simplemente necesitaría un código simple para incrustar el precio en mi web con html
Código PHP:
function hb_rates_price( $atts, $plugin_version, $hbdb, $utils ) {
$atts = shortcode_atts(
'accom_id' => '',
'type' => 'normal', // 'normal', 'adult', 'child'
'days' => '',
'season' => '',
'rule' => '',
'show_global_price' => 'no',
'nights' => '0',
'custom_text_after_amount' => ''
$type = 'accom';
if ( $atts['type'] == 'adult' ) {
$type = 'extra_adults';
} else if ( $atts['type'] == 'child' ) {
$type = 'extra_children';
$utils->load_datepicker( $plugin_version );
wp_enqueue_style( 'hb-rates-style', plugin_dir_url( __FILE__ ) . 'css/rates.css', array(), $plugin_version );
wp_enqueue_script( 'hb-rates-script', plugin_dir_url( __FILE__ ) . 'js/rates.js', array( 'jquery' ), $plugin_version, true );
$accom_id = $atts['accom_id'];
if ( $accom_id == '' ) {
$accom_id = $utils->get_default_lang_post_id( get_the_ID() );
$all_linked_accom = $hbdb->get_all_linked_accom();
if ( isset( $all_linked_accom[ $accom_id ] ) ) {
$accom_id = $all_linked_accom[ $accom_id ];
$all_accom = $hbdb->get_all_accom_ids();
if ( ! in_array( $accom_id, $all_accom ) ) {
if ( $atts['accom_id'] == '' ) {
return __( 'Invalid shortcode. Use: [hb_rates accom_id="ID"]', 'hbook-admin' );
} else if ( get_post_type( $accom_id ) == 'hb_accommodation' ) {
return __( 'Invalid shortcode. Please use the id of an accommodation which is set in the website default language.', 'hbook-admin' );
} else {
return sprintf( __( 'Invalid shortcode. Could not find an accommodation whose id is %s.', 'hbook-admin' ), $accom_id );
$rule = 0;
if ( $atts['rule'] != '' ) {
$rule = $hbdb->get_rule_by_name( $atts['rule'] );
if ( ! $rule ) {
return 'Invalid shortcode. The rule "' . $atts['rule'] . '" does not exist.';
if ( $atts['season'] != '' ) {
$seasons = $hbdb->get_season_by_name( $atts['season'] );
if ( ! $seasons ) {
return 'Invalid shortcode. The season "' . $atts['season'] . '" does not exist.';
$seasons_dates = $hbdb->get_all_season_dates( $seasons[0]['id'] );
} else {
$seasons = $hbdb->get_all( 'seasons' );
$seasons_dates = $hbdb->get_all( 'seasons_dates' );
$price_per_night = false;
$width = '33%';
if ( $atts['days'] == '' ) {
foreach ( $seasons_dates as $dates ) {
if ( $dates['days'] != '0,1,2,3,4,5,6' ) {
$price_per_night = true;
$width = '25%';
$output = '
<table class="hb-rates-table">
<th width="' . $width . '">' . $hbdb->get_string( 'table_rates_from' ) . '</th>
<th width="' . $width . '">' . $hbdb->get_string( 'table_rates_to' ) . '</th>';
if ( $price_per_night ) {
$output .= '
<th width="' . $width . '">' . $hbdb->get_string( 'table_rates_nights' ) . '</th>';
$output .= '
<th width="' . $width . '">' . $hbdb->get_string( 'table_rates_price' ) . '</th>
if ( $atts['days'] != '' ) {
$days = explode( ',', $atts['days'] );
} else {
$days = false;
$output .= '<tbody>';
foreach ( $seasons as $season ) {
$season_dates = $hbdb->get_all_season_dates( $season['id'] );
$output_dates = array();
if ( $days ) {
foreach( $season_dates as $dates ) {
$dates_days = explode( ',', $dates['days'] );
$tmp = array_intersect( $dates_days, $days );
if ( ! empty( $tmp ) ) {
$output_dates[] = $dates;
} else {
$output_dates = $season_dates;
foreach ( $output_dates as $j => $dates ) {
$output .= '
<td class="hb-format-date">' . $dates['start_date'] . '</td>
<td class="hb-format-date">' . $dates['end_date'] . '</td>';
if ( $price_per_night ) {
if ( $dates['days'] == '0,1,2,3,4,5,6' ) {
$output .= '
<td>' . $hbdb->get_string( 'table_rates_all_nights' ) . '</td>';
} else {
$output .= '
<td class="hb-rate-days">' . $dates['days'] . '</td>';
if ( $j == 0 ) {
$output .= '
<td rowspan="' . count( $output_dates ) . '" class="hb-rate-price">';
$rate_and_nights = $hbdb->get_rate_and_nights( $type, $rule, $accom_id, $season['id'], $atts['nights'] );
if ( $rate_and_nights ) {
if ( $atts['show_global_price'] != 'yes' ) {
$output .= $utils->price_with_symbol( $rate_and_nights['amount'] / $rate_and_nights['nights'] );
} else {
$output .= $utils->price_with_symbol( $rate_and_nights['amount'] );
$output .= ' ';
if ( $atts['custom_text_after_amount'] != '' ) {
$output .= $atts['custom_text_after_amount'];
} else {
if ( $rate_and_nights['nights'] > 1 ) {
$output .= str_replace( '%nb_nights', $rate_and_nights['nights'], $hbdb->get_string( 'table_rates_for_night_stay' ) );
} else {
$output .= $hbdb->get_string( 'table_rates_per_night' );
$output .=
$output .= '
$output .= '
return $output;