lo siento no entendi lo que querias decirme...
te pongo todo el codigo, en el que esta incluido lo de la paginacion
(todo el script q hace el album no se compone solo de esto eh!!)
Código PHP:
function showImg($aPath, $aFn, $aThisPage)
global $thumbwidth, $showfilename;
$fullpath = $aPath.$aFn;
// width and height
$imgsize = GetImageSize($fullpath);
$twidth = $thumbwidth;
$theight = $imgsize[1] / ($imgsize[0]/$twidth);
// Thumbnails
echo "<td>";
echo "<center><a href=$fullpath target=_blank><img border=\"0\" width=\"$twidth\" height=\"$theight\" src=\"create.php?image=$fullpath&w=$twidth\"></img></a></center>";
if($showfilename) {
$l = strlen($aFn) - 4;
echo "<br><center>".substr($aFn, 0, $l)."</center>";
echo "</td>";
function showDir($aPath, $aFn)
$fullpath = $aPath.$aFn;
$imgsize = GetImageSize("folder.gif");
echo "<td>";
echo "<center><a href=\"fotos1.php?path=$fullpath/\"><img border=\"0\" width=\"$imgsize[0]\" height=\"$imgsize[1]\" src=\"folder.gif\"></img></a></center>";
echo "<br><center>$aFn</center>";
echo "</td>";
function showImgRow($aPath, $aFiles, $aIsDir, $aThisPage, $aStart, $aEnd)
echo "<tr>";
for($i=$aStart; $i<$aEnd; $i++) {
if($aIsDir[$i]) {
showDir($aPath, $aFiles[$i]);
} else {
showImg($aPath, $aFiles[$i], $aThisPage);
echo "</tr>";
function showImgTable($aPath, $aFiles, $aIsDir, $aThisPage,
$aNumCols, $aNumRows)
$numPerPage = $aNumRows * $aNumCols;
$totalFiles = count($aFiles);
$start = $aThisPage * $numPerPage;
$end = $start + $numPerPage;
$end = min($end, $totalFiles);
echo "<center>";
echo "<table border=\"0\" cellspacing=\"10\" cellpadding=\"0\">";
while($start < $end) {
$e = min($start + $aNumCols, $end);
showImgRow($aPath, $aFiles, $aIsDir, $aThisPage, $start, $e);
$start += $aNumCols;
echo "</table>";
echo "</center>";
function showPageLinks($aPath, $aNumFiles, $aThisPage, $aImg, $aNumCols, $aNumRows)
$numPerPage = $aNumCols * $aNumRows;
$numPages = ceil($aNumFiles / $numPerPage);
* reverse finding '/' start from the second last char
* since the last char must be '/'
$pdir = "";
$plen = strlen($aPath);
for($j=$plen-2; $j>0; $j--) {
if($aPath[$j] == '/') {
$pdir = substr($aPath, 0, $j+1);
echo "<br><center>";
echo "<table border=\"0\" cellspacing=\"10\" cellpadding=\"0\">";
echo "<tr>";
if($aImg) {
// Showing big image
echo "<td><a href=\"fotos1.php?path=$aPath&page=$aThisPage\"> Go Back </a></td>";
} else {
// show the up link
if($pdir != "") {
echo "<td><a href=\"fotos1.php?path=$pdir\">UP</a></td>";
// show the page links
if($numPages == 0) {
echo "<td>No Images</td>";
} else {
// show only 10 pages
$minp = 0;
$maxp = 10;
if($numPages > 10) {
$minp = floor($aThisPage/10) * 10;
$maxp = ceil(($aThisPage+1)/10) * 10;
$maxp = min($maxp, $numPages);
// show the prev link
if($minp >= 10) {
$prevp = $minp - 1;
echo "<td><a href=\"fotos1.php?path=$aPath&page=$prevp\"><</a></td>";
// show page no(s)
for($i=$minp; $i<$maxp; $i++) {
$p = $i + 1;
if($aThisPage == $i) {
echo "<td><b>$p</b></td>";
} else {
echo "<td><a href=\"fotos1.php?path=$aPath&page=$i\">$p</a></td>";
// show the next link
if($maxp < $numPages) {
$nextp = $maxp;
echo "<td><a href=\"fotos1.php?path=$aPath&page=$nextp\">></a></td>";
echo "</tr>";
echo "</table>";
echo "</center>";
function readFiles($aPath)
global $files, $isDir;
global $sortbyname;
$files = array();
$isDir = array();
$confdir = "imgconfig";
$dir_handle = @opendir($aPath) or die("Unable to open $aPath");
while($file = readdir($dir_handle)) {
$fullpath = $aPath.$file;
if(is_dir($fullpath)) {
if($file != '.' && $file != '..' && $file != $confdir) {
$files[] = $file;
$isDir[] = true;
} else {
$ext = substr($file, -4);
//if($file[0] != '.' && ($ext == '.jpg' || $ext == '.gif')) {
if($file[0] != '.' && (strtolower($ext) == '.jpg')) {
$files[] = $file;
$isDir[] = false;
if($sortbyname) {
function adjustPath($aPath)
$ret = $aPath;
$ret = "./";
if(substr($ret, -1) != "/")
$ret = $ret.'/';
// reset to home, if illegal access
if(substr($ret, 0, 1) != '.' || strstr($ret, "..")) {
$ret= './';
return $ret;
muchas gracias