Many e-mail providers such as Hotmail, AOL, Yahoo and most others use aggressive spam filtering technology, this technology has a higher rate of blocking genuine non-spam e-mail from sites or e-mail accounts on a shared-hosting server.
There are many reasons why an ISP or provider may block, flag or filter genuine e-mail and often, there is nothing you as the sender or we as the host can do to prevent this from occurring.
What is a site owner to do?
The best known and most highly recommended solution is to dispatch your e-mails through a third-party provider such as Google which has a higher probability of being received than any other provider.
E-mails received by Yahoo, AOL or Hotmail from Google are less likely to encounter a high filter rate as Google is considered a trusted provider and sender to each of these services and smaller providers or self-hosted services just cannot obtain the same level of trust and quality of e-mail delivery as Google.
How do you get started?
1) Create a Google Apps for Domains Standard account:
2) Verify your account with Google
3) To set the MX records simply do the following...
- Login to cPanel
- Click on MX Entry next to the domain you are changing
- Remove any existing MX records for your domain
- Set the Priority to 10
- Save it and that's it :)
4) Create your e-mail accounts with Google Apps and refer to Google Apps help documentation for assistance
5) Configure a special Gmail account (eg: noreply) for sending via scripts and enable it to send via POP/SMTP (help:
6) Next in your script you would configure it for the following configuration or similar:
Use SMTP Server for E-mail: Yes
SMTP Server Address: ssl://smtp.gmail.com
SMTP Server Port: 465
Authentication Method: PLAIN
SMTP username:
[email protected] (replace example.com with your Google Apps domain)
SMTP password: [Your E-mail Account password]
That's it really, in those six steps you have switched to Google Apps, created your e-mail accounts and learned how to send e-mail through Google Apps from your website scripts :)