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Script para incluir una barra de navegacion en todas las paginas

Estas en el tema de Script para incluir una barra de navegacion en todas las paginas en el foro de PHP en Foros del Web. Hola,estoy buscando un script para poder incluir en todas las paginas de mi sitio. Al notar que si pongo el codigo de la barra de ...
  #1 (permalink)  
Antiguo 22/01/2004, 17:14
Fecha de Ingreso: diciembre-2003
Ubicación: -
Mensajes: 179
Antigüedad: 21 años, 2 meses
Puntos: 0
Script para incluir una barra de navegacion en todas las paginas

Hola,estoy buscando un script para poder incluir en todas las paginas de mi sitio.
Al notar que si pongo el codigo de la barra de navegacion en todas las paginas al editar la barra de navegacion me tomaria un trabajo inmenso,entonces mi pregunta es la siguiente:

Hay algun script para incluir un codigo (el codigo es html y javascript) en todfas las paginas de un sitio?

PS:Algo asi como un include pero el include solo funciona en php parece

__________________ El Mundo de las Descargas Gratis. El Mejor TOP de sitios web de la Web. Tu Portal de Juegos y Animaciones Flash Gratis.
  #2 (permalink)  
Antiguo 22/01/2004, 18:00
Fecha de Ingreso: enero-2004
Mensajes: 431
Antigüedad: 21 años, 2 meses
Puntos: 6
Incluir Barra!

Pues si efektivamente include(); solo funciona en php y es muy rekomensable usar php, pero si lo ke kieres es tu pagina en HTML te rekomiendo esto, haber si funciona kopia el kodigo javascript o html al blok de notas y guardalo komo nav_bar.js despues en tu dokumento HTML inserta este kodigo:

<script src="nav_bar.js"></script>

Espero ke funcione y si no te rekomiendo php!!
  #3 (permalink)  
Antiguo 22/01/2004, 18:02
Fecha de Ingreso: diciembre-2003
Ubicación: -
Mensajes: 179
Antigüedad: 21 años, 2 meses
Puntos: 0
wueno voy a probar de las dos formas grax
__________________ El Mundo de las Descargas Gratis. El Mejor TOP de sitios web de la Web. Tu Portal de Juegos y Animaciones Flash Gratis.
  #4 (permalink)  
Antiguo 22/01/2004, 18:06
Fecha de Ingreso: enero-2004
Mensajes: 431
Antigüedad: 21 años, 2 meses
Puntos: 6
Exclamación Olvido!!!

Algo ke se me olvido decirte en el archivo nav_bar.js no pongas


Solo pon el kodigo dentro de estos
  #5 (permalink)  
Antiguo 22/01/2004, 18:18
Fecha de Ingreso: diciembre-2003
Ubicación: -
Mensajes: 179
Antigüedad: 21 años, 2 meses
Puntos: 0
__________________ El Mundo de las Descargas Gratis. El Mejor TOP de sitios web de la Web. Tu Portal de Juegos y Animaciones Flash Gratis.
  #6 (permalink)  
Antiguo 22/01/2004, 18:39
Fecha de Ingreso: diciembre-2003
Ubicación: -
Mensajes: 179
Antigüedad: 21 años, 2 meses
Puntos: 0
Tengo un problema a ver si me ayudas
 <script language="JavaScript" src="Menu de Navegacion.js" type="text/javascript">
y no me aparece nada
ahora el script de Menu de Navegacion.js:
//este codigo lo uso en mi pagina web
<style type="text/css">
div.clSlideMenu{ /* All slideMenu2 DIV elements */
a.clA0{ /* All top level links */
a.clA1{ /* All sub level links */
a.clA2{ /* All sub2 level links */
a.clA3{ /* All sub3 level links */
a.clA4{ /* All sub4 level links */

div.slideMenuBG{position:absolute; left:0; top:0; z-index:1}
div.slideMenuText{position:absolute; left:2; top:2; z-index:200;}
/* NEEDED ----- This class should be named like this:
#slideMenucont{position:absolute;	height:600; width:200; visibility:hidden;}

<script language="JavaScript" src="slidemenu.js" type="text/javascript">
SlideMenu 2.0
*   Copyright (C) 2002 Thomas Brattli
*   This script was released at
*   Visit for more great scripts!
*   This may be used and changed freely as long as this msg is intact!
*   We will also appreciate any links you could give us.
*   Made by Thomas Brattli
*Script date: 08/05/2002 (keep this date to check versions)
<body onload="populate()">
<table width="973" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
    <td width="145" height="148"><img src="logo.gif" width="137" height="133">
    <td width="828"><div align="center"><span class="Estilo19"><img src="Portal%20para%20Webmasters.gif" width="468" height="60">
    <td rowspan="10" valign="top"><p>&nbsp;</p>
      <p>&nbsp;	    </p>
The actual script file is inside the
slidemenu.js file - remember to link 
that to your HTML file.

//Creating the menu object -- You can call it whatever you want - just remember to
//have the same name as the argument.
slideMenu = new createSlideMenu("slideMenu")

//Variables to set:
slideMenu.menuy=180 //The top placement of the menu.
slideMenu.menux=0 //The left placement of the menu
slideMenu.useImages = 1 //Are you using images or not?
slideMenu.pxspeed=20 //The pixel speed of the animation
slideMenu.timspeed=25 //The timer speed of the animation
slideMenu.inset = 10 //How much the selected items should pop to the left
slideMenu.arrow = 0 //Set this to className that has font-family:webdings
										//if you want to use the arrow feature. Note:
										//This ONLY works on DOM capable browsers, and with
										//useImages set to 0 - It's basically just a test I did.
										//I hope to improve it later on.

//Needed dummy classes - leave in the stylesheet!
slideMenu.bgClass =	"slideMenuBG"
slideMenu.txtClass = "slideMenuText"

Level properties - ALL properties have to be specified in level 0
This works the same way as the CM4 script (if you have used it)

The level[0] values will be the default value. Any value not specified
in higher levels will be inherited from level[0]. If anything
is spesified in level[1], but not in level[2], level[2] (sub2 menus)
will get the property value from level[1] and so on.

The availble values to control the menu by level are:

left           - The left placement of all items in the current level ( px value )
width          - The width of all items in the current level  ( px value )
height         - The height of all items in the current level  ( px value )
between        - The number of pixels between each item in  the current level ( px value)
className      - A name of a class specified in the stylesheet to control the
	               look of all items in this level. 
	               NOTE: The class MUST be in a stylesheet, and it most have position:absolute.
classNameA     - A name of a class specified in the stylesheet that will control the 
 								 Look of the TEXT for all items in this level. (you can also specify 
								 a hover class for this className to get a mouseover effect on the 
regImage 			 - If you choose to use image feature of the script you have to
                 spesify the default image here.
roundImg       - This is the image that will used when a item is selected.
roundImg2      - This is the image used for sub-levels on the last item in a list.
								 (that's how the last items in this example are rounded on the sub-levels)
subImg         - The image used when the item has sub-items. Only in use for sub-levels
subRound       - Same as roundImg2 - only for items that have sub-items.

To understand the image setup see the images supplied with this script.
NOTE: Always specify the full (relative) path to the images!

The slideMenu_makeLevel function provides a shortcut to making levels.
If you are more comfortable with setting the properties by name you can
also set them like this:

slideMenu.level[0] = new Array()
slideMenu.level[0].left = 0
slideMenu.level[0].width = 138
..... and so on.

NOTE: In level 0 below I have included the names of the variables just for
readability - feel free to remove left = , width = , height = et cetera...
slideMenu.level[0] = new slideMenu_makeLevel(
	left = 0,
	width = 138,
	height = 21,
	between = 5,
	className = "clSlideMenu",
	classNameA = "clA0",
	regImage = "level0_regular.gif",
	roundImg = "level0_round.gif",
	roundImg2 = "",
	subImg = "",
	subRound= "")
slideMenu.level[1] = new slideMenu_makeLevel(10,127,20,2,"clSlideMenu","clA1","level1_regular.gif","level1_round2.gif","level1_round.gif","level1_sub.gif", "level1_sub_round.gif")
slideMenu.level[2] = new slideMenu_makeLevel(21,118,18,2,"clSlideMenu","clA2","level2_regular.gif","level2_round2.gif","level2_round.gif", "level2_sub.gif", "level2_sub_round.gif")
slideMenu.level[3] = new slideMenu_makeLevel(33,108,20,2,"clSlideMenu","clA3","level3_regular.gif","level3_round2.gif","level3_round.gif","level3_sub.gif","level3_sub_round.gif")
slideMenu.level[4] = new slideMenu_makeLevel(40,107,19,2,"clSlideMenu","clA4","level4_regular.gif", "level4_round2.gif","level4_round.gif","level4_sub.gif", "level4_sub_round.gif")

//Image preload --- leave this
for(var i=0;i<slideMenu.level;i++){
	var l = slideMenu.level[i]
	new preLoadBackgrounds(l.regImage,l.roundImg,l.roundImg2,l.subImg,l.subRound)

Making the menus is the same as in SlideMenu 1 only that now
you can make as many levels as you want.

NOTE: If you are converting from SlideMenu1 remember to add: theNameOfYourMenu.
in front of all menu creation calls.

The arguments to the makeMenu function are:

TYPE - top for top item, sub for sub item, sub2 for sub2 item, sub3 
       for sub3 item and so on (I've done it like that to keep it the same way as version 1)

TEXT - The link text for the item

TARGET - The target frame to open the links in. You do not have to spesify this if you
are not in a frame enviroment. (see below for more info)
NOTE: I get mail about this all the time so I will try and explain more:
If you where to make a regular link that would open a link in another
frame you would probably do like this:
<a href="mylink.html" target="myOtherFrameName">Link</a>

To do the same for a slideMenu link you do like this:

slideMenu.makeMenu('top','My link','mylink.html','myOtherFrameName')


//Menu 1 -----------------------
	slideMenu.makeMenu('sub','Pagina Principal','index.htm')
        slideMenu.makeMenu('sub','Email Gratis','','target="_blank"')		  
//Menu 2 -----------------------

	slideMenu.makeMenu('sub','Descargas','Descargas de Aplicaciones.htm')

        slideMenu.makeMenu('sub','Hosts Gratuitos','')
slideMenu.makeMenu('top','Ganar Dinero','Ganar Dinero.htm')

//Initiating the menu !! 

__________________ El Mundo de las Descargas Gratis. El Mejor TOP de sitios web de la Web. Tu Portal de Juegos y Animaciones Flash Gratis.
  #7 (permalink)  
Antiguo 22/01/2004, 18:46
Fecha de Ingreso: enero-2004
Mensajes: 431
Antigüedad: 21 años, 2 meses
Puntos: 6
haber si es esto :P

no pongas:
<script language="JavaScript" src="Menu de Navegacion.js" type="text/javascript">

Solo pon
<script src="Menu de Navegacion.js"></script>
otro error es ke en el archivo Menu de Navegacion.js al ultimo dice
</script> elimina eso ykorrije lo del <script ... haber si te sirve ;)
El que teme preguntar, se averguenza de aprender.
  #8 (permalink)  
Antiguo 22/01/2004, 18:58
Fecha de Ingreso: diciembre-2003
Ubicación: -
Mensajes: 179
Antigüedad: 21 años, 2 meses
Puntos: 0
no tampoco se arreglo :( como haria para hacer lo mismo pero kon php?
__________________ El Mundo de las Descargas Gratis. El Mejor TOP de sitios web de la Web. Tu Portal de Juegos y Animaciones Flash Gratis.
  #9 (permalink)  
Antiguo 22/01/2004, 19:04
Fecha de Ingreso: enero-2004
Mensajes: 431
Antigüedad: 21 años, 2 meses
Puntos: 6
pues mira para hacer lo mismo kon php seria asi:


y deberas guardar el dokumento kon extension php
El que teme preguntar, se averguenza de aprender.
  #10 (permalink)  
Antiguo 22/01/2004, 19:09
Fecha de Ingreso: diciembre-2003
Ubicación: -
Mensajes: 179
Antigüedad: 21 años, 2 meses
Puntos: 0
include("Menu de Navegacion.js");
Menu de Navegacion.js:
<style type="text/css">
div.clSlideMenu{ /* All slideMenu2 DIV elements */
a.clA0{ /* All top level links */
a.clA1{ /* All sub level links */
a.clA2{ /* All sub2 level links */
a.clA3{ /* All sub3 level links */
a.clA4{ /* All sub4 level links */

div.slideMenuBG{position:absolute; left:0; top:0; z-index:1}
div.slideMenuText{position:absolute; left:2; top:2; z-index:200;}
/* NEEDED ----- This class should be named like this:
#slideMenucont{position:absolute;	height:600; width:200; visibility:hidden;}

<script language="JavaScript" src="slidemenu.js" type="text/javascript">
SlideMenu 2.0
*   Copyright (C) 2002 Thomas Brattli
*   This script was released at
*   Visit for more great scripts!
*   This may be used and changed freely as long as this msg is intact!
*   We will also appreciate any links you could give us.
*   Made by Thomas Brattli
*Script date: 08/05/2002 (keep this date to check versions)
<body onload="populate()">
<table width="973" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
    <td width="145" height="148"><img src="logo.gif" width="137" height="133">
    <td width="828"><div align="center"><span class="Estilo19"><img src="Portal%20para%20Webmasters.gif" width="468" height="60">
    <td rowspan="10" valign="top"><p>&nbsp;</p>
      <p>&nbsp;	    </p>
The actual script file is inside the
slidemenu.js file - remember to link 
that to your HTML file.

//Creating the menu object -- You can call it whatever you want - just remember to
//have the same name as the argument.
slideMenu = new createSlideMenu("slideMenu")

//Variables to set:
slideMenu.menuy=180 //The top placement of the menu.
slideMenu.menux=0 //The left placement of the menu
slideMenu.useImages = 1 //Are you using images or not?
slideMenu.pxspeed=20 //The pixel speed of the animation
slideMenu.timspeed=25 //The timer speed of the animation
slideMenu.inset = 10 //How much the selected items should pop to the left
slideMenu.arrow = 0 //Set this to className that has font-family:webdings
										//if you want to use the arrow feature. Note:
										//This ONLY works on DOM capable browsers, and with
										//useImages set to 0 - It's basically just a test I did.
										//I hope to improve it later on.

//Needed dummy classes - leave in the stylesheet!
slideMenu.bgClass =	"slideMenuBG"
slideMenu.txtClass = "slideMenuText"

Level properties - ALL properties have to be specified in level 0
This works the same way as the CM4 script (if you have used it)

The level[0] values will be the default value. Any value not specified
in higher levels will be inherited from level[0]. If anything
is spesified in level[1], but not in level[2], level[2] (sub2 menus)
will get the property value from level[1] and so on.

The availble values to control the menu by level are:

left           - The left placement of all items in the current level ( px value )
width          - The width of all items in the current level  ( px value )
height         - The height of all items in the current level  ( px value )
between        - The number of pixels between each item in  the current level ( px value)
className      - A name of a class specified in the stylesheet to control the
	               look of all items in this level. 
	               NOTE: The class MUST be in a stylesheet, and it most have position:absolute.
classNameA     - A name of a class specified in the stylesheet that will control the 
 								 Look of the TEXT for all items in this level. (you can also specify 
								 a hover class for this className to get a mouseover effect on the 
regImage 			 - If you choose to use image feature of the script you have to
                 spesify the default image here.
roundImg       - This is the image that will used when a item is selected.
roundImg2      - This is the image used for sub-levels on the last item in a list.
								 (that's how the last items in this example are rounded on the sub-levels)
subImg         - The image used when the item has sub-items. Only in use for sub-levels
subRound       - Same as roundImg2 - only for items that have sub-items.

To understand the image setup see the images supplied with this script.
NOTE: Always specify the full (relative) path to the images!

The slideMenu_makeLevel function provides a shortcut to making levels.
If you are more comfortable with setting the properties by name you can
also set them like this:

slideMenu.level[0] = new Array()
slideMenu.level[0].left = 0
slideMenu.level[0].width = 138
..... and so on.

NOTE: In level 0 below I have included the names of the variables just for
readability - feel free to remove left = , width = , height = et cetera...
slideMenu.level[0] = new slideMenu_makeLevel(
	left = 0,
	width = 138,
	height = 21,
	between = 5,
	className = "clSlideMenu",
	classNameA = "clA0",
	regImage = "level0_regular.gif",
	roundImg = "level0_round.gif",
	roundImg2 = "",
	subImg = "",
	subRound= "")
slideMenu.level[1] = new slideMenu_makeLevel(10,127,20,2,"clSlideMenu","clA1","level1_regular.gif","level1_round2.gif","level1_round.gif","level1_sub.gif", "level1_sub_round.gif")
slideMenu.level[2] = new slideMenu_makeLevel(21,118,18,2,"clSlideMenu","clA2","level2_regular.gif","level2_round2.gif","level2_round.gif", "level2_sub.gif", "level2_sub_round.gif")
slideMenu.level[3] = new slideMenu_makeLevel(33,108,20,2,"clSlideMenu","clA3","level3_regular.gif","level3_round2.gif","level3_round.gif","level3_sub.gif","level3_sub_round.gif")
slideMenu.level[4] = new slideMenu_makeLevel(40,107,19,2,"clSlideMenu","clA4","level4_regular.gif", "level4_round2.gif","level4_round.gif","level4_sub.gif", "level4_sub_round.gif")

//Image preload --- leave this
for(var i=0;i<slideMenu.level;i++){
	var l = slideMenu.level[i]
	new preLoadBackgrounds(l.regImage,l.roundImg,l.roundImg2,l.subImg,l.subRound)

Making the menus is the same as in SlideMenu 1 only that now
you can make as many levels as you want.

NOTE: If you are converting from SlideMenu1 remember to add: theNameOfYourMenu.
in front of all menu creation calls.

The arguments to the makeMenu function are:

TYPE - top for top item, sub for sub item, sub2 for sub2 item, sub3 
       for sub3 item and so on (I've done it like that to keep it the same way as version 1)

TEXT - The link text for the item

TARGET - The target frame to open the links in. You do not have to spesify this if you
are not in a frame enviroment. (see below for more info)
NOTE: I get mail about this all the time so I will try and explain more:
If you where to make a regular link that would open a link in another
frame you would probably do like this:
<a href="mylink.html" target="myOtherFrameName">Link</a>

To do the same for a slideMenu link you do like this:

slideMenu.makeMenu('top','My link','mylink.html','myOtherFrameName')


//Menu 1 -----------------------
	slideMenu.makeMenu('sub','Pagina Principal','index.htm')
        slideMenu.makeMenu('sub','Email Gratis','','target="_blank"')		  
//Menu 2 -----------------------

	slideMenu.makeMenu('sub','Descargas','Descargas de Aplicaciones.htm')

        slideMenu.makeMenu('sub','Hosts Gratuitos','')
slideMenu.makeMenu('top','Ganar Dinero','Ganar Dinero.htm')

//Initiating the menu !! 
Esto es todo el codigo de Menu de Navegacion.js

sigue sin funcionar
__________________ El Mundo de las Descargas Gratis. El Mejor TOP de sitios web de la Web. Tu Portal de Juegos y Animaciones Flash Gratis.
  #11 (permalink)  
Antiguo 22/01/2004, 19:32
Fecha de Ingreso: enero-2004
Mensajes: 431
Antigüedad: 21 años, 2 meses
Puntos: 6
bueno prueba esto

echo("<script language='JavaScript'
<style type='text/css'>
div.clSlideMenu{ /* All slideMenu2 DIV elements */
a.clA0{ /* All top level links */
a.clA1{ /* All sub level links */
a.clA2{ /* All sub2 level links */
a.clA3{ /* All sub3 level links */
a.clA4{ /* All sub4 level links */

div.slideMenuBG{position:absolute; left:0; top:0; z-index:1}
div.slideMenuText{position:absolute; left:2; top:2; z-index:200;}
/* NEEDED ----- This class should be named like this:
#slideMenucont{position:absolute; height:600; width:200; visibility:hidden;}

<script language='JavaScript' src='slidemenu.js' type='text/javascript'>
/ **************************************************
SlideMenu 2.0
* Copyright (C) 2002 Thomas Brattli
* This script was released at
* Visit for more great scripts!
* This may be used and changed freely as long as this msg is intact!
* We will also appreciate any links you could give us.
* Made by Thomas Brattli
*Script date: 08/05/2002 (keep this date to check versions)
<body onload='populate()'>
<table width='973' border='0' cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0'>
<td width='145' height='148'><img src='logo.gif' width='137' height='133'>
<td width='828'><div align='center'><span class='Estilo19'><img src='Portal%20para%20Webmasters.gif' width='468' height='60'>
<td rowspan='10' valign='top'><p> </p>
<p> </p>
<p> </p>
<p> </p>
<p> </p>
The actual script file is inside the
slidemenu.js file - remember to link
that to your HTML file.

//Creating the menu object -- You can call it whatever you want - just remember to
//have the same name as the argument.
slideMenu = new createSlideMenu('slideMenu')

//Variables to set:
slideMenu.menuy=180 //The top placement of the menu.
slideMenu.menux=0 //The left placement of the menu
slideMenu.useImages = 1 //Are you using images or not?
slideMenu.pxspeed=20 //The pixel speed of the animation
slideMenu.timspeed=25 //The timer speed of the animation
slideMenu.inset = 10 //How much the selected items should pop to the left
slideMenu.arrow = 0 //Set this to className that has font-family:webdings
//if you want to use the arrow feature. Note:
//This ONLY works on DOM capable browsers, and with
//useImages set to 0 - It's basically just a test I did.
//I hope to improve it later on.

//Needed dummy classes - leave in the stylesheet!
slideMenu.bgClass = 'slideMenuBG'
slideMenu.txtClass = 'slideMenuText'

/ **************************************************
Level properties - ALL properties have to be specified in level 0
This works the same way as the CM4 script (if you have used it)

The level[0] values will be the default value. Any value not specified
in higher levels will be inherited from level[0]. If anything
is spesified in level[1], but not in level[2], level[2] (sub2 menus)
will get the property value from level[1] and so on.

The availble values to control the menu by level are:

left - The left placement of all items in the current level ( px value )
width - The width of all items in the current level ( px value )
height - The height of all items in the current level ( px value )
between - The number of pixels between each item in the current level ( px value)
className - A name of a class specified in the stylesheet to control the
look of all items in this level.
NOTE: The class MUST be in a stylesheet, and it most have position:absolute.
classNameA - A name of a class specified in the stylesheet that will control the
Look of the TEXT for all items in this level. (you can also specify
a hover class for this className to get a mouseover effect on the
regImage - If you choose to use image feature of the script you have to
spesify the default image here.
roundImg - This is the image that will used when a item is selected.
roundImg2 - This is the image used for sub-levels on the last item in a list.
(that's how the last items in this example are rounded on the sub-levels)
subImg - The image used when the item has sub-items. Only in use for sub-levels
subRound - Same as roundImg2 - only for items that have sub-items.

To understand the image setup see the images supplied with this script.
NOTE: Always specify the full (relative) path to the images!

The slideMenu_makeLevel function provides a shortcut to making levels.
If you are more comfortable with setting the properties by name you can
also set them like this:

slideMenu.level[0] = new Array()
slideMenu.level[0].left = 0
slideMenu.level[0].width = 138
..... and so on.

NOTE: In level 0 below I have included the names of the variables just for
readability - feel free to remove left = , width = , height = et cetera...
slideMenu.level[0] = new slideMenu_makeLevel(
left = 0,
width = 138,
height = 21,
between = 5,
className = 'clSlideMenu',
classNameA = 'clA0',
regImage = 'level0_regular.gif',
roundImg = 'level0_round.gif',
roundImg2 = '',
subImg = '',
subRound= '')

slideMenu.level[1] = new slideMenu_makeLevel(10,127,20,2,'clSlideMenu','clA 1','level1_regular.gif','level1_round2.gif','level 1_round.gif','level1_sub.gif', 'level1_sub_round.gif')
slideMenu.level[2] = new slideMenu_makeLevel(21,118,18,2,'clSlideMenu','clA 2','level2_regular.gif','level2_round2.gif','level 2_round.gif', 'level2_sub.gif', 'level2_sub_round.gif')
slideMenu.level[3] = new slideMenu_makeLevel(33,108,20,2,'clSlideMenu','clA 3','level3_regular.gif','level3_round2.gif','level 3_round.gif','level3_sub.gif',' f')
slideMenu.level[4] = new slideMenu_makeLevel(40,107,19,2,'clSlideMenu','clA 4','level4_regular.gif', 'level4_round2.gif','level4_round.gif','level4_sub .gif', 'level4_sub_round.gif')

//Image preload --- leave this
for(var i=0;i<slideMenu.level;i++){
var l = slideMenu.level[i]
new preLoadBackgrounds(l.regImage,l.roundImg,l.roundIm g2,l.subImg,l.subRound)

/ **************************************************
Making the menus is the same as in SlideMenu 1 only that now
you can make as many levels as you want.

NOTE: If you are converting from SlideMenu1 remember to add: theNameOfYourMenu.
in front of all menu creation calls.

The arguments to the makeMenu function are:

TYPE - top for top item, sub for sub item, sub2 for sub2 item, sub3
for sub3 item and so on (I've done it like that to keep it the same way as version 1)

TEXT - The link text for the item

TARGET - The target frame to open the links in. You do not have to spesify this if you
are not in a frame enviroment. (see below for more info)
NOTE: I get mail about this all the time so I will try and explain more:
If you where to make a regular link that would open a link in another
frame you would probably do like this:
<a href='mylink.html' target='myOtherFrameName'>Link</a>

To do the same for a slideMenu link you do like this:

slideMenu.makeMenu('top','My link','mylink.html','myOtherFrameName')

mySlideMenu.makeMenu('TYPE','TEXT','LINK','TARGET' )

//Menu 1 -----------------------
slideMenu.makeMenu('sub','Pagina Principal','index.htm')
slideMenu.makeMenu('sub','Email Gratis','','target='_blank'')
//Menu 2 -----------------------

slideMenu.makeMenu('sub','Descargas','Descargas de Aplicaciones.htm')

slideMenu.makeMenu('sub','Hosts Gratuitos','')
slideMenu.makeMenu('sub','Varios','Tutoriales.htm' )
slideMenu.makeMenu('top','Anunciantes','Anunciante s.htm')
slideMenu.makeMenu('top','Ganar Dinero','Ganar Dinero.htm')

//Initiating the menu !!

</script>"); ?>

Ahora guarda esto komo barra.php

despues abre otro archivo y pones
include("barra.php"); ?>
El que teme preguntar, se averguenza de aprender.
  #12 (permalink)  
Antiguo 22/01/2004, 19:49
Fecha de Ingreso: diciembre-2003
Ubicación: -
Mensajes: 179
Antigüedad: 21 años, 2 meses
Puntos: 0
no tampoco funciona

se me ocurrio algo:
quiza sea por ke tiene de source slidemenu.js" aunke puede ke no tenga nada ke ver
__________________ El Mundo de las Descargas Gratis. El Mejor TOP de sitios web de la Web. Tu Portal de Juegos y Animaciones Flash Gratis.
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