Que tal buen dia, quisiera un poc de ayuda, resulta que al intentar actualizar mis datos de mi base de datos me sale este error:
Cannot query the database.
You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '='http://www.yourdomain.com/', ='/home/user/public_html/', ='localhost', ='Us' at line 2
La sentencia es esta:
<form name="form1" method="post" action="app/function.php?which=SETTINGS&t1=URL&t2=PATH&return= settings<?php echo $x; ?>&t3=HOST&t4=USER&t5=RAK&t6=WSU&t7=DNR&t8=AUTOTER M">
Mi archivo function es este:
include '../../inc/sqlinf.php';
$a = $_POST['1'];
$b = $_POST['2'];
$c = $_POST['3'];
$d = $_POST['4'];
$e = $_POST['5'];
$f = $_POST['6'];
$g = $_POST['7'];
$h = $_POST['8'];
$i = $_POST['9'];
$j = $_POST['10'];
if ($edit == 'tru') {
$v ='UPDATE $which SET';
$w =" WHERE ID = '$id'";
$v ='INSERT INTO $which SET';
$w = $nil;
if (empty($b)) {$bc = $no; } else {$bc=',';}
if (empty($c)) {$cc = $no; } else {$cc=',';}
if (empty($d)) {$dc = $no; } else {$dc=',';}
if (empty($e)) {$ec = $no; } else {$ec=',';}
if (empty($f)) {$fc = $no; } else {$fc=',';}
if (empty($g)) {$gc = $no; } else {$gc=',';}
if (empty($h)) {$hc = $no; } else {$hc=',';}
if (empty($i)) {$ic = $no; } else {$ic=',';}
if (empty($j)) {$jc = $no; } else {$jc=',';}
if (empty($k)) {$kc = $no; } else {$kc=',';}
if (empty($a)) {$t1= $nono; $q1 = $abc; $q2 = $def;}else{$q1a="'"; $q2a="=";}
if (empty($b)) {$t2= $nono; $q1 = $abc; $q2 = $def;}else{$q1b="'"; $q2b="=";}
if (empty($c)) {$t3= $nono; $q1 = $abc; $q2 = $def;}else{$q1c="'"; $q2c="=";}
if (empty($d)) {$t4= $nono; $q1 = $abc; $q2 = $def;}else{$q1d="'"; $q2d="=";}
if (empty($e)) {$t5= $nono; $q1 = $abc; $q2 = $def;}else{$q1e="'"; $q2e="=";}
if (empty($f)) {$t6= $nono; $q1 = $abc; $q2 = $def;}else{$q1f="'"; $q2f="=";}
if (empty($g)) {$t7= $nono; $q1 = $abc; $q2 = $def;}else{$q1g="'"; $q2g="=";}
if (empty($h)) {$t8= $nono; $q1 = $abc; $q2 = $def;}else{$q1h="'"; $q2h="=";}
if (empty($i)) {$t9= $nono; $q1 = $abc; $q2 = $def;}else{$q1i="'"; $q2i="=";}
if (empty($j)) {$t10=$nono; $q1 = $abc; $q2 = $def;}else{$q1j="'"; $q2j="=";}
$sql = "$v
$t1 $q2a$q1a$a$q1a$bc
$t2 $q2b$q1b$b$q1b$cc
$t3 $q2c$q1c$c$q1c$dc
$t4 $q2d$q1d$d$q1d$ec
$t5 $q2e$q1e$e$q1e$fc
$t6 $q2f$q1f$f$q1f$gc
$t7 $q2g$q1g$g$q1g$hc
$t8 $q2h$q1h$h$q1h$ic
$t9 $q2i$q1i$i$q1i$jc
$t10 $qj$q1j$j$q1j$kc
$query = mysql_query($sql) or die("Cannot query the database.<br>" . mysql_error());
$variable = "../$return.php";
include '../resend.php';
No encuentro cual es el problema :C, Les agradezco de antemano su ayuda