Soy novato en esto de PHP y estoy atascasdo con un modulo para el sistema CMS Pligg. El modulo en cuestion es Image Uploader.
Este modulo lo que hace es subir imagenes al servidor y convertirlas automaticamente a JPEG, analizando un poco este modulo he visto que el archivo "" es el que se "debe" de encargar de convertir el archivo a jpeg.
Siendo el codigo de este archivo:
¿como puedo hacer para que los convierta a GIF? ## 15th January 2005 ####### ## Author: Huda M Elmatsani ## Email : justhuda ## netscape ## net ####### ## Copyright (c) 2005 Huda M Elmatsani All rights reserved. ## This program is free for any purpose use. ######## ## Description: ## Casting image type from one type to another is useful for ## web experience, because each type has advantage and disadvantage. ## With JPEG you can reduce the quality to get affordable filesize, ## with GIF you can make it transparent or make an animation, ## with PNG you can avoid from GIF restriction, ## with SWF you can protect your image or make a movie. ## This class helps you doing this various conversion within a single line. ## ## Requirements: ## - GD Library ## - Ming Library ## ## Sintax: ## new ImageConverter( original_file, converted_file_type [, output]); ## ## note: output = 1 means the image is displayed to browser ## output = 0 or no argument means the image is saved ## ## new ImageConverter('jakarta.png','jpg') => convert to JPEG ## new ImageConverter('jakarta.jpg','gif') => convert to GIF ## new ImageConverter('jakarta.gif','png') => convert to PNG ## new ImageConverter('jakarta.gif','swf') => convert to SWF ## ## ## Example: ## new ImageConverter('jakarta.gif','jpg',1) ## the result is showed to the browser. ## ## new ImageConverter('aceh.png','swf'); ## the result is saved to the disk with name 'aceh.swf' ## ## Limitation: ## Can not convert SWF file to other type :( ## ########## class ImageConverter { var $imtype; var $im; var $imname; var $imconvertedtype; var $output; var $finalFilePath; function imageConverter() { /* parse arguments */ $numargs = func_num_args(); $imagefile = func_get_arg(0); $convertedtype = func_get_arg(1); $this->finalFilePath = func_get_arg(2); $output = 0; if($numargs > 3) $this->output = func_get_arg(3); /* ask the type of original file */ $fileinfo = pathinfo($imagefile); $imtype = $fileinfo["extension"]; $this->imname = basename($fileinfo["basename"],".".$imtype); $this->imtype = $imtype; /* create the image variable of original file */ switch ($imtype) { case "gif": $this->im = imageCreateFromGIF($imagefile); break; case "jpg": $this->im = imageCreateFromJPEG($imagefile); break; case "png": $this->im = imageCreateFromPNG($imagefile); break; case "wbmp": $this->im = imageCreateFromWBMP($imagefile); break; /* mail me if you have/find this functionality bellow */ /* case "swf": $this->im = $this->imageCreateFromSWF($imagefile); break; */ } /* convert to intended type */ $this->convertImage($convertedtype); } function convertImage($type) { /* check the converted image type availability, if it is not available, it will be casted to jpeg :) */ $validtype = $this->validateType($type); if($this->output) { /* show the image */ switch($validtype){ case 'jpeg' : case 'jpg' : header("Content-type: image/jpeg"); if($this->imtype == 'gif' or $this->imtype == 'png') { $image = $this->replaceTransparentWhite($this->im); imageJPEG($image); } else imageJPEG($this->im); break; case 'gif' : header("Content-type: image/gif"); imageGIF($this->im); break; case 'png' : header("Content-type: image/png"); imagePNG($this->im); break; case 'wbmp' : header("Content-type: image/vnd.wap.wbmp"); imageWBMP($this->im); break; case 'swf' : header("Content-type: application/x-shockwave-flash"); $this->imageSWF($this->im); break; } // Memory cleanup @imagedestroy($this->im); } else { /* save the image */ switch($validtype){ case 'jpeg' : case 'jpg' : if($this->imtype == 'gif' or $this->imtype == 'png') { /* replace transparent with white */ $image = $this->replaceTransparentWhite($this->im); imageJPEG($image,$this->finalFilePath.$this->imname.".jpg"); } else imageJPEG($this->im,$this->finalFilePath.$this->imname.".jpg"); break; case 'gif' : imageGIF($this->im,$this->finalFilePath.$this->imname.".gif"); break; case 'png' : imagePNG($this->im,$this->finalFilePath.$this->imname.".png"); break; case 'wbmp' : imageWBMP($this->im,$this->finalFilePath.$this->imname.".wbmp"); break; case 'swf' : $this->imageSWF($this->im,$this->finalFilePath.$this->imname.".swf"); break; } // Memory cleanup @imagedestroy($this->im); } } /* convert image to SWF */ function imageSWF() { /* parse arguments */ $numargs = func_num_args(); $image = func_get_arg(0); $swfname = ""; if($numargs > 1) $swfname = func_get_arg(1); /* image must be in jpeg and convert jpeg to SWFBitmap can be done by buffering it */ ob_start(); imagejpeg($image); $buffimg = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); $img = new SWFBitmap($buffimg); $w = $img->getWidth(); $h = $img->getHeight(); $movie = new SWFMovie(); $movie->setDimension($w, $h); $movie->add($img); if($swfname) $movie->save($swfname); else $movie->output; } /* convert SWF to image */ function imageCreateFromSWF($swffile) { die("No SWF converter in this library"); } function validateType($type) { /* check image type availability*/ $is_available = FALSE; switch($type){ case 'jpeg' : case 'jpg' : if(function_exists("imagejpeg")) $is_available = TRUE; break; case 'gif' : if(function_exists("imagegif")) $is_available = TRUE; break; case 'png' : if(function_exists("imagepng")) $is_available = TRUE; break; case 'wbmp' : if(function_exists("imagewbmp")) $is_available = TRUE; break; case 'swf' : if(class_exists("swfmovie")) $is_available = TRUE; break; } if(!$is_available && function_exists("imagejpeg")){ /* if not available, cast image type to jpeg*/ return "jpeg"; } else if(!$is_available && !function_exists("imagejpeg")){ die("No image support in this PHP server"); } else return $type; } function replaceTransparentWhite($im){ $src_w = ImageSX($im); $src_h = ImageSY($im); $backgroundimage = imagecreatetruecolor($src_w, $src_h); $white = ImageColorAllocate ($backgroundimage, 255, 255, 255); ImageFill($backgroundimage,0,0,$white); ImageAlphaBlending($backgroundimage, TRUE); imagecopy($backgroundimage, $im, 0,0,0,0, $src_w, $src_h); return $backgroundimage; } } ?>