Tengo que instalar un tipo de CMS, y tengo un problema.
El primero es que cuando voy a instalarlo tengo que darle a install.php y tengo que meter usuario y contraseña para definirlas. Luego cuando hago esto deberia crear las tablas y todo para la base de datos; el problema esta en que no se crea, el fichero install.php requiere common.php y este a la vez config.php (en este va usuario de la base datos, base de datos, contraseña), bueno pues eso que no puedo instalarlo, primero quiero instalarlo en mi apache, y no puedo.No se cual es problema.. Os dejo los tres archivos por si acaso es que tengo en el codigo algo mal escrito o algo por el estilo. Tambien si es posible sacar el archivo install.php a .sql
Este post lo pondre en el foro de php
common.php<?php /*********************************************************************** Instalacción ***********************************************************************/ if ( isset($send) ) // We have already sent the admin data { require("common.php"); // We make avaiable the database $db = new database() or die("La base de datos está sobrecargada, por favor intentalo más tarde"); echo "Eliminando las anteriores bases de datos si existieran<br><br>"; $query = "DROP TABLE `League` , `Matches` , `Messages` , `Modules` , `Players` , `Teams` , `Users` , `Offers`;"; $db->doQuery ($query); echo "Creando las bases de datos...<br><br>"; // Tabla de usuarios $query = "CREATE TABLE Users (uname CHAR(16) NOT NULL, pass CHAR(50), team INT, admin BIT,"; $query .= "email CHAR(30), language CHAR(5), skin CHAR(16), KEY(uname));"; $db->doQuery ($query); $pass = md5($pass); $query = "INSERT INTO Users (uname, pass, admin, email, language, skin) VALUES "; $query .= "('$user', '$pass', '1', '', 'es', 'default');"; $db->doQuery ($query); // Tabla de jugadores $query = "CREATE TABLE Players (id INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, name CHAR(30), team INT, uname CHAR(16), defence INT(7),"; $query .= " pass INT(7), shoot INT(7), keeping INT(7), endurance INT(7), physicalForm INT(7), weeksInjured INT UNSIGNED,"; $query .= " matchesPlayed INT UNSIGNED, weeksBanned INT UNSIGNED, goals INT, yellowCards INT UNSIGNED,"; $query .= " redCards INT UNSIGNED, transferListed BIT, KEY(id) );"; $db->doQuery ($query); // Tabla de partidos $query = "CREATE TABLE Matches (id INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, home INT,"; $query .= " away INT, played BIT, scoreHome INT, scoreAway INT, commentary LONGTEXT,"; $query .= " week INT, KEY(id) );"; $db->doQuery ($query); // Tabla de equipos $query = "CREATE TABLE Teams (id INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, teamName CHAR(30),uname CHAR(16) NOT NULL,"; $query .= " tactic CHAR(8), budget INT, N1 INT, N2 INT, N3 INT, N4 INT, N5 INT, N6 INT, N7 INT, N8 INT, N9 INT,"; $query .= " N10 INT, N11 INT, N12 INT, N13 INT, N14 INT, N15 INT,"; $query .= " leaguePoints INT, KEY(id) );"; $db->doQuery ($query); // Tabla de liga $query = "CREATE TABLE League (id INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, week INT, KEY(id));"; $db->doQuery ($query); $query = "INSERT INTO League (id,week) VALUES ('1','0')"; $db->doQuery ($query); // Tabla de modulos $query = "CREATE TABLE Modules (id CHAR(20) NOT NULL, name CHAR(30),"; $query .= " type INT, KEY(id) );"; $db->doQuery ($query); // Información de los modulos $query = "INSERT INTO Modules (id, name, type) VALUES ('calendar',"; $query .= " 'Calendario', 1)"; $db->doQuery ($query); $query = "INSERT INTO Modules (id, name, type) VALUES ('change_profile',"; $query .= " 'Editar perfil', 1)"; $db->doQuery ($query); $query = "INSERT INTO Modules (id, name, type) VALUES ('roster',"; $query .= " 'Alineacion', 2)"; $db->doQuery ($query); $query = "INSERT INTO Modules (id, name, type) VALUES ('next_week',"; $query .= " 'Avanzar jornada', 0)"; $db->doQuery ($query); $query = "INSERT INTO Modules (id, name, type) VALUES ('add_user',"; $query .= " 'Añadir usuario', 0)"; $db->doQuery ($query); $query = "INSERT INTO Modules (id, name, type) VALUES ('reset_league',"; $query .= " 'Inicializar liga', 0)"; $db->doQuery ($query); $query = "INSERT INTO Modules (id, name, type) VALUES ('standings',"; $query .= " 'Clasificacion', 1)"; $db->doQuery ($query); $query = "INSERT INTO Modules (id, name, type) VALUES ('private_messages',"; $query .= " 'Mensajes Privados', 1)"; $db->doQuery ($query); $query = "INSERT INTO Modules (id, name, type) VALUES ('manage_users',"; $query .= " 'Administrar usuarios', 0)"; $db->doQuery ($query); $query = "INSERT INTO Modules (id, name, type) VALUES ('transfer',"; $query .= " 'Fichajes', 1)"; $db->doQuery ($query); // Tabla de mensajes privados $query = "CREATE TABLE Messages (id INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, messagefrom CHAR(30),"; $query .= " messageto CHAR(30), subject CHAR(50), body LONGTEXT, internal BIT, KEY(id) );"; $db->doQuery ($query); // Ofertas de los equipos $query = "CREATE TABLE Offers (id INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, playerid INT, teamfrom INT,"; $query .= " amount INT UNSIGNED, age INT(3), KEY(id) );"; $db->doQuery ($query); echo "Creación completa. Borra el archivo install.php y ya puedes entrar con tu nuevo usuario."; echo "¡Disfruta del juego!"; } else { ?> <h1>Instalador de RMP</h1><br><br> Introduzca un nombre de usuario y una contraseña para el administrador:<br> <form method="POST" action="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; ?>"> Nombre de usuario: <input type="text" name="user"><br> Contraseña: <input type="password" name="pass"><br><br> <input type="submit" value="Enviar" name="send"> </form> <?php } ?>
config.php<?php /************************************************************************************************ Auxiliary functions ************************************************************************************************/ require_once ("lib/user.php"); require_once ("lib/calendar.php"); require_once ("lib/offer.php"); //------------------------------------------------------------ function version() { // Returns version number return "v0.1 RMP"; } //------------------------------------------------------------ class database // Class that allows us to perform operations in database { var $connection; function database() { if ( !isset ($this->connection) ) { include ("config.php"); $this->connection = mysql_connect($DatabaseHost, $DatabaseUsername, $DatabasePassword); mysql_select_db($DatabaseName,$this->connection); } } function doQuery($query) { $result = mysql_query($query,$this->connection); return ($result); } } //------------------------------------------------------------ function redirect($page) // Redirects browser to given page { echo "<META http-equiv='refresh' content='0;URL=./".$page."'>"; } //------------------------------------------------------------ function sessionControl() // Registers needed variables redirecting to index if they aren't set yet { session_register('userdata'); } //------------------------------------------------------------ function logout() // Logs out { session_unregister('userdata'); } //------------------------------------------------------------ function mustBeAdmin($userdata) // If user isn't a registered user and an admin redirects browser to index.php { if ( !isset($userdata) ) redirect("index.php"); else if ($userdata->admin == 0) redirect("index.php"); } //------------------------------------------------------------ function generatename() // This function returns an string containing a random name // This will be copied in every names file we create { // We must include appropiate name file include ("names/spanish.php"); $nametype = rand (1,3); if ($nametype==1) { $index = rand (0, count ($names)-1); $buffer = $names[$index]; $index = rand (0, count ($surnames)-1); $buffer .= " ".$surnames[$index]; } if ($nametype==2) { $index = rand (0, count ($names)-1); $buffer = $names[$index]; } if ($nametype==3) { $index = rand (0, count ($surnames)-1); $buffer = $surnames[$index]; } return $buffer; } //------------------------------------------------------------ function message($type, $attackingPlayer = 0, $defendingPlayer = 0, $attackingTeam = 0, $defendingTeam = 0) // Gets a random message of the type given of the selected language (spanish only at the moment) { include ("language/es/commentary.php"); $randomIndex = rand (0, count( $messages[$type] )-1 ); $comment = $messages[$type][$randomIndex]; $comment=str_replace("%ap",$attackingPlayer,$comment); $comment=str_replace("%dp",$defendingPlayer,$comment); $comment=str_replace("%at",$attackingTeam,$comment); $comment=str_replace("%dt",$defendingTeam,$comment); return ($comment); } //------------------------------------------------------------ function frand($min,$max) // Returns a random float between min and max { $range = $max - $min; $value = $min + $range * rand(0, getrandmax() ) / getrandmax(); return ( $value ); } ?>
<?php /******************************************************************************************* Configuration file ********************************************************************************************/ // You MUST set this variables to their proper values before using RMP $DatabaseHost="localhost"; // Host where the database is. $DatabaseUsername="root"; // Username of the database $DatabasePassword=""; // Database password $DatabaseName="entrenador"; // Name of the database the game is going to use ?>