hola gente....quisiera saber si alguna sabe donde puedo ver o conseguir un buscador en php...simplemente un motor de busqueda que se ejecute cada vez que ingreso una palabra en una celda y presiono un boton.
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![]() hola gente....quisiera saber si alguna sabe donde puedo ver o conseguir un buscador en php...simplemente un motor de busqueda que se ejecute cada vez que ingreso una palabra en una celda y presiono un boton. graciasssss |
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Prueba este: <HTML> <TITLE>JavaScript Search Engine Script With Descriptions</TITLE> <!--This code is originally from Infohiway.com, however, it has been modified--> <BODY bgcolor=white> <FORM NAME="database"> <INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="list" VALUE='your_first_page.htm~Your First Page Title|keywords For first file go here separated by spaces^First page description here!*http://you.can.use.full.urls.com/you..._page.htm~Your Second Page Title|keywords for second file go here separated by spaces^Second page description here!*your_third_page.htm~Your Third Page Title|keywords for third file go here separated by spaces^Third page description here!*your_fourth_page.htm~Your Fourth Page Title|keywords for fourth file go here separated by spaces^Fourth page description here!*'> </FORM> <SCRIPT language="JavaScript"> <!-- function Page(url,title,keywords,description) { While ((url.length > 0) && (url.charAt(0) == " ")) { url = url.substring(1,url.length); } this.url = url; While ((title.length > 0) && (title.charAt(0) == " ")) { title = title.substring(1,title.length); } this.title = title; this.keywords = keywords; this.description = description; return this; } function Database() { var pos = 0; While ((pos1 = amorphous.indexOf("~",pos)) != -1) { pos2 = amorphous.indexOf("|",pos1+1); pos3 = amorphous.indexOf("^",pos2+1); pos4 = amorphous.indexOf("*",pos3+1); if ((pos2 != -1) && (pos2 < pos3) && (pos3 < pos4) && (pos4 <= amorphous.indexOf("*",pos))) { this[database_length++] = new Page(amorphous.substring(pos,pos1), amorphous.substring(pos1+1,pos2), amorphous.substring(pos2+1,pos3), amorphous.substring(pos3+1,pos4)); pos = pos4+1; } Else { // Error reading amorphous database if (pos+30 <= amorphous.length) alert('Error reading in amorphous database around "' + amorphous.substring(pos,pos+30) + '"'); pos = amorphous.indexOf("*",pos) + 1; } } return this; } function search(str) { menu_length = 0; temp = new Object(); temp_length = 0; words_length = 0; words = new Object(); pos = 0; While ((pos = str.indexOf(" ")) != -1 && and_search != "exact") { words[words_length] = str.substring(0,pos); if (words[words_length].length > 0) words_length++; if (str.length == 1) str=""; else str = str.substring(pos+1,str.length); } if (str.length > 0) words[words_length++] = str; For (q=0;q<words_length;q++) { temp_length = 0; str = words[q].toLowerCase(); len = (and_search=="and"&&q>0?menu_length:database_lengt h); For (n=0; n<len; n++) { if (and_search=="and"&&q>0) { combo = (menu[n].title + " " + menu[n].description + " " + menu[n].keywords).toLowerCase(); } Else { combo = (database[n].title + " " + database[n].description + " " + database[n].keywords).toLowerCase(); } if (combo.indexOf(str) != -1) // found temp[temp_length++] = (and_search=="and"&&q>0?menu[n]:database[n]); } if (and_search!="and" && q>0) { added = 0; For (i=0;i<temp_length;i++) { duplicate = false; For (j=0;j<MENU_length&&!duplicate;j++) { if (menu[j] == temp[i]) { duplicate = true; } } if (!duplicate) menu[menu_length+(added++)] = temp[i]; } menu_length += added; } Else { for(h=0;h<temp_length;h++) menu[h] = temp[h]; menu_length = temp_length; } } } function entry() { if ((document.entryform.keyword.value.length == 0) || (document.entryform.keyword.value == " ")) { alert("First you must enter a keyword To search for."); return false; } and_search = (document.entryform.and_or.selectedIndex == 0?"and":"or"); if (document.entryform.and_or.selectedIndex == 2) and_search = "exact"; location.href = location.pathname + "?" + escape(document.entryform.keyword.value) + (and_search != "or"?"&"+and_search:""); return false; } function redWord(str) { for(r=0; r<words_length; r++) { pos = -3; word = words[r].toLowerCase(); While ((pos = str.toLowerCase().indexOf(word,pos+3)) != -1) { val = pos+word.length; str = str.substring(0,pos) + "*" + str.substring(pos,val) + "|" + str.substring(val,str.length); } } pos = -16; While ((pos = str.toLowerCase().indexOf("*",pos+16)) != -1) str = str.substring(0,pos) + "<FONT color=red>" + str.substring(pos+1,str.length); pos = -7; While ((pos = str.toLowerCase().indexOf("|",pos+7)) != -1) str = str.substring(0,pos) + "</FONT>" + str.substring(pos+1,str.length); return str; } var amorphous = document.database.list.value; temp_str = amorphous.substring(amorphous.length-2,amorphous.length); if (temp_str.indexOf("*") == -1) amorphous += "* "; else amorphous += " "; // amorphous database must have characters after last asterisk database_length = 0; // Netscape 2 fix var database = new Database(); // read In from amorphous database menu_length = 0; // Netscape 2 fix var menu = new Object(); String = ""; and_search = "or"; if (location.search.length > 1) { String = unescape(location.search.substring(1,location.sear ch.length)); pos = 0; While ((pos = string.indexOf('"',pos)) != -1) { String = string.substring(0,pos) + '\\"' + string.substring(pos+1,string.length); pos += 2; } if (string.substring(string.length-4,string.length) == "&and") { String = string.substring(0,string.length-4); and_search = "and"; } Else if (string.substring(string.length-6,string.length) == "&exact") { String = string.substring(0,string.length-6); and_search = "exact"; } Else if (string.substring(string.length-3,string.length) == "&or") { String = string.substring(0,string.length-3); and_search = "or"; } search(string); } document.write('<FORM name="entryform" onSubmit="return entry()">' +'<B>Search for:</B><BR><INPUT type="text" size=20 ' +'name="keyword" value="'+string+'"> ' +'<INPUT type="button" value="Search" onClick="entry()"><BR><Select name="and_or" ' +'size=1><OPTION'+(and_search=="and"?" selected":"")+'>find all words ' +'(AND)<OPTION'+(and_search=="or"?" selected":"")+'>find any word ' +'(OR)<OPTION'+(and_search=="exact"?" selected":"")+'>exact ' +'match</Select></FORM><BR>'); if (location.search.length > 1) document.write('<B>Results:</B><BR><BR>\n'); // eliminate the keywords portion of the statement below To eliminate them from your display For (n=0; n<MENU_length; n++) document.write('<B><A href="'+menu[n].url+'">'+menu[n].title +'</A></B><BR>'+redWord(menu[n].description)+'<BR>Keywords: ' +redWord(menu[n].keywords)+'<BR><BR>\n'); if ((menu_length == 0) && (location.search.length > 1)) document.write('Keyword "'+string+'" Not found!\n'); // --> </SCRIPT> <HR noshade> <BR><BR> The following is just a demonstration of how you would link To search.htm from other pages:<BR><BR> <!-- if you want To link from another page, just copy the JavaScript code below and paste it into your other page --> <SCRIPT language="JavaScript"> <!-- // enter full or relative URL To your search page var search_htm_url = "your_search_page_name.htm"; function searchPage() { if ((document.searchpage.keyword.value.length == 0) || (document.searchpage.keyword.value == " ")) { alert("First you must enter a keyword To search for."); } Else { sel = document.searchpage.and_or.selectedIndex; location.href = search_htm_url + "?" + escape(document.searchpage.keyword.value) + (sel==0?"&and":(sel==2?"&exact":"&or")); } return false; } document.write('<FORM name="searchpage" onSubmit="return searchPage()">' +'Search for: <INPUT type="text" size=15 name="keyword"> ' +'<INPUT type="button" value="Search" onClick="searchPage()"><BR>' +'<Select name="and_or" size=1><OPTION>find all words (AND)<OPTION>find any word ' +'(OR)<OPTION>exact match</Select><BR>"*" wildcards are valid</FORM>'); // --> </SCRIPT> <BR><BR> Or you can just use direct links. For instance, if you wanted To search for the keyword "javascript", Then you would link to <A href="search.htm?javascript">search.htm?javascript </A>. Or search for "javascript" or "perl": <A href="search.htm?javascript%20perl&or">search.htm? javascript%20perl&or</A>. Or for "javascript" and "perl": <A href="search.htm?javascript%20perl&and">search.htm ?javascript%20perl&and</A>. Or for the exact phrase "javascript perl": <A href="search.htm?javascript%20perl&exact">search.h tm?javascript%20perl&exact</A>. (note that %20 is the URL escaped form of a space). </BODY> </HTML>
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