Me he bajao este codigo pero no me funciona cuando va a enviar el archivo me pide otra pagina uploadmulti.php, me podriais echar una mano, muchas gracias
$abpath = "C:\Archivos de programa\EasyPHP\www\ftp\archivos"; //Absolute path donde se colocaran los archivos. No trailing slash
$sizelim = "no"; //Quieres un limite en tamano de los archivos
$size = "2500000"; //Limite en tamano en kb
$number_of_uploads = 5; //Numero de archivos a subir simultaneamente
if ($_REQUEST['submitted']){ // Begin processing portion of script
//all image types to upload
$cert1 = "image/pjpeg"; //Jpeg type 1
$cert2 = "image/jpeg"; //Jpeg type 2
$cert3 = "image/gif"; //Gif type
$cert4 = "image/ief"; //Ief type
$cert5 = "image/png"; //Png type
$cert6 = "image/tiff"; //Tiff type
$cert7 = "image/bmp"; //Bmp Type
$cert8 = "image/vnd.wap.wbmp"; //Wbmp type
$cert9 = "image/x-cmu-raster"; //Ras type
$cert10 = "image/x-x-portable-anymap"; //Pnm type
$cert11 = "image/x-portable-bitmap"; //Pbm type
$cert12 = "image/x-portable-graymap"; //Pgm type
$cert13 = "image/x-portable-pixmap"; //Ppm type
$cert14 = "image/x-rgb"; //Rgb type
$cert15 = "image/x-xbitmap"; //Xbm type
$cert16 = "image/x-xpixmap"; //Xpm type
$cert17 = "image/x-xwindowdump"; //Xwd type
$log = "";
for ($i=0; $i<$number_of_uploads; $i++) {
//checks if file exists
if ($img_name[$i] == "") {
$log .= "No file selected for upload $i<br>";
if ($img_name[$i] != "") {
//checks if file exists
if (file_exists("$abpath/$img_name[$i]")) {
$log .= "File $i already existed<br>";
} else {
//checks if files to big
if (($sizelim == "yes") && ($img_size[$i] > $size)) {
$log .= "File $i was too big<br>";
} else {
//Checks if file is an image
if (($img_type[$i] == $cert1) or ($img_type[$i] == $cert2) or ($img_type[$i] == $cert3) or ($img_type[$i] == $cert4) or ($img_type[$i] == $cert5) or ($img_type[$i] == $cert6) or ($img_type[$i] == $cert7) or ($img_type[$i] == $cert8) or ($img_type[$i] == $cert9) or ($img_type[$i] == $cert10) or ($img_type[$i] == $cert11) or ($img_type[$i] == $cert12) or ($img_type[$i] == $cert13) or ($img_type[$i] == $cert14) or ($img_type[$i] == $cert15) or ($img_type[$i] == $cert16) or ($img_type[$i] == $cert17)) {
@copy($img[$i], "$abpath/$img_name[$i]") or $log .= "Couldn't copy image 1 to server<br>";
if (file_exists("$abpath/$img_name[$i]")) {
$log .= "File $i was uploaded<br>";
} else {
$log .= "File $i is not an image<br>";
<title>Image Report</title>
echo "$log";
} // End processing portion of script
<title>Upload Image</title>
<form method=POST action=uploadmulti.php enctype=multipart/form-data>
<p>Files to upload:<br>
for ($j=0; $j<$number_of_uploads; $j++) {
<input type=file name=img[] size=30><br>
<input type="hidden" name="submitted" value="true">
<input type="submit" name="submit" value="Upload">