Amigo si sabes de RTF lo puedes hacer asi...
aqui te pongo un ejemplo
el codigo php que hace eso
el index:
Código PHP:
<h1><p align = center>
<img src = "rosette.gif" alt = "">
<img src = "rosette.gif" alt = ""></h1>
<p>You too can earn your highly respected PHP certification
from the world famous Fictional Institute of PHP Certification.
<p>Simply answer the questions below:
<form action = score.php method = post>
<p>Your Name <input type = text name = name>
<p>What does the PHP statement echo do?
<li><input type = radio name = q1 value = 1>
Outputs strings.
<li><input type = radio name = q1 value = 2>
Adds two numbers together.
<li><input type = radio name = q1 value = 3>
Creates a magical elf to finish writing your code.
<p>What does the PHP function cos() do?
<li><input type = radio name = q2 value = 1>
Calculates a cosine in radians.
<li><input type = radio name = q2 value = 2>
Calculates a tangent in radians.
<li><input type = radio name = q2 value = 3>
It is not a PHP function it is a lettuce.
<p>What does the PHP function mail() do?
<li><input type = radio name = q3 value = 1>
Sends a mail message.
<li><input type = radio name = q3 value = 2>
Checks for new mail.
<li><input type = radio name = q3 value = 3>
Toggles PHP between male and female mode.
<p align = center><input type = image src = "certify-me.gif" border = 0>
Código PHP:
// check we have the parameters we need
$name = $_GET[name];
$score = $_GET[score];
if( !$name || !$score )
echo "<h1>Error:</h1>This page was called incorrectly";
//generate the headers to help a browser choose the correct application
header( "Content-type: application/msword" );
header( "Content-Disposition: inline, filename=cert.rtf");
$date = date( "F d, Y" );
// open our template file
$filename = "PHPCertification.rtf";
$fp = fopen ( $filename, "r" );
//read our template into a variable
$output = fread( $fp, filesize( $filename ) );
fclose ( $fp );
// replace the place holders in the template with our data
$output = str_replace( "<<NAME>>", strtoupper( $name ), $output );
$output = str_replace( "<<Name>>", $name, $output );
$output = str_replace( "<<score>>", $score, $output );
$output = str_replace( "<<mm/dd/yyyy>>", $date, $output );
// send the generated document to the browser
echo $output;
y el rtf en un rato te lo subo