Iniciado por monoswim
En el navegador pasa lo mismo ? puede ser que esté mal configurado el servidor DNS que es el que hace funcionar el www para los dominios

Hola, pues si, he probado con diferentes navegadores y ocurre en todos.
Voy a detallarlo más.
la web es un gestor zencart. El archivo que contiene el index (define_main_page.php) lleva embebido el elemento flash así:
<td height="8" colspan="2"><object classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" codebase=",0,29,0" width="515" height="160">
<param name="movie" value="/dockmenumx2011.swf" />
<param name="quality" value="high" />
<embed src="/dockmenumx2011.swf" quality="high" pluginspage="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="515" height="160"></embed>
Este archivo .swf lleva el siguiente código:
verticalMenu = false; //true for a vertical menu, false for horizontal
var minThumbW = 60; //onRollOut thumbs sizes (width
var minThumbH = 60; //and height)
// the minThumbW/minThumbH ratio should be equal to width/height ratio of the
// images you are indicating through the XML file
var maxThumbW = 150; //onRollOver size of the thumbs
var maxThumbH = minThumbH*maxThumbW/minThumbW;
var spacing = 6; //thumbs spacing
var influence = 100; //change the influence, snap and fade to have different feelings for onRollOver states
var snap = 8;
var fade = 12;
scrollSpeed = 15; //the dock scrolls with a certain speed
DockYpos = 5; //Y position of the Dock
DockXpos = 0; //X position of the Dock
bigThumbDirection = 2.2; // 2.2 middle, 1 up, 0 down - for horizontal orientation
//different values for vertical orientation
dockWidth = Stage.width;
dockHeight = Stage.height;
var xml:XML = new XML();
xml.ignoreWhite = true;
var images:Array = new Array();
var urls:Array = new Array();
var Dock:Array = new Array();
useMirror = 1;
bigThumbDirection *= useMirror;
loadXML = function (success) {
if(success) {
var photos:Array = this.firstChild.childNodes;
total = photos.length-1;
createEmptyMovieClip("thumbs", 4);
for (var i=0;i<=total;i++) {
thumb = thumbs.createEmptyMovieClip("th"+i, i);
myPic = thumb.createEmptyMovieClip("holder", 1);
if (useMirror==2) {
r = thumb.attachMovie("item","hold"+i, i+1000);
r._y = 2*thumb._height-1+mirrorDistance;
thumbs._y = DockYpos;
thumbs._x = DockXpos;
if (verticalMenu)
onEnterFrame = function () {
mouseOverDock = ((_ymouse >10) && (_ymouse<dockHeight-10) && (_xmouse>10) && (_xmouse<dockWidth-10));
if (thumbs._height > dockHeight) {
xpos = (dockHeight - thumbs._height-maxThumbH-spacing)*_ymouse/dockHeight;
if ((thumbs._y > xpos) && (Math.abs(thumbs._y - xpos)>(scrollSpeed+5))) thumbs._y -=scrollSpeed;
else if ((thumbs._y < xpos) && (Math.abs(thumbs._y - xpos)>(scrollSpeed+5))) thumbs._y += scrollSpeed;
else thumbs._y = xpos;
dist = maxThumbH/2;
else { dist = dockHeight/2 - thumbs._height/2+spacing/2; thumbs._y = 0;}
for (i=0;i<Dock.length;i++) {
H = Dock[i]._height;
W = Dock[i]._width;
if (thumbs._height > dockHeight)
rap = (influence-Math.abs(((thumbs._height+maxThumbH+spacing)/dockHeight)*_ymouse-Dock[i]._y-Dock[i]._height/2))/influence;
else rap = (influence-Math.abs(_ymouse-(Dock[i]._y+Dock[i]._height/2)))/influence;
Dock[i]._width = Math.max(W-((W-minThumbW)/fade), W-((W-(rap*mouseOverDock*maxThumbW))/snap));
Dock[i]._height = Math.max(H-((H-useMirror*minThumbH)/fade), H-((H-(useMirror*rap*mouseOverDock*maxThumbH))/snap));
Dock[i]._x = (maxThumbH-Dock[i]._height)/bigThumbDirection;
Dock[i]._y = dist;
dist += Dock[i]._height+spacing;
onEnterFrame = function () {
mouseOverDock = ((_ymouse >10) && (_ymouse<dockHeight-10) && (_xmouse>10) && (_xmouse<dockWidth-10));
if (thumbs._width > dockWidth) {
xpos = (dockWidth - thumbs._width-maxThumbW-spacing)*_xmouse/dockWidth;
if ((thumbs._x > xpos) && (Math.abs(thumbs._x - xpos)>(scrollSpeed+5))) thumbs._x -=scrollSpeed;
else if ((thumbs._x < xpos) && (Math.abs(thumbs._x - xpos)>(scrollSpeed+5))) thumbs._x += scrollSpeed;
else thumbs._x = xpos;
dist = maxThumbW/2;
else { dist = dockWidth/2 - thumbs._width/2+spacing/2; thumbs._x = 0;}
for (i=0;i<Dock.length;i++) {
H = Dock[i]._height;
W = Dock[i]._width;
if (thumbs._width > dockWidth)
rap = (influence-Math.abs(((thumbs._width+maxThumbW+spacing)/dockWidth)*_xmouse-Dock[i]._x-Dock[i]._width/2))/influence;
else rap = (influence-Math.abs(_xmouse-(Dock[i]._x+Dock[i]._width/2)))/influence;
Dock[i]._width = Math.max(W-((W-minThumbW)/fade), W-((W-(rap*mouseOverDock*maxThumbW))/snap));
Dock[i]._height = Math.max(H-((H-useMirror*minThumbH)/fade), H-((H-(useMirror*rap*mouseOverDock*maxThumbH))/snap));
Dock[i]._y = (maxThumbH-Dock[i]._height)/bigThumbDirection;
Dock[i]._x = dist;
dist += Dock[i]._width+spacing;
xml.onLoad = loadXML;
MovieClip.prototype.onClick = function(i) {
this.onPress = function() {
getURL(urls[i], "_self");
he probado con enlaces absolutos y relativos en el archivo xml pero nada.
Como véis el .swf y el .xml están en la raiz del sitio.