haz una condicion... explico...., para hacer lo que pides, tienes que usar algo como,,,
si la ip esta = no sumar+1
si la ip no esta = si sumo+1
lo de la ip es variable... puedes usar cookies, por ejemplo, o sessiones, o lo que mas te guste. mira, este ejemplo creo que
te va a gustar...
fichero index.php
Código PHP:
<? include("counter.php"); ?>
<BODY bgcolor="white">
<div align="center">
<font size="2" face="Arial,Helvetica,Geneva,Swiss,SunSans-Regular"><b>ESTE CONTADOR USA COOKIES, BORRA TUS COOKIES Y ACTUALIZA<br>
</font><? echo $gcc_hits; ?></div>
fichero counter.php
Código PHP:
# GraphiCookie Counter v1.3 #
# Script Made By: Matthieu Biscay #
# E-Mail: [email][email protected][/email] #
# Web: [url]http://www.skyminds.net/ #[/url]
# #
# Copyright 2001-2002 - SkyMinds.Net. All rights reserved. #
# This script is linkware. #
# Contact me for the licence for commercial use. #
// ----------------------------------- EDIT HERE ---------------------------------------- //
$gcc_aspect = "img/ct"; // directory where the images can be found.
$gcc_file = "counter.dat"; // name of the file where the number of visitors is kept
$gcc_cookie_name = "my_cookie_name"; // name of the cookie (eg: your site's name)
$gcc_cookie_value = "my_cookie_value"; // value of the cookie (eg: something about your site)
$gcc_cookie_life = "900"; // cookie lifespan. Default is 900s (15min)
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
// ------------------------------ Creation of the counter file -------------------------- //
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
// ----------------- Visitor already came : the cookie is here ------------------------- //
$gcc_alt = 'alt=""';
if(isset($_COOKIE["$gcc_cookie_name"]) && $_COOKIE["$gcc_cookie_name"] == "$gcc_cookie_value")
$gcc_hits = "<a href='http://www.skyminds.net/source/' target='_blank'>".$gcc_hits;
$gcc_hits = str_replace("0","<img src='$gcc_aspect/0.jpg' $gcc_alt>","$gcc_hits");
$gcc_hits = str_replace("1","<img src='$gcc_aspect/1.jpg' $gcc_alt>","$gcc_hits");
$gcc_hits = str_replace("2","<img src='$gcc_aspect/2.jpg' $gcc_alt>","$gcc_hits");
$gcc_hits = str_replace("3","<img src='$gcc_aspect/3.jpg' $gcc_alt>","$gcc_hits");
$gcc_hits = str_replace("4","<img src='$gcc_aspect/4.jpg' $gcc_alt>","$gcc_hits");
$gcc_hits = str_replace("5","<img src='$gcc_aspect/5.jpg' $gcc_alt>","$gcc_hits");
$gcc_hits = str_replace("6","<img src='$gcc_aspect/6.jpg' $gcc_alt>","$gcc_hits");
$gcc_hits = str_replace("7","<img src='$gcc_aspect/7.jpg' $gcc_alt>","$gcc_hits");
$gcc_hits = str_replace("8","<img src='$gcc_aspect/8.jpg' $gcc_alt>","$gcc_hits");
$gcc_hits = str_replace("9","<img src='$gcc_aspect/9.jpg' $gcc_alt>","$gcc_hits");
$gcc_hits = $gcc_hits."</a>";
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
// ----------------- A new visitor is coming: creation of a cookie ---------------------- //
setcookie($gcc_cookie_name, $gcc_cookie_value, time()+$gcc_cookie_life, "");
$gcc_hits = "<a href='http://www.skyminds.net/source/' target='_blank'>".$gcc_hits;
$gcc_hits = str_replace("0","<img src='$gcc_aspect/0.jpg' $gcc_alt>","$gcc_hits");
$gcc_hits = str_replace("1","<img src='$gcc_aspect/1.jpg' $gcc_alt>","$gcc_hits");
$gcc_hits = str_replace("2","<img src='$gcc_aspect/2.jpg' $gcc_alt>","$gcc_hits");
$gcc_hits = str_replace("3","<img src='$gcc_aspect/3.jpg' $gcc_alt>","$gcc_hits");
$gcc_hits = str_replace("4","<img src='$gcc_aspect/4.jpg' $gcc_alt>","$gcc_hits");
$gcc_hits = str_replace("5","<img src='$gcc_aspect/5.jpg' $gcc_alt>","$gcc_hits");
$gcc_hits = str_replace("6","<img src='$gcc_aspect/6.jpg' $gcc_alt>","$gcc_hits");
$gcc_hits = str_replace("7","<img src='$gcc_aspect/7.jpg' $gcc_alt>","$gcc_hits");
$gcc_hits = str_replace("8","<img src='$gcc_aspect/8.jpg' $gcc_alt>","$gcc_hits");
$gcc_hits = str_replace("9","<img src='$gcc_aspect/9.jpg' $gcc_alt>","$gcc_hits");
$gcc_hits = $gcc_hits."</a>";
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
// --------------------- Clean HTML: set the image attributes --------------------------- //
// Adapt height and width to your images.
$gcc_hits = str_replace('alt=""','alt="" border="0" height="12" width="10"',$gcc_hits);
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
ahora haz un fichero "counter.txt" y pones un 0, y lo renombras
a "counter.dat"
haz un directorio que se llame "img" y mete los numeros:
espero que te guste..... es mi preferido...;)
solo una cosa mas.... si ya se que te funciona muy bien y todo eso... pero mi ayuda no vale nada... si no aprendes... hazte un favor a ti mismo y lee esto... seguro que hoy te acuestas sabiendo una cosa mas... y porcierto--- los IF, o condiciones... son usados casi en un 30% de los script... no digo mas...