"The configuration did not recieve appropriate variables to accept your request."
Si no fuera mucha molestia les agradecería su apoyo para resolver esta situación.. a continuación les dejo el source del index.php:
y aquí les dejo el de lib.php y configuration.php:<?php session_start(); include_once('lib/lib.php'); include_once('lib/configuration.php'); $ddir = THDIR.$do->get_file_url(); include($ddir); if(file_exists(HEADER)) { include_once(HEADER); } if($contents) { print $contents; } if(file_exists(FOOTER)) { include_once(FOOTER); } ?>
<?php /* security*/ //lib start session_start(); if(!defined('DB_DETAILS')) { include_once('lib_database.php'); } if(!function_exists("set_error")) { include_once('lib_functions.php'); } if(mysql_ver() < 5) { set_error("Your server doesn't support MySQL 5, Please install MySQL 5 to have Gen4 perform at it's best."); } if(PHP_VERSION < 5.1) { set_error("Your server's PHP version is incompatible with Gen4. Gen4 is only compatible with PHP Version 5.1.0 and above."); } if(!defined('load_Gen4')) { set_error("We could not load the agent because a request was not declared properly."); $err_l = true; } if(!$c = mysql_connect(DB_HOST, DB_USER, DB_PASS)) { set_error("We couldn't establish a connection to your MySQL server."); $err_l = true; } if(!mysql_select_db(DB_NAME, $c)) { set_error("We couldn't establish a connection to your MySQL database."); $err_l = true; } if(!$error_load) { DEFINE('START_PROCESS', true); } $do->refresh_sess(); ?>
Gracias!! <? session_start (); if (!$stop_eval) { global $c; if(is_dir('install/')) { header("Location: install/"); } if(defined('DB_DETAILS') && $c && !$error_log) { if(!$_SESSION['setting']) { $setq = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM settings"); while($r=mysql_fetch_array($setq)) { $set[$r[set_name]] = $r['set_value']; $_SESSION['setting'][$r[set_name]] = $r['set_value']; } } else { $set = $_SESSION['setting']; } if(!is_array($set)) { die("An error occured while trying to process the settings, Please re- access the site later or consult the administrator."); } DEFINE('GEN4_PROCESS', true); if($set['theme_active']) { DEFINE('THDIR', 'themes/'.$set['theme_active'].'/'); DEFINE('HEADER', 'themes/'.$set['theme_active'].'/t.php'); DEFINE('FOOTER', 'themes/'.$set['theme_active'].'/f.php'); } else { DEFINE('THDIR', 'themes/default/'); DEFINE('HEADER', 'themes/default/t.php'); DEFINE('FOOTER', 'themes/default/f.php'); } $signin_username = $_SESSION['account_username']; $signin_password = $_SESSION['account_password']; $signin_token = $_SESSION['account_token']; $admin_username = $_SESSION['admin_username']; $admin_password = $_SESSION['admin_password']; $admin_token = $_SESSION['admin_token']; if($admin_username && $admin_password && $admin_token == session_id()) { $admin_loggedin = 1; $aq = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM admins WHERE aUsername='{$admin_username}' AND aPassword='{$admin_password}' LIMIT 1;"); $ar = mysql_fetch_array($aq); } if($signin_username && $signin_password && $signin_token == session_id()) { $loggedin = 1; if($_SESSION['me']) { $ir=$_SESSION['me']; } else { $iqcn = mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt FROM users WHERE username='{$signin_username}' AND password='{$signin_password}' AND suspended='0' LIMIT 1;"); $iqcn = mysql_fetch_array($iqcn); $iqcn = $iqcn['cnt']; if(!$iqcn) { $do->logout(); } else { $iq = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM users WHERE username='{$signin_username}' AND password='{$signin_password}' AND suspended='0' LIMIT 1;"); $ir = mysql_fetch_array($iq); $_SESSION['me'] = $ir; } } } } else { die("The configuration did not recieve appropriate variables to accept your request."); } if ($set['next_clearup'] < time ()) { $next_clearup = time () + 60 * 60 * 24; mysql_query ('' . 'UPDATE settings SET set_value=\'' . $next_clearup . '\' WHERE set_name=\'next_clearup\' LIMIT 1;'); mysql_query ('UPDATE users SET ads_clicked=\'\' WHERE ads_clicked!=\'\''); } } ?>