Este es el codigo del archivo donde utilizo la funcion "include":
estoy usando dreamweaver tengo el folder principal "MyFolder" y dentro de este folder tengo otros 3 ("Client", "DB", "Business"). Cuando corro la aplicacion recibo este error:
<?php if(!defined('DOCUMENT_ROOT')) define("DOCUMENT_ROOT", $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']); include(DOCUMENT_ROOT.'MyFolder/DB/queries.php'); @session_start(); header("Cache-control: private"); $login = new Login(); function getAuthentication(){ echo "<strong>Step 2 - Register Session </strong><br />"; // Get the user's input from the form $name = $_POST['name'];//turning the superglobal into simple variables $pass = $_POST['pass']; $userLog = $login->setLog($name, $pass); if($userLog){ // Register session key with the value $_SESSION['pass'] = $pass; echo "Welcome to my website <strong>$name</strong><br/>"; echo "Let's see what happens on the <a href=\"page3.php\">next page.</a><br /><br /> <br />"; } else echo "The user name does not exist"; } $a = getAuthentication(); ?>
podria alguien recomendarme un link, tutorial, articulo lo que sea...Warning: main(/kunden/ failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /kunden/ on line 4
Warning: main(/kunden/ failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /kunden/ on line 4
Warning: main(): Failed opening '/kunden/' for inclusion (include_path='.:/usr/local/lib/php') in /kunden/ on line 4
Warning: main(/kunden/ failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /kunden/ on line 4
Warning: main(): Failed opening '/kunden/' for inclusion (include_path='.:/usr/local/lib/php') in /kunden/ on line 4