_config['cookie_path']; $cookiedomain = $board_config['cookie_domain']; $cookiesecure = $board_config['cookie_secure']; if ( !(isset($HTTP_COOKIE_VARS[$cookiename . '_sid']) || isset($HTTP_COOKIE_VARS[$cookiename . '_data'])) ) { output_add_rewrite_var('sid', $userdata['session_id']); } $log_in_out=( $userdata['session_logged_in'] ) ? ('<a href="'.$phpbb_root_path.'login.'.$phpEx.'?logout=true&sid=' . $userdata['session_id'].'&redirect='.$volver.'" class="ink_menu">Logout ['.$userdata['username'].']</a>') : (''); ?> //********* CODIGO PARA MOSTRAR LA NOTICIA <? if (!$skip AND !$print) { include "header.php"; } ?> <? if ($print) { echo "<body onLoad=\"window.print()\">"; } include ("admin/db.php"); include ("admin/set_inc.php"); include ("admin/language/$lang"); settype($artid,"integer"); $sql = "SELECT * FROM article_news,author_news where author_news.userid = article_news.authorid AND id = '$artid'"; $result = mysql_query($sql); $num_res = mysql_num_rows($result); for ($i=0; $i<$num_res; $i++) { $myrow = mysql_fetch_array($result); $id = $myrow["id"]; $catid = $myrow["catid"]; $title = $myrow["title"]; $date = $myrow["date"]; $date_changed = $myrow["date"]; $authorid = $myrow["authorid"]; $intro = $myrow["intro"]; $body = $myrow["body"]; $status = $myrow["status"]; $count = $myrow["count"]; $votes = $myrow["votes"]; $grade = $myrow["grade"]; $fname = $myrow["fname"]; $lname = $myrow["lname"]; $userid = $myrow["userid"]; $email = $myrow["email"]; $show_html = $myrow["show_html"]; $year=substr($myrow[date],0,4); $month=substr($myrow[date],4,2); $day=substr($myrow[date],6,2); $tid1 = "$day.$month.$year"; $year2=substr($myrow[date_changed],0,4); $month2=substr($myrow[date_changed],4,2); $day2=substr($myrow[date_changed],6,2); $tid2 = "$day2.$month2.$year2"; $code_table_start = "<table class=\"code\" borderColorDark=\"#000000\" cellPadding=\"2\" width=\"100%\" bgColor=\"#e4e4fc\" borderColorLight=\"#ffffff\" border=\"1\"><tr><td width=\"100%\">"; $code_table_end = "</td></tr></table>"; } $sql = "SELECT * FROM cat_news where id = $catid"; $result = mysql_query($sql); //********* AQUI ME MANDA EL ERROR $num_res = mysql_num_rows($result); for ($i=0; $i<$num_res; $i++) { $myrow = mysql_fetch_array($result); $catname = $myrow["catname"]; $id = $myrow["id"]; } print "<!-- TEMPLATE FILE -->"; $filename = "admin/templates/art.html"; $fd = fopen ($filename, "r"); $file= fread ($fd, filesize ($filename)); $file = str_replace("{ID}", "$id", $file); $file = str_replace("{CATNAME}", "$catname", $file); $file = str_replace("{TITLE}", "$title", $file); $file = str_replace("{EMAIL}", "$email", $file); $file = str_replace("{FNAME}", "$fname", $file); $file = str_replace("{LNAME}", "$lname", $file); $file = str_replace("{DATE_CHANGED}", "$date_changed", $file); $file = str_replace("{ARTID}", "$artid", $file); $file = str_replace("{INTRO}", "$intro", $file); $file = str_replace("{TID1}", "$tid1", $file); $file = str_replace("{TID2}", "$tid2", $file); $file = str_replace("{BODY}", "$body", $file); $file = str_replace("{LA_BY}", "$la_by", $file); $file = str_replace("{LA_CHANGED}", "$la_changed", $file); $file = str_replace("{LA_NEWS}", "$la_news", $file); $file = str_replace("{LA_PRINT}", "$la_print", $file); $file = str_replace("{LA_RATE_THIS}", "$la_rate_this", $file); $file = str_replace("{LA_TELLAFRIEND}", "$la_tellafriend", $file); echo $file; print "<!-- // TEMPLATE FILE -->"; $sql = "UPDATE article_news set count = count+1 where id = $artid;"; $result = mysql_query($sql); ?> <?php if( $userdata [ 'session_logged_in' ]) { print "Registrado"; } else { print "Visitante"; } ?> <? if (!$skip AND !$print) { include "footer.php"; } ?>