este es el codigo, hasta abajo esta el codigo para cambiar el select.
espero haberme explicado bien, saludos agradezco su ayuda y apoyo

<script language="JavaScript"> <!-- function MM_jumpMenu(targ,selObj,restore){ //v3.0 eval(targ+".location='"+selObj.options[selObj.selectedIndex].value+"'"); if (restore) selObj.selectedIndex=0; } //--> </script> <?php // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Comic Gallery 1.2 // // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Copyright (C) 2005 Stuart Robertson // // // // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify // // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // // the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or // // (at your option) any later version. // // A summary is available at // // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Edit the code below to configure your Comic Gallery // // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // $c_capitulo ="".$reg['c_capitulo'].""; // Your images directory, relative to the page calling this script $imagedir="".$reg['c_path'].""; // To start at the last image use "last" $startimage="first"; // Copyright name to display, for none use " " $copyright=" "; // Creative Commons license, for none use " " // example: "" $creativecommons=" "; // type of divider, for none use " " $divider="·"; // show arrows, for none use 0 $arrows=1; // show back and next, for none use 0 $backnext=1; // show back and next, for none use 0 $firstlast=0; // show numbers, for none use 0 $numbers=0; // numbers per line $linelength=10; // navigation position, for aboe use "above" $navplacement="above"; // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Do not edit below this line // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // initialize variables $pics=array(); $count=0; // Open the directory $comicdir=opendir($imagedir); // read directory into pics array while (($file = readdir($comicdir))!==false) { // filter for jpg, gif or png files... if (substr($file,-4) == ".jpg" || substr($file,-4) == ".gif" || substr($file,-4) == ".png" || substr($file,-4) == ".JPG" || substr($file,-4) == ".GIF" || substr($file,-4) == ".PNG"){ $pics[$count] = $file; $count++; } } closedir($comicdir); // check for the picture to view $pic=$_GET['p']; // if no picture variable... if ($pic=="") { if ($startimage!="last"){ $pic=1; } else { $pic=$count; } } // sort the filenames alphabetically sort($pics); reset($pics); // determine which picture to get for ($f=0;$f<=sizeof($pics)-1;$f++){if ($pic==$pics[$f]){$selected = $f+1;}} // check for javascript... if ($pic && !preg_match("/javascript/",$pic)){ // get current image file $current=$pics[$pic-1]; $next=$pic+1; if ($next > sizeof($pics)){ $next=sizeof($pics); } $back=$pic-1; if ($back < 1){ $back=1; } // funcion agregar select $c2 = 1; function listPics($pics) { while(list($num, $pic) = each($pics)) { global $c_capitulo; echo "<option value='".$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']."?capitulo=$c_capitulo&c=$p+1'>$c2</option>\n"; $c2++; } } function getPicName($p, $pics) { return preg_replace("/\.jpg$|\.gif$|\.png$/i", "", $pics[$p]); } // display image above nav if ($navplacement!="above"){ if (substr($current,-4) == ".jpg" || substr($current,-4) == ".gif" || substr($current,-4) == ".png" || substr($current,-4) == ".JPG" || substr($current,-4) == ".GIF" || substr($current,-4) == ".PNG"){ if ($pic < sizeof($pics)){ echo"\n<p id=\"cg_img\"><a href=\"?capitulo=$c_capitulo&p=".$next."\"><img src=\"".$imagedir."/".$current."\" alt=\"Next\" /></a></p>\n"; } else { echo"\n<p id=\"cg_img\"><img src=\"".$imagedir."/".$current."\" alt=\"End\" /></p>\n"; } } } // display back and next if ($backnext != 0 || $arrows != 0){ if (sizeof($pics) > 1){ echo "<p id=\"cg_nav1\">"; if ($firstlast != 0){ if ($pic > 1){ echo "<a href=\"?capitulo=$c_capitulo&p=1\" id=\"cg_first\"><span>First</span></a>"; } else { echo "<span id=\"cg_first\"><span>First</span></span>"; } echo "<span class=\"cg_divider\"> ".$divider." </span>"; } if ($pic > 1){ echo "<a href=\"?capitulo=$c_capitulo&p=".$back."\" id=\"cg_back\"><span>"; if ($arrows != 0) { echo "« "; } if ($backnext != 0) { echo "Anterior"; } echo "</span></a>"; } else { echo "<span id=\"cg_back\"><span>"; if ($arrows != 0) { echo "« "; } if ($backnext != 0) { echo "Anterior"; } echo "</span></span>"; } echo "<span class=\"cg_divider\"> ".$divider." </span>"; if ($pic < sizeof($pics)){ echo "<a href=\"?capitulo=$c_capitulo&p=".$next."\" id=\"cg_next\"><span>"; if ($backnext != 0) { echo "Siguiente"; } if ($arrows != 0) { echo " »"; } echo "</span></a>"; } else { echo "<span id=\"cg_next\"><span>"; if ($backnext != 0) { echo "Siguiente"; } if ($arrows != 0) { echo " »"; } echo "</span></span>"; } if ($firstlast != 0){ echo "<span class=\"cg_divider\"> ".$divider." </span>"; if ($pic < sizeof($pics)){ echo "<a href=\"?p=". sizeof($pics) ."\" id=\"cg_last\"><span>Last</span></a>"; } else { echo "<span id=\"cg_last\"><span>Last</span></span>"; } } echo "</p>\n"; } } // display numbers if ($numbers != 0){ if (sizeof($pics) > 1){ // display textlinks echo "<p id=\"cg_nav2\">"; // loop over images for ($f=1;$f<=sizeof($pics);$f++){ // if the link to the pic is the selected one, display a bold number and no link if ($pic==$f){echo "<b>".$f."</b>";} // otherwise display the link else{echo "<a href=\"?p=".$f."\">".$f."</a>";} // add dividers and linebreaks if (($f % $linelength) == 0) { echo "<br />"; } else { if ($f!=sizeof($pics)){ echo "<span class=\"cg_divider\"> ".$divider." </span>"; } } } echo "</p>\n"; } } // display image below nav if ($navplacement=="above"){ if (substr($current,-4) == ".jpg" || substr($current,-4) == ".gif" || substr($current,-4) == ".png" || substr($current,-4) == ".JPG" || substr($current,-4) == ".GIF" || substr($current,-4) == ".PNG"){ if ($pic < sizeof($pics)){ echo"\n<p id=\"cg_img\"><a href=\"?capitulo=$c_capitulo&p=".$next."\"><image src=\"".$imagedir."/".$current."\" alt=\"Next\" border=\"0\"></a></p>\n"; } else { echo"\n<p id=\"cg_img\"><image src=\"".$imagedir."/".$current."\" alt=\"End\" /></p>\n"; } } } } ?> <form name="menu"> <select name="jumpMenu" onChange="MM_jumpMenu('parent',this,0)"> <?php $files = scandir("".$reg['c_path'].""); $dir ="".$reg['c_path'].""; $c1 = count($files); $c2 = 1; for($i=0; $i<$c1; $i++) { if(strlen($files[$i]) > 3) { $extension = strtolower(substr($files[$i], -4)); if(($extension == ".gif") OR ($extension == ".jpg") OR ($extension == ".png")) { echo "<option value='$dir".$files[$i]."'>$c2"; $c2++; } } } ?> </select> </form> <?php } ?>