Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_STRING, expecting T_OLD_FUNCTION or T_FUNCTION or T_VAR or '}' in /home/miweb/public_html/PHPCaptcha.lib.php on line 15
Código PHP:
* PHPcaptcha
* @author Myokram
* 29/03/08
* Para usar esta clase:
* Visita
class Captcha {
public $codigo;
private $refCodigos;
private $refFondos;
private $refFuentes;
private $fuentes = array();
private $refFiltro = true;
private $refColor = array(0, 0, 0);
private $refTamano = 25;
private $refLineas = true;
private $refGradoDificultad = 8;
private $refNLineas = 20;
private $refCLineas = false;
private $refLongitud = 6;
private $refCaracteres = array();
private $fondo;
private $texto;
private $ancho;
private $alto;
private $captcha;
public function __construct() {
public function checkSession() {
if(!isset($_SESSION)) {
return false;
return true;
public function generaCaptcha($nuevo = true) {
if(empty($this->codigo)) {
if($nuevo == false and !empty($_SESSION['phpcaptcha_codigo'])) {
$this->codigo = $_SESSION['phpcaptcha_codigo'];
} else {
if($this->refLineas == true) {
$this->captcha = imagecreatetruecolor($this->ancho, $this->alto);
imagecopyresampled($this->captcha, $this->fondo, 0, 0, 0, 0, $this->ancho, $this->alto, $this->ancho, $this->alto);
imagecopymerge($this->captcha, $this->texto, 0, 0, 0, 0, $this->ancho, $this->alto, 60);
return true;
public function verificaCaptcha($codigo, $mayus = false) {
$sc = ($mayus == true) ? $_SESSION['phpcaptcha_codigo'] : strtolower($_SESSION['phpcaptcha_codigo']);
$vc = ($mayus == true) ? $codigo : strtolower($codigo);
if(!empty($sc) and $sc == $vc) {
return true;
return false;
public function guardaCaptcha() {
return $_SESSION['phpcaptcha_codigo'] = $this->codigo;
public function muestraCaptcha() {
header("Expires: Sun, 1 Jan 2000 12:00:00 GMT");
header("Last-Modified: ".gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s")."GMT");
header("Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate");
header("Cache-Control: post-check=0, pre-check=0", false);
header("Pragma: no-cache");
header("Content-type: image/jpeg");
imagejpeg($this->captcha, null, 70);
public function confCaptcha($p, $v) {
case "codigos": $this->refCodigos = $v; break;
case "fondos": $this->refFondos = $v; break;
case "fuentes": $this->refFuentes = $v; break;
case "dificultad": $this->refGradoDificultad = ((int)$v >= 1 and (int)$v <= 40) ? (int)$v : $this->refGradoDificultad; break;
case "filtro": $this->refFiltro = ($v != false) ? true : false; break;
case "lineas": $this->refLineas = ($v != false) ? true : false; break;
case "nlineas": $this->refNLineas = ((int)$v >= 1) ? (int)$v : $this->refNLineas; break;
case "clineas": $this->refCLineas = ($v != false) ? true : false; break;
case "color": $this->refColor = ($c = $this->rgbhex2rgb($v)) ? $c : array(0,0,0); break;
case "tamaño": $this->refTamano = (int)$v; break;
case "ancho": $this->ancho = (int)$v; break;
case "alto": $this->alto = (int)$v; break;
case "longitud": $this->refLongitud = ((int)$v >= 1) ? (int)$v : $this->refLongitud; break;
case "caracteres": if(is_array($v)) $this->confCaptcha("caracteres",implode("",$v)); else $this->refCaracteres = str_split($v); break;
default: return false; break;
return true;
private function generarCodigo() {
if(!empty($this->refCodigos) and file_exists($this->refCodigos)) {
return $this->codigo = $this->generarCodigoArchivo();
return $this->codigo = $this->generarCodigoAleatorio();
private function generarCodigoAleatorio() {
$caracteres = (count($this->refCaracteres) < 1) ? array_merge(range('a', 'z'), range(0, 9)) : $this->refCaracteres;
$n = count($caracteres);
$codigo = '';
while (strlen($codigo) < $this->refLongitud) {
$codigo .= $caracteres[mt_rand(0, $n-1)];
return $codigo;
private function generarCodigoArchivo() {
$codigo = file($this->refCodigos);
$codigo = trim($codigo[array_rand($codigo)]);
return !empty($codigo) ? $codigo : $this->generarCodigoAleatorio();
private function generarFondo() {
$this->ancho = ($this->ancho > 1) ? $this->ancho : 210;
$this->alto = ($this->alto > 1) ? $this->alto : 70;
if(!empty($this->refFondos) and is_dir($this->refFondos)) {
$res = opendir($this->refFondos);
$imagenes = array();
while($archivo = readdir($res)) {
if(!in_array(pathinfo($archivo, PATHINFO_EXTENSION), array("gif", "jpg", "png"))) {
$imagenes[] = $this->refFondos.'/'.$archivo;
if(count($imagenes) < 1) {
$rs = imagecreate($this->ancho, $this->alto);
imagecolorallocate($rs, 255, 255, 255);
} else {
$aleat = $imagenes[array_rand($imagenes)];
$info = getimagesize($aleat);
$bg = null;
switch ($info[2]):
case 1: $bg = imagecreatefromgif($aleat); break;
case 2: $bg = imagecreatefromjpeg($aleat); break;
case 3: $bg = imagecreatefrompng($aleat); break;
$bg = imagerotate($bg,90*rand(1,4),-1);
$rs = imagecreatetruecolor($this->ancho, $this->alto);
imagecopyresampled($rs, $bg, 0, 0, 0, 0, $this->ancho, $this->alto, imagesx($bg), imagesy($bg));
return $this->fondo = ($this->refFiltro == true) ? $this->aplicarFiltro($rs) : $rs;
private function generarLineas() {
for ($i = 0; $i < $this->refNLineas; $i++) {
if($this->refCLineas != true) {
$c = mt_rand(70, 250);
$clinea = imagecolorallocate($this->fondo, $c, $c, $c);
} else {
$clinea = imagecolorallocate($this->fondo, mt_rand(80, 250), mt_rand(80, 250), mt_rand(80, 250));
imageline($this->fondo, mt_rand(0, $this->ancho), mt_rand(0, $this->alto), mt_rand(0, $this->ancho), mt_rand(0, $this->alto), $clinea);
private function aplicarFiltro($rs, $ligero = 0) {
$extra = ($ligero == 1) ? (((int)$this->refGradoDificultad > 1) ? (int)$this->refGradoDificultad : 9 ) : rand(20, 30);
$rsf = imagecreatetruecolor($this->ancho+$extra, $this->alto+$extra);
$dstH = $this->ancho;
$srcH = $this->ancho - 2 * $extra;
$h = rand(5, 10);
for ($i = 0; $i < $this->ancho; $i++) {
$a = (sin(deg2rad(2*$i*$h))+sin(deg2rad($i*$h))) * 1.1;
imagecopyresized($rsf, $rs, $i, 0, $i, 0, $extra+$i, $dstH+$extra*$a, $extra+$i, $srcH);
return $rsf;
private function generarTexto() {
$t = imagecreatetruecolor($this->ancho, $this->alto);
$fcolor = ($this->refColor[0] == 255 and $this->refColor[1] == 255 and $this->refColor[2] == 255) ? imagecolorallocate($t, 0, 0, 0) : imagecolorallocate($t, 255, 255, 255);
imagefill($t, 0, 0, $fcolor);
$tcolor = imagecolorallocate($t, $this->refColor[0], $this->refColor[1], $this->refColor[2]);
if(!empty($this->refFuentes) and is_dir($this->refFuentes)) {
$res = opendir($this->refFuentes);
$fuentes = array();
while($archivo = readdir($res)) {
if(!in_array(pathinfo($archivo, PATHINFO_EXTENSION), array("ttf"))) {
$fuentes[] = $this->refFuentes.'/'.$archivo;
$this->fuentes = $fuentes;
$x = 15;
for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($this->codigo); $i++) {
imagettftext($t, $this->refTamano, rand(-30, 30), $x, $this->refTamano+rand(5, 25), $tcolor, $this->fuenteAleatoria(), $this->codigo{$i});
$x += $this->refTamano + 6;
} else {
$tfont = rand(3,5);
$tancho = imagefontwidth($tfont) * strlen($this->codigo);
$talto = imagefontheight($tfont);
$margen = $tancho * 0.3 + 5;
$ttexto = imagecreatetruecolor($tancho + $margen, $talto + $margen);
imagefill($ttexto, 0, 0, $fcolor); // For GD2+
$tx = $margen / 2;
$ty = $margen / 2;
imagestring($ttexto, $tfont, $tx, $ty, $this->codigo, $tcolor);
imagecopyresampled($t, $ttexto, 0, 0, 0, 0, $this->ancho, $this->alto, $tancho+$margen, $talto+$margen);
if ($this->refFiltro) {
$t = $this->aplicarFiltro($t, 1);
imagecolortransparent($t, $fcolor);
return $this->texto = $t;