Bueno pues tengo un pequeño problema que me imagino que será eso, pequeño, pero debido a mis pocos conocimientos de php pues me estoy agobiando demasiado. Estoy trabajando con una galería de imágenes en flash con administrador de imagenes online, se llama Flash Image Gallery
Código HTML:
Bueno pues el quebradero de cabeza lo tengo con los permisos de las imagenes que subo al servidor, por defecto los permisos aparecen en 600 y cuando accedo a través del navegador pues no me permite acceder a dichas imagenes aunque los thumbnails no dan este problema, se cargan bien en la galerí ay son accesibles desde el navegador. He estado revisando los códigos en php que gestionan la galería pero no he encontrado nada ni he visto donde poder añadir algún comando para establecer permisos de chmod a 777.
Os dejo a continuación el código a ver si alguno de vosotr@s ha tenido el mismo problema o es capaz de ver que es lo que faltaría añadir (o restar).
Gracias de antemano.
archivo upload_pics.php
<?php //check user require dirname(__FILE__).'/includes/check_user.php'; require dirname(__FILE__).'/includes/ImageEditor.php'; require dirname(__FILE__).'/includes/functions.php'; //------ exact dimensions for thumbnails used in FIG ------// $thumb_width = 148; $thumb_height = 118; //how thumbs should be processed // full - a basic thumbnail // crop - crops thumbnail to fit $process = $_SESSION['thumbs']; //ratio of width/height $thumb_ratio = round($thumb_width/$thumb_height, 2); $folder = $_POST['folder']; $name = $_POST['name']; $pics_xml_add = ""; $attach = $_POST['add']; //upload pictures for($x=1; $x<=5; $x++){ if ($_FILES["file$x"]["size"] > 0) { //temp location $imgSource = $_FILES["file$x"]["tmp_name"]; //path to gallery folder $dir = realpath("../$folder"); //picture dir vars $pic = urldecode(basename($_FILES["file$x"]["name"])); //convert spaces to underscores $pic = str_replace(" ", "_", $pic); //move file if(move_uploaded_file( $imgSource, "$dir/$pic")){ list($width, $height, $type, $attr) = getimagesize("$dir/$pic"); //get ratio of width/height $ratio = round($width/$height, 2); if ($process == "crop"){ //determine the width and height to keep the thumbnail uniform //then crop the thumbnail in the center to get our new thumbnail if($ratio > $thumb_ratio){ //picture is too wide so we will need to crop the thumbnails width $new_width = ceil(($width*$thumb_width)/$height); $new_height = $thumb_height; $crop_x = (round($new_width/2))-(round($thumb_width/2)); $crop_y = 0; } elseif($ratio < $thumb_ratio){ //picture is too high so we will need to crop the thumbnails height $new_width = $thumb_width; $new_height = ceil(($height*$thumb_height)/$width); $crop_x = 0; $crop_y = (round($new_height/2))-(round($thumb_height/2)); } else { //the ratio of the image is the same as the thumbnail $new_width = $thumb_width; $new_height = $thumb_height; $crop_x = 0; $crop_y = 0; } //time to resize the image and crop it for thumbnail $imageEditor = new ImageEditor($pic, $dir . "/"); //resize $imageEditor->resize($new_width, $new_height); //crop $imageEditor->crop($crop_x, $crop_y, $thumb_width, $thumb_height); //save $imageEditor->outputFile($pic, $dir . "/thumbs/"); } else { //make a basic thumbnail if($ratio > $thumb_ratio){ //picture is too wide so we will set the the width to its maximum $new_width = $thumb_width; $new_height = ceil(($thumb_width*$height)/$width); } elseif($ratio < $thumb_ratio){ //picture is too high so we will set the height to its maximum $new_width = ceil(($thumb_height*$width)/$height); $new_height = $thumb_height; } else { //the ratio of the image is the same as the thumbnail $new_width = $thumb_width; $new_height = $thumb_height; } //time to resize the image and crop it for thumbnail $imageEditor = new ImageEditor($pic, $dir . "/"); //resize $imageEditor->resize($new_width, $new_height); //save $imageEditor->outputFile($pic, $dir . "/thumbs/"); } //create xml for this picture $pics_xml_add .= "\t<image location=\"" . $pic . "\" desc=\"" . stripslashes($_POST["desc$x"]) . "\" />\n"; } } } //------------- writing new xml ----------------// //path to xml $filename = realpath("../$folder/pics.xml"); // make sure xml exists and is writable if (is_writable($filename)) { //open the file for reading and writing if (!$handle = fopen($filename, 'r+b')) { error("Cannot open file"); exit; } //read file $contents = fread($handle, filesize($filename)); //rewind file pointer to start and truncate file to zero rewind($handle); ftruncate($handle, 0); if ($attach == "start"){ //attach pictures at beginning of gallery $contents = str_replace("<pictures>","",$contents); $contents = "<pictures>\n" . $pics_xml_add . $contents; } else { //attach pictures at end of gally $contents = str_replace("</pictures>","",$contents); $contents .= $pics_xml_add . "</pictures>"; } // writing new xml if (fwrite($handle, $contents) === FALSE) { error("Cannot write to file"); exit; } fclose($handle); } else { error("pics.xml does not seem to be writable. Check that you have changed its CHMOD settings to 777."); } //---------------- done writing new xml --------------// ?> <html> <head> <title><?php echo $name; ?> - Upload</title> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"> <style type="text/css"> <!-- p { line-height: 1.5em; } </style> <link href="style.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"> </head> <body> <p align="center"><a href="page_upload_pics.php?name=<?php echo $name; ?>&folder=<?php echo $folder; ?>">Upload More Picture</a></p> <p align="center">OR</p> <p align="center"><a href="javascript:window.close();">Close this window</a></p> </body> </html>