Dentro mi web tengo un formulario que le permite al usuario cargar una fotografia. en mi pagina php que procesa toda esta informacion + la foto, proceso la imagen mediante el script de Zubrag de manera de obtener thumps que usare luego. El problema es que en cuanto el código de este script llama a la clase Zubrag_image ya no puedo imprimir en pantalla nada ni utilizar el header para redireccionar la pagina (obviamente no intento hacer ambas cosas al mismo tiempo :) ). si no incluyo esta linea realiza el redireccionado perfectamente.
El script es el siguiente:
Código PHP:
$save_to_file = true;
$image_quality = 100;
$image_type = -1;
$max_x = 100;
$max_y = 100;
$cut_x = 0;
$cut_y = 0;
$images_folder = '../images/';
$thumbs_folder = '../Centros/1/';
$thumbs1_folder = '../Centros/2/';
$to_name = '';
$save_to_file = 1 == 1;
$from_name = urldecode($n_arch_alm);
$to_name = urldecode($n_arch_alm);
if (!file_exists($images_folder)) die('Images folder does not exist (update $images_folder in the script)');
if ($save_to_file && !file_exists($thumbs_folder)) die('Thumbnails folder does not exist (update $thumbs_folder in the script)');
ini_set('memory_limit', '-1');
$img = new Zubrag_image; // !!!!! linea problematica si incluyo esta no redirecciona!!!!
//generar la primera copia
$img->max_x = $max_x;
$img->max_y = $max_y;
$img->cut_x = $cut_x;
$img->cut_y = $cut_y;
$img->quality = $image_quality;
$img->save_to_file = $save_to_file;
$img->image_type = $image_type;
$img->GenerateThumbFile($images_folder . $from_name, $thumbs_folder . $to_name);
//generar la segunda copia
$img->max_x = 200;
$img->max_y = 200;
$img->cut_x = $cut_x;
$img->cut_y = $cut_y;
$img->quality = $image_quality;
$img->save_to_file = $save_to_file;
$img->image_type = $image_type;
$img->GenerateThumbFile($images_folder . $from_name, $thumbs1_folder . $to_name);
header("location:../centro_inscrito_ok.php?num=$numusuario&dataimg=$img"); // !!! esta es la linea que no me corre !!!
y la clase del archivo es la siguiente
Código PHP:
class Zubrag_image {
var $save_to_file = true;
var $image_type = -1;
var $quality = 100;
var $max_x = 100;
var $max_y = 100;
var $cut_x = 0;
var $cut_y = 0;
function SaveImage($im, $filename) {
$res = null;
// ImageGIF is not included into some GD2 releases, so it might not work
// output png if gifs are not supported
if(($this->image_type == 1) && !function_exists('imagegif')) $this->image_type = 3;
switch ($this->image_type) {
case 1:
if ($this->save_to_file) {
$res = ImageGIF($im,$filename);
else {
header("Content-type: image/gif");
$res = ImageGIF($im);
case 2:
if ($this->save_to_file) {
$res = ImageJPEG($im,$filename,$this->quality);
else {
header("Content-type: image/jpeg");
$res = ImageJPEG($im, NULL, $this->quality);
case 3:
if (PHP_VERSION >= '5.1.2') {
// Convert to PNG quality.
// PNG quality: 0 (best quality, bigger file) to 9 (worst quality, smaller file)
$quality = 9 - min( round($this->quality / 10), 9 );
if ($this->save_to_file) {
$res = ImagePNG($im, $filename, $quality);
else {
header("Content-type: image/png");
$res = ImagePNG($im, NULL, $quality);
else {
if ($this->save_to_file) {
$res = ImagePNG($im, $filename);
else {
header("Content-type: image/png");
$res = ImagePNG($im);
return $res;
function ImageCreateFromType($type,$filename) {
$im = null;
switch ($type) {
case 1:
$im = ImageCreateFromGif($filename);
case 2:
$im = ImageCreateFromJpeg($filename);
case 3:
$im = ImageCreateFromPNG($filename);
return $im;
// generate thumb from image and save it
function GenerateThumbFile($from_name, $to_name) {
// if src is URL then download file first
$temp = false;
if (substr($from_name,0,7) == 'http://') {
$tmpfname = tempnam("tmp/", "TmP-");
$temp = @fopen($tmpfname, "w");
if ($temp) {
@fwrite($temp, @file_get_contents($from_name)) or die("Cannot download image");
$from_name = $tmpfname;
else {
die("Cannot create temp file");
// check if file exists
if (!file_exists($from_name)) die("Source image does not exist!");
// get source image size (width/height/type)
// orig_img_type 1 = GIF, 2 = JPG, 3 = PNG
list($orig_x, $orig_y, $orig_img_type, $img_sizes) = @GetImageSize($from_name);
// cut image if specified by user
if ($this->cut_x > 0) $orig_x = min($this->cut_x, $orig_x);
if ($this->cut_y > 0) $orig_y = min($this->cut_y, $orig_y);
// should we override thumb image type?
$this->image_type = ($this->image_type != -1 ? $this->image_type : $orig_img_type);
// check for allowed image types
if ($orig_img_type < 1 or $orig_img_type > 3) die("Image type not supported");
if ($orig_x > $this->max_x or $orig_y > $this->max_y) {
// resize
$per_x = $orig_x / $this->max_x;
$per_y = $orig_y / $this->max_y;
if ($per_y > $per_x) {
$this->max_x = $orig_x / $per_y;
else {
$this->max_y = $orig_y / $per_x;
else {
// keep original sizes, i.e. just copy
if ($this->save_to_file) {
@copy($from_name, $to_name);
else {
switch ($this->image_type) {
case 1:
// header("Content-type: image/gif");
case 2:
// header("Content-type: image/jpeg");
case 3:
// header("Content-type: image/png");
if ($this->image_type == 1) {
// should use this function for gifs (gifs are palette images)
$ni = imagecreate($this->max_x, $this->max_y);
else {
// Create a new true color image
$ni = ImageCreateTrueColor($this->max_x,$this->max_y);
// Fill image with white background (255,255,255)
$white = imagecolorallocate($ni, 255, 255, 255);
imagefilledrectangle( $ni, 0, 0, $this->max_x, $this->max_y, $white);
// Create a new image from source file
$im = $this->ImageCreateFromType($orig_img_type,$from_name);
// Copy the palette from one image to another
// Copy and resize part of an image with resampling
$ni, $im, // destination, source
0, 0, 0, 0, // dstX, dstY, srcX, srcY
$this->max_x, $this->max_y, // dstW, dstH
$orig_x, $orig_y); // srcW, srcH
// save thumb file
$this->SaveImage($ni, $to_name);
if($temp) {
unlink($tmpfname); // this removes the file