Lo que estoy queriendo hacer es mediante una palabra que me devuelva las imagenes de una busqueda de google.
Código PHP:
Ver original
<?php //get the word submitted from the form $word = "universo"; $img_pattern = "#<img src=http\S* width=[0-9]* height=[0-9]*>#"; // validate the word if ($word != '') { // initialise the session // Set the URL curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, "http://images.google.com/images?gbv=1&hl=en&sa=1&q=".urlencode($word)."&btnG=Search+images"); // Return the output from the cURL session rather than displaying in the browser. //Execute the session, returning the results to $curlout, and close. //display the results - I'll leave the formatting to you foreach ($img_tags[0] as $val){ print(" ".$val."\n"); } } ?>
Desde ya muchas gracias