El error que se muestra es el el siguiente:
Y el código en cuestión es:Fatal error: Call to a member function on a non-object in /home/talle/domains/compartimos.net/public_html/intercambio/goldlink.php on line 69
Código PHP:
require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/_startup.php');
function dirmatchlen($a, $b) {
$c = 0;
while($a1[]=basename($a)) $a=dirname($a);
while($b1[]=basename($b)) $b=dirname($b);
$a1 = array_reverse($a1);
$b1 = array_reverse($b1);
while($a1[$c]==$b1[$c]) $c++;
return $c;
if(SHORTURL && $httpref && $httpref != 'http://') {
$parsedref = parse_url($httpref);
$SQL = "select ID, URL from $tbl_usuario where URL like '" . http($parsedref['host']) . "' or URL like '" . http($parsedref['host']) . "/%'";
$conn->SetFetchMode(ADODB_FETCH_ASSOC); $rows = $conn->GetAll($SQL);
if( count($rows)==1 ) count_in($rows[0]['ID']);
elseif( count($rows)>1 ) {
foreach($rows as $row) {
if($row['URL']==http($httpref)) { count_in($row['ID']); unset($paths); break; }
$tmpparsedurl = parse_url($row['URL']); $paths[$row['ID']] = $tmpparsedurl['path'];
if(is_array($paths)) {
foreach($paths as $ID => $path) {
if($path==$parsedref['path']) { count_in($ID); unset($bestdirlen); unset($bestID); break; }
$dirlen=dirmatchlen($path, $parsedref['path']);
if($dirlen>$bestdirlen || !isset($bestdirlen)) {
$bestID = $ID;
$bestdirlen = $dirlen;
$bestpath = $path;
} elseif($dirlen==$bestdirlen) {
if($bestpath>$path) { $bestID = $ID; $bestpath = $path; }
if(isset($bestdirlen) && isset($bestID)) count_in($bestID);
} //end SHORTURL
function Imprimir( $arrayoptions=array() ) {
$loop_counter = 0;
global $conn, $ROOTURL, $tbl_categoria, $tbl_conf, $tbl_usuario, $tbl_visita;
if(!$css_included) echo '<link rel="stylesheet" href="' . serverpath(dirname(__FILE__)) . '/gl_public_stylesheet.css" type="text/css">';
static $css_included = TRUE;
$arrayoptions = array_merge(
array('desde'=>-1, 'hasta'=>-1, 'ordenar'=>'deuda', 'columnas'=>2, 'mostrar_por'=>'filas', 'html_tabla'=>'CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="4" BORDER="0"', 'categoria'=>'', 'font-face'=>'', 'font-color'=>'', 'font-size'=>'', 'mostrar_numeros'=>1, 'resaltar'=>0, 'resaltar_font-face'=>'', 'resaltar_font-size'=>'', 'resaltar_font-color'=>'', 'resaltar_font-bold'=>0, 'resaltar_font-italic'=>0, 'resaltar_img'=>'', 'mostrar_descripciones'=>0),
$where = "where validado=1 and not ListaNegra and FechaUltimoIN>='" . date("Y-m-d", mktime(0,0,0,date("m"),date("d")-INACTIVEDAYS,date("Y"))) . "'";
$join = '';
if( $arrayoptions["ordenar"]!="deuda" ) {
$order = "HitsIN_unique desc";
} else {
$order = "(HitsIN_unique-HitsOUT_unique) desc";
if( $arrayoptions["categoria"]!="" ) {
$join = "inner join ${tbl_categoria} on ${tbl_categoria}.ID = ${tbl_usuario}.Categoria";
$where .= " and ${tbl_categoria}.Descripcion like '" . $arrayoptions["categoria"] . "'";
if( defined("MINVISITS") && MINVISITS > 0 ) $where .= " and HitsIN_unique > " . MINVISITS;
$sql = "select ${tbl_usuario}.ID, ${tbl_usuario}.URL, ${tbl_usuario}.Titulo";
if(isset($arrayoptions['mostrar_descripciones']) && $arrayoptions['mostrar_descripciones']) $sql .= ", ${tbl_usuario}.Descripcion";
$sql .= " from ${tbl_usuario} $join $where order by $order";
$rs = $conn->SelectLimit($sql, $arrayoptions["hasta"], $arrayoptions["desde"]);
$tabla = $rs->GetArray();
Gracias anticipadas.
Un saludo.