Código PHP:
* In this tutorials we learn how to handle unlimited file uploads.
* Before implementing this example please visit the http://www.maheshchari.com
* for increasing uploading limit , simple file uploading,cheking file types
if (isset($_POST['Submit'])) {
$number_of_file_fields = 0;
$number_of_uploaded_files = 0;
$number_of_moved_files = 0;
$uploaded_files = array();
$upload_directory = dirname(__file__) . '/uploaded/'; //set upload directory
* we get a $_FILES['images'] array ,
* we procee this array while iterating with simple for loop
* you can check this array by print_r($_FILES['images']);
for ($i = 0; $i < count($_FILES['images']['name']); $i++) {
if ($_FILES['images']['name'][$i] != '') { //check if file field empty or not
$uploaded_files[] = $_FILES['images']['name'][$i];
if (move_uploaded_file($_FILES['images']['tmp_name'][$i], $upload_directory . $_FILES['images']['name'][$i])) {
echo "Number of File fields created $number_of_file_fields.<br/> ";
echo "Number of files submitted $number_of_uploaded_files . <br/>";
echo "Number of successfully moved files $number_of_moved_files . <br/>";
echo "File Names are <br/>" . implode(',', $uploaded_files);
* This is example purpose only.