Código PHP:
la consulta para traer loseventos de mysqlVer original
<? include_once("Eventos.php"); function existeEvento($monthNo, $ano, $dia) { //nombre $clEvento = new Eventos(); $resEvento = $clEvento->obtenerEvento($monthNo, $ano, $dia); $resEvento2 = $clEvento->obtenerEvento2($monthNo, $ano, $dia); { echo "<td class='event'>$dia<br>"; foreach($resEvento as $campo) { ?> <div style="margin-left: 5px;"> <img src='images/iconos/mas.gif'/> <a class="busquedasPopulares" href="verEvento.php?Ev=<?=$campo["idEvento"];?>&TB_iframe=true&height=450&width=800" rel="sexylightbox[22]" title="Evento: [<em><?=$campo["nombre"];?>.</em>]"><?=$campo["nombre"];?></a> </div><br/> <? } echo " </td>"; return true; }else return false; } function mes($mes) { if ($mes=="January") $mes="Enero"; if ($mes=="February") $mes="Febrero"; if ($mes=="March") $mes="Marzo"; if ($mes=="April") $mes="Abril"; if ($mes=="May") $mes="Mayo"; if ($mes=="June") $mes="Junio"; if ($mes=="July") $mes="Julio"; if ($mes=="August") $mes="Agosto"; if ($mes=="September") $mes="Setiembre"; if ($mes=="October") $mes="Octubre"; if ($mes=="November") $mes="Noviembre"; if ($mes=="December") $mes="Diciembre"; return $mes; } $xmlFile = "calendario/calendar.xml"; } else { $year = $_GET['year']; } } else { $monthNo = $_GET['monthNo']; } $i = 0; $lookForMonth = 0; $getDays = 0; if ($getDays && $values[$i][tag] == $monthName) { break; } if ($values[$i][tag] == "Y$year" && $values[$i][type] == "open") { $lookForMonth = 1; } if ($getDays) { $day = $values[$i][tag]; $event[$day] = $values[$i][value]; } if ($lookForMonth && $values[$i][tag] == $monthName) { $getDays = 1; } $i++; } echo "<html>\n\n"; echo "<head>\n"; echo "<link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"calendario/calendar.css\">\n"; echo "</head>\n\n"; echo "<body>\n"; echo "<a name=\"tg\" id=\"a\"></a>"; echo "<table align=\"center\" class=\"calendario\">\n"; echo "<caption class=\"calendario\">Calendario de ".mes($monthName)." $year</caption>\n"; echo "<tr>\n"; echo "\t<th class=\"calendario\">Domingo</th>\n"; echo "\t<th class=\"calendario\">Lunes</th>\n"; echo "\t<th class=\"calendario\">Martes</th>\n"; echo "\t<th class=\"calendario\">MIercoles</th>\n"; echo "\t<th class=\"calendario\">Jueves</th>\n"; echo "\t<th class=\"calendario\">Viernes</th>\n"; echo "\t<th class=\"calendario\">Sabado</th>\n"; echo "</tr>\n"; for ($dayNo = 1; $dayNo <= $daysInMonth; $dayNo++) { if ($dayNo == 1 && $dayName != "Sun") { echo "<tr class=\"calendario\">\n"; for ($i = 0; $i < $dayOfWeek; $i++) { echo "\t<td class=\"calendario\" style=\"background-color: #E8E8E8\"> </td>\n"; } } if ($dayName == "Sun") { echo "<tr class=\"calendario\">\n"; } if(existeEvento($monthNo, $year, $dayNo)) { } else { echo "\t<td class=\"calendario\"><b>$dayNo</b>"; ?> <? echo "\t</td>\n"; } if ($dayName == "Sat") { echo "</tr>\n"; } if ($dayNo == $daysInMonth && $dayName != "Sat") { for ($i = 6; $i > $dayOfWeek; $i--) { echo "\t<td class=\"calendario\" style=\"background-color: #E8E8E8\"> </td>\n"; } echo "</tr>\n"; } } echo "</td></tr>"; echo "</table>\n"; echo "</body>\n\n"; echo "</html>"; echo "<table align=\"center\" class=\"calendario\">\n"; echo "<tr>\n"; echo "\t<th class=\"calendario\" style=\"background-color: #E8E8E8\" colspan=2><div align=center>\n"; $prevMonth = $monthNo - 1; if ($prevMonth == 0) { $prevMonth = 12; $prevYear = $year - 1; } else { $prevYear = $year; } $nextMonth = $monthNo + 1; if ($nextMonth == 13) { $nextMonth = 1; $nextYear = $year + 1; } else { $nextYear = $year; } $prevYear1= $year - 1; $nextYear1= $year + 1; echo "<h3><p> <a href=\"?year=$prevYear&monthNo=$prevMonth#tg\"><img src=images/flechaDerecha.gif border=0/> ".mes($prevMonthName)."</a> ".mes($monthName)." <a href=\"?year=$nextYear&monthNo=$nextMonth#tg\">".mes($nextMonthName)." <img src=images/flechaIquierda.gif border=0/></a> </p></h3>\n</th>\n"; echo "\t<th class=\"calendario\" style=\"background-color: #E8E8E8\"> <html><head> <strong> <script language=Javascript> var meses = new Array ('Enero','Febrero','Marzo','Abril','Mayo','Junio','julio','Agos.','Sept.','Octu.','Nobi.','Dici.'); var diasSemana = new Array('Domi.','Lunes','Mart.','Miér.','Juev.','Vier.','Sába.'); var f=new Date(); document.write(diasSemana[f.getDay()] + ' ' + f.getDate() + ' de ' + meses[f.getMonth()] + ' del ' + f.getFullYear()); </script> </strong> </head><body></body> </html></th>\n"; echo "\t<th class=\"calendario\" style=\"background-color: #E8E8E8\" colspan=2> <div align=center ><h3><p> <a href=\"?year=$prevYear1#tg\"><img src=images/flechaDerecha.gif border=0/> ".$prevYear1."</a> ".$year." <a href=\"?year=$nextYear1#tg\">".$nextYear1." <img src=images/flechaIquierda.gif border=0/> </a></h3><div></th>\n"; echo "</tr>\n"; ?>
Código PHP:
Ver original
function obtenerEvento($monthNo, $ano, $dia) { $this->InciarConexion(); //select * from eventos where fechaIncio >= '$hoy' AND fechaTermino <= '$hoy' $Consulta = " SELECT * "; $Consulta .= " FROM eventos "; $Consulta .= " WHERE year( fecha) <= $ano AND year( fechatermino) >= $ano "; $Consulta .= " AND month( fecha) <= $monthNo AND month( fechatermino) >= $monthNo"; $Consulta .= " AND day( fecha) <= $dia AND day( fechatermino) >= $dia "; echo $Consulta; if($this->EstadoDelaConexion()) { $ResConsulta = $this->consultar($Consulta); $this->cerrar_conexion (); return $ResConsulta; } } function obtenerEvento2($ano, $monthNo, $dia) { $this->InciarConexion(); $Consulta = " SELECT * "; $Consulta .= " FROM eventos "; $Consulta .= " WHERE year( fechatermino ) = $ano "; $Consulta .= " AND month( fechatermino ) = $monthNo "; $Consulta .= " AND day( fechatermino ) = $dia "; //echo $mes; if($this->EstadoDelaConexion()) { $ResConsulta = $this->consultar($Consulta); $this->cerrar_conexion (); return $ResConsulta; } }