14/08/2010, 15:09
 | Moderador | | Fecha de Ingreso: abril-2010 Ubicación: Madrid
Mensajes: 2.127
Antigüedad: 14 años, 11 meses Puntos: 468 | |
Respuesta: Problema con galeria de fotos php la verdad es que si la hay no se donde puede estar porque no encuentro ningun script mas voy a intentar pegarte todo el codigo, vale ?
1º mitad: Cita: <?php
// ################################################## ###############//
// # script by WingNut www.freitagmorgen.de #//
// # #//
// # this script has been published under the gnu public license #//
// # you may edit the script but never delete this comment! thx. #//
// ################################################## ###############//
// --begin editable region
// Root directory
$root_dir = "http://www.escuelprocan.es/nueva/galeria";
// Thumbnail Columns
$columns = 6;
// Size of thumbnails in pixel
$thumbwidth = 100;
// Slideshow 0=no 1=yes
$slideshow = 0;
// --end editable region
//################################################## ################//
// Do not change anything by now unless you know what you are doing!
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
<meta name="author" content="Thomas Holtkötter">
<meta name="keywords" content="EasyGallery, WingNut, projects, freitagmorgen.de, www.freitagmorgen.de">
<style type="text/css">
BODY{margin:0 auto;}
.form{font-size:0.9em;margin:0 0 0 8px;}
.thumbnails{background-color:#FFF;border:#FFF 2px solid;}
.error{background-color:#999;width:100%;font-size:1.0em;font-weight:bold;padding:30px 0 30px 20px;}
<script type="text/javascript" src="http://www.escuelprocan.es/nueva/galeria/slimbox/js/jquery-1.3.2.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="http://www.escuelprocan.es/nueva/galeria/slimbox/js/slimbox2.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="slimbox/css/slimbox2.css" type="text/css" media="screen" />
// --begin preprocessing
$phpself = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'];
// filetypes
$filetypes = array("jpg", "jpeg");
$k = sizeof($filetypes);
for ($i=0; $i<$k; $i++)
$filetypes[] = strtoupper($filetypes[$i]);
// extract local image folders
if (strpos($root_dir,'www')===0)
$root_dir = 'http://'.$root_dir;
$local = parse_url($root_dir);
if (strpos($root_dir,'http://')===0)
foreach (count_chars($phpself,1) as $i=>$val)
if (chr($i)=='/')
$root_dir = substr($local['path'],1);
for ($j=1;$j<$val;$j++)
if (strpos($root_dir,$local['path'])===0)
$root_dir = ".";
// scanning directory for folders and check if they contain image files
if (!is_dir($root_dir))
printError("Couldn't find a root directory. Please specify a valid directory in EasyGallery.php.");
$root_handle = opendir($root_dir);
while ($dirname = readdir($root_handle))
$var1 = strcmp($dirname,'.');
$var2 = strcmp($dirname,'..');
$var3 = is_dir($root_dir.'/'.$dirname);
if (($var1!=0) && ($var2!=0) && ($var3==1))
$dir_handle = opendir($root_dir.'/'.$dirname);
$postmp = 0;
while ($filename = readdir($dir_handle))
for ($i=0;$i<sizeof($filetypes);$i++)
$postmp = strpos($filename, $filetypes[$i]);
if ($postmp>0)
$folders[] = $root_dir.'/'.$dirname;
break 2;
if (!$folders)
printError("Searched folders don't contain any image! Please change the \$root_dir.");
// !!! if you don't want your folders in reverse order change rsort() to sort()
// set initial variable $ordner
if (!isset($ordner))
$ordner = $folders[0];
// scanning directories for image files
if (is_dir($ordner)){
$dir_handle = opendir($ordner);
while ($filename = readdir($dir_handle))
for ($i=0; $i<sizeof($filetypes); $i++)
$pos = strpos($filename, $filetypes[$i]);
$var1 = strcmp($filename,'.');
$var2 = strcmp($filename,'..');
$var3 = is_file($ordner.'/'.$filename);
if (($var1 != 0) && ($var2 != 0) && ($var3 == 1) && ($pos > 0))
$files[] = $filename;
if ($filename=="thumbnails")
$thumbs = 1;
$size = sizeof($files);
printError("No Folders found. Please copy your image folders to the location specified in the \$root_dir in EasyGallery.php.");
// --end preprocessing
// --begin form
echo "<div class=\"form\">\n";
echo "<form name=\"fotoalbum\" method=\"post\" action=\"$phpself\">\n";
echo "<select class=\"form\" name=\"ordner\" onchange=\"document.fotoalbum.submit();\">\n";
while ($folder = each($folders))
if ($ordner == $folder["value"])
echo "<option selected value=\"$ordner\">";
echo "<option value=\"";
echo $folder["value"];
echo "\">";
$text = $folder["value"];
while (strrpos($text,"/"))
$text = substr($text, strrpos($text,"/")+1);
// !!! if you want to add special chars to your folders uncomment or add the lines you need
//$text = str_replace("ae", "ä", $text); // Replace all ae with ä
//$text = str_replace("oe", "ö", $text); // Replace all oe with ö
//$text = str_replace("ue", "ü", $text); // Replace all ue with ü
//$text = str_replace("sz", "ß", $text); // Replace all sz with ß
//$text = str_replace("AE", "Ä", $text); // Replace all AE with Ä
//$text = str_replace("OE", "Ö", $text); // Replace all OE with Ö
//$text = str_replace("UE", "Ü", $text); // Replace all UE with Ü
//$text = str_replace("ae", "æ", $text); // Replace all ae with æ
//$text = str_replace("oe", "ø", $text); // Replace all oe with ø
//$text = str_replace("aa", "å", $text); // Replace all aa with å
//$text = str_replace("AE", "Æ", $text); // Replace all AE with Æ
//$text = str_replace("OE", "Ø", $text); // Replace all OE with Ø
//$text = str_replace("AA", "Å", $text); // Replace all AA with Å
$text = str_replace("_", " ", $text); // Replace all _ with SPACE
echo $text;
echo " </option>\n";
echo "</select>\n";
echo "</form>\n";
echo "</div>\n";
// --end form
// --begin print images
echo "<div class=\"form\">";
$count = 0;
$newthumbs = false;
$divheight = ceil(count($files)/$columns) * ($thumbwidth+6) + 6;
echo "<table height=$divheight width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0><tr valign=top><td>\n";
for ($y=0;$y<count($files);$y++)
$tn_src = $ordner."/thumbnails/tn_".$files[$count];
if (file_exists($tn_src))
$image = GetImageSize($tn_src);
$image[0] -= 8;
$image[1] -= 8;
if ($image[0]==$image[1]){}
elseif ($image[0]<$image[1]) $xpos += intval(($image[1]-$image[0])/2);
else $ypos += intval(($image[0]-$image[1])/2);
echo "<div id=\"livethumbnail\" style=\"left:".$xpos."px; top:".$ypos."px; position:relative; zIndex=1;\">";
echo "<a href=\"".$ordner."/".$files[$count]."\" rel=\"lightbox-\"".$ordner.">";
echo "<a href=\"".$ordner."/".$files[$count]."\" rel=\"lightbox-\"".$ordner.">";
echo "<img src=\"$tn_src\" class=\"thumbnails\" alt=\"$files[$count]\" style=\"width:$image[0]; height:$image[1]; left:0px; top:0px; position:absolute; zIndex=1;\"></a></div>\n";
if ($image[0]==$image[1]){}
elseif ($image[0]<$image[1]) $xpos -= intval(($image[1]-$image[0])/2);
else $ypos -= intval(($image[0]-$image[1])/2);
$modules = get_loaded_extensions();
if(!in_array("gd", $modules)){
printError("Your webserver doesn't provide the use of the GD library, which is required to create thumbnails. Please create and add your thumbnails manually.");
echo "tn_$files[$count] created.<br>";
$newthumbs = true;
printError("Thumbnail creation failed.");
$ypos += $thumbwidth+6;
$xpos = 8;
$xpos += $thumbwidth+6;
echo "<script>location.reload()</script>";
echo "</td></tr></table>\n";
echo '<p><a href=http://www.freitagmorgen.de class="link">EasyGallery</a></p>';
// dont even think about removing this link!
echo "</div>\n";
function printError($text) Hay dos bien claros que son los que solucionaron el resto, pero el realiza lo de la funcion del efecto al pasar el raton por encima no lo encuentro, a ver si lo consigues ver tu
Gracias otra vez |