tome como referencia el ejemplo que se encuentra en la documentacion.
en el
los datos estan de la siguiente manera
$ydata = array(
0 => 1.0885908919277, 1 =>
0.99034385297982, 2 => 0.97005467188578, 3 =>..............
$xdata = array(
0 => 444348000, 1 => 446853600, 2 =>
449532000, 3 => 452124000, 4 =>..................................
Código PHP:
Ver original
include('inc/jpgraph.php'); include('inc/jpgraph_line.php'); include('inc/jpgraph_date.php'); include('inc/'); // Get a dataset stored in $xdata and $ydata include('inc/'); $dateUtils = new DateScaleUtils(); // Setup a basic graph $width=700; $height=400; $graph = new Graph($width, $height); $graph->SetScale('datlin'); $graph->SetMargin(60,20,40,60); // Setup the titles $graph->title->SetFont(FF_ARIAL,FS_BOLD,12); $graph->title->Set('Development since 1984'); $graph->subtitle->SetFont(FF_ARIAL,FS_ITALIC,10); $graph->subtitle->Set('(Example using the builtin date scale)'); // Setup the labels to be correctly format on the X-axis $graph->xaxis->SetFont(FF_ARIAL,FS_NORMAL,8); $graph->xaxis->SetLabelAngle(30); $lp1 = new LinePlot($ydata,$xdata); $lp1->SetWeight(0); $graph->Add($lp1); // And then add line. We use two plots in order to get a // more distinct border on the graph $lp2 = new LinePlot($ydata,$xdata); $lp2->SetColor('orange'); $graph->Add($lp2); // And send back to the client $graph->Stroke();
los datos devuelos por la consulta son los siguientes
campo 1 campo 2
timestamp with time zone real
"2012-06-27 00:00:46-05" 2
"2012-06-27 00:07:34-05" 5
"2012-06-27 00:13:03-05" 20
"2012-06-27 00:15:19-05" 15
"2012-06-27 00:22:19-05" 10
y mi codigo es el siguiente
Código PHP:
Ver original
include('inc/jpgraph.php'); include('inc/jpgraph_line.php'); include('inc/jpgraph_date.php'); include('inc/'); $dateUtils = new DateScaleUtils(); $width=700; $height=400; $graph = new Graph($width, $height); $graph->SetScale('datlin'); $graph->SetMargin(60,20,40,60); $graph->title->SetFont(FF_ARIAL,FS_BOLD,12); $graph->title->Set('Development since 1984'); $graph->subtitle->SetFont(FF_ARIAL,FS_ITALIC,10); $graph->subtitle->Set('(Example using the builtin date scale)'); $graph->xaxis->SetFont(FF_ARIAL,FS_NORMAL,8); $graph->xaxis->SetLabelAngle(30); $servidor = 'localhost'; $bd = 'tremor'; $usuario = 'postgres'; $contrasenia = '*****'; $tabla = 'tremor'; global $servidor, $bd, $usuario, $contrasenia; $db = new PDO('pgsql:host=' . $servidor . ';dbname=' . $bd, $usuario, $contrasenia); $consulta = $db->prepare("SELECT campo5, campo1 FROM tremor"); $consulta->execute(); while($fila = $consulta->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) { $xdata[] = $fila['campo5']; $ydata[] = $fila['campo1']; } $lp1 = new LinePlot($ydata,$xdata); $lp1->SetWeight(0); $graph->Add($lp1); $lp2 = new LinePlot($ydata,$xdata); $lp2->SetColor('orange'); $graph->Add($lp2); $graph->Stroke();
el error que obtengo es el siguiente:
cannot use auto scaling since it is impossible to determine a valid min/max value of the y-axis (only null values)