Solicito su ayuda para declarar este query y sus variables para que las entienda Php, las variables, de las fechas, vendedor, nesesitan ser alimentadas por el usuario de la web,
set dateformat dmy;
declare @FI smalldatetime
declare @FF smalldatetime
declare @vendedor char(5)
declare @producto char (13)
set @FI = '01/10/2007 00:00'
set @FF = '22/11/2007 23:59'
set @vendedor = '15'
set @producto = '1'
SELECT C.cod_cte, C.razon_social,
isnull((select top 1 fecha
from entysal where status <> 'C' and fecha between @FI and @FF and cod_cte = C.cod_cte
and vendedor = @vendedor and cod_prod = @producto and transaccion in ('36','37','38')
order by fecha desc),'') as ultima_venta,
isnull((select top 1 fecha
from mpedcte where status <> 'C' and fecha between @FI and @FF and cod_cte = C.cod_cte
and vendedor = @vendedor and cod_prod = @producto and transaccion = '31'
order by fecha desc),'') as ultima_pedido,
isnull((select sum(cantidad) from entysal where folio in
(select top 1 folio
from entysal where status <> 'C' and fecha between @FI and @FF and cod_cte = C.cod_cte
and vendedor = @vendedor and cod_prod = @producto and transaccion in ('36','37','38')
order by fecha desc)),0.0) as cantidad_venta,
isnull((select sum(cantidad_pedida) from mpedcte where folio in
(select top 1 folio
from mpedcte where status <> 'C' and fecha between @FI and @FF and cod_cte = C.cod_cte
and vendedor = @vendedor and cod_prod = @producto and transaccion = '31'
order by fecha desc)),0.0) as cantidad_pedido,
isnull((select status from pedcte where folio in
(select top 1 folio
from mpedcte where status <> 'C' and fecha between @FI and @FF and cod_cte = C.cod_cte
and vendedor = @vendedor and cod_prod = @producto and transaccion = '31'
order by fecha desc)),'') as status_pedido
where vendedor = @vendedor