Tengo el siguiente inconveniente realize un webservices que esta funcionando correctamente sobre un servidor no seguro(http). Ese mismo webservices lo instale en un servidor seguro(https) pero no me esta funcionando retorna HTTP Error: cURL ERROR: 52: Empty reply from server .
comparando el debug de los dos servidores
Sevidor HTTP
Servidor HTTPS2010-11-10 17:18:17.330328 soap_transport_http: parsed URL scheme = http
2010-11-10 17:18:17.330684 soap_transport_http: parsed URL host = localhost
2010-11-10 17:18:17.331017 soap_transport_http: parsed URL path = /webservice.php
2010-11-10 17:18:17.331377 soap_transport_http: set header Host: localhost
2010-11-10 17:18:17.331804 soap_transport_http: set header User-Agent: NuSOAP/0.9.5 (1.123)
2010-11-10 17:18:17.332161 soap_transport_http: set header Content-Type: text/xml; charset=ISO-8859-1
2010-11-10 17:18:17.332487 soap_transport_http: set header SOAPAction: ""
2010-11-10 17:18:17.333207 soap_transport_http: entered send() with data of length: 470
2010-11-10 17:18:17.333562 soap_transport_http: connect connection_timeout 0, response_timeout 30, scheme http, host localhost, port 80
2010-11-10 17:18:17.333982 soap_transport_http: calling fsockopen with host localhost connection_timeout 0
2010-11-10 17:18:17.334922 soap_transport_http: set response timeout to 30
2010-11-10 17:18:17.335274 soap_transport_http: socket connected
2010-11-10 17:18:17.335983 soap_transport_http: set header Content-Length: 470
2010-11-10 17:18:17.330684 soap_transport_http: parsed URL host = localhost
2010-11-10 17:18:17.331017 soap_transport_http: parsed URL path = /webservice.php
2010-11-10 17:18:17.331377 soap_transport_http: set header Host: localhost
2010-11-10 17:18:17.331804 soap_transport_http: set header User-Agent: NuSOAP/0.9.5 (1.123)
2010-11-10 17:18:17.332161 soap_transport_http: set header Content-Type: text/xml; charset=ISO-8859-1
2010-11-10 17:18:17.332487 soap_transport_http: set header SOAPAction: ""
2010-11-10 17:18:17.333207 soap_transport_http: entered send() with data of length: 470
2010-11-10 17:18:17.333562 soap_transport_http: connect connection_timeout 0, response_timeout 30, scheme http, host localhost, port 80
2010-11-10 17:18:17.333982 soap_transport_http: calling fsockopen with host localhost connection_timeout 0
2010-11-10 17:18:17.334922 soap_transport_http: set response timeout to 30
2010-11-10 17:18:17.335274 soap_transport_http: socket connected
2010-11-10 17:18:17.335983 soap_transport_http: set header Content-Length: 470
2010-11-10 17:22:56.933499 soap_transport_http: parsed URL scheme = https
2010-11-10 17:22:56.933593 soap_transport_http: parsed URL host = localhost
2010-11-10 17:22:56.933654 soap_transport_http: parsed URL path = /webservice.php
2010-11-10 17:22:56.933759 soap_transport_http: set header Host: localhost
2010-11-10 17:22:56.933941 soap_transport_http: set header User-Agent: NuSOAP/0.9.5 (1.123)
2010-11-10 17:22:56.934059 soap_transport_http: set header Content-Type: text/xml; charset=ISO-8859-1
2010-11-10 17:22:56.934126 soap_transport_http: set header SOAPAction: ""
2010-11-10 17:22:56.934280 soap_transport_http: entered send() with data of length: 470
2010-11-10 17:22:56.934392 soap_transport_http: connect connection_timeout 0, response_timeout 30, scheme https, host localhost, port 443
2010-11-10 17:22:56.934494 soap_transport_http: connect using cURL
2010-11-10 17:22:56.934837 soap_transport_http: setCurlOption option=10002, value=
string(67) "https://localhost/webservice.php"
2010-11-10 17:22:56.934999 soap_transport_http: setCurlOption option=52, value=
Solo encuentro lo que esta en negrilla diferente2010-11-10 17:22:56.933499 soap_transport_http: parsed URL scheme = https
2010-11-10 17:22:56.933593 soap_transport_http: parsed URL host = localhost
2010-11-10 17:22:56.933654 soap_transport_http: parsed URL path = /webservice.php
2010-11-10 17:22:56.933759 soap_transport_http: set header Host: localhost
2010-11-10 17:22:56.933941 soap_transport_http: set header User-Agent: NuSOAP/0.9.5 (1.123)
2010-11-10 17:22:56.934059 soap_transport_http: set header Content-Type: text/xml; charset=ISO-8859-1
2010-11-10 17:22:56.934126 soap_transport_http: set header SOAPAction: ""
2010-11-10 17:22:56.934280 soap_transport_http: entered send() with data of length: 470
2010-11-10 17:22:56.934392 soap_transport_http: connect connection_timeout 0, response_timeout 30, scheme https, host localhost, port 443
2010-11-10 17:22:56.934494 soap_transport_http: connect using cURL
2010-11-10 17:22:56.934837 soap_transport_http: setCurlOption option=10002, value=
string(67) "https://localhost/webservice.php"
2010-11-10 17:22:56.934999 soap_transport_http: setCurlOption option=52, value=
He estado mirando varias opciones del por que puede ser y siempre llego a que puede ser inconveniente del certificado digital y por algun inconveniente que presenta el curl se bloquea algo mas, revisando el trafico del servidor este nunca sale a realizar la peticion a internet.
Agradezco alquien me pueda dar una idea del porque este error, por que cambia la forma como se conecta segun los logs y como hacer para uque nusoap no valide el certificado digital si es que por ahi es el error

Gracias por su tiempo!.