28/05/2008, 16:00
(Desactivado) | | Fecha de Ingreso: mayo-2008
Mensajes: 67
Antigüedad: 16 años, 8 meses Puntos: 0 | |
Respuesta: bucle while que no funka aqui el code pa que lo analicen el code completo Código PHP: <?PHP
############################################################################# # PHPFormMail v0.02b # # PHPFormMail - Something we've allways had... # # Copyright (c) 1999 Andrew Riley ([email protected]) # # # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # # GNU General Public License for more details. # # # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, # # USA. # # # ############################################################################# # # # If you run into any problems, pleas read the readme_formmail.txt. # # If that does not help, check out http://www.boaddrink.com. # # # # For more info, please visit http://www.boaddrink.com or read the readme # # file included. # #############################################################################
# $referers allows forms to be located only on servers which are defined # # in this field. #
$referers = array("paginas.com","www.paginas.com","peru.paginas.com","www.peru.paginas.com");
$errors = array(); $invis_array = array("recipient","subject","required","redirect", "print_blank_fields","env_report", "missing_fields_redirect","title","bgcolor", "text_color","link_color","alink_color", "vlink_color","background","subject","title", "link","css","return_link_title", "return_link_url");
/*function in_array($needle,$haystack){ //remove for PHP4.0... it"s not in 3 $found = false; while (list($key,$val) = each ($haystack)){ if ($needle == $val){ $found = true; } } return $found; }*/
function fill_data(&$from,$to,$tag=""){ $temp = $from; if(!$from){ $temp = $to; } if($tag){ $temp = " ".$tag."=\"".$temp."\""; } $from = $temp; }
function check_referer($referers){ if (count($referers)){ global $errors; $found = false; $temp = explode("/",getenv("HTTP_REFERER")); $referer = $temp[2]; for ($x=0; $x < count($referers); $x++){ if ($referers[$x] == $referer){ $found = true; } } if (!$found){ $errors[] = "Usted procede de un dominio sin autorizacion."; error_log("[PHPFormMail] Illegal Referer. (".getenv("HTTP_REFERER").")", 0); } return $found; } else { return true; //Not a good idea, if empty, it will allow it. } }
function decode_vars(){
if (getenv("REQUEST_METHOD") == "GET"){ $a = $_GET; } else { $a = $_POST; } return $a; }
function strip_bad_stuff($data){ while(list($key,$val) = each ($data)){ if ($val){ $temp = $val; $data[$key] = eregi_replace("<!--(.|\n)*-->","[SSI REMOVED]",$val); if ($temp != $data[$key]){ error_log("[PHPFormMail] SSI Found and Removed. (".getenv("REMOTE_ADDR").")", 0); } } } return $data; }
function error($errors){ global $form; if ($errors){ if ($form["missing_fields_redirect"]){ Header( "Localizacion: ".$form["missing_fields_redirect"]); } else { print "<HTML>\n<HEAD>\n"; print "<TITLE>Error</TITLE>\n"; if($form["css"]){ print "<link rel=\"stylesheet\" href=\"".$form["css"]."\">\n"; } print "</HEAD>\n\n"; print "<BODY".$form["bgcolor"].$form["text_color"].$form["link_color"].$form["alink_color"].$form["vlink_color"].$form["background"]."\">\n"; print "<H2>Se encontraron los siguientes errores:</H2><BR>\n"; while (list($key,$val) = each ($errors)) { print $val . "<BR>\n"; } print "<BR>Por favor use el botón <a href=\"javascript: history.back();\">atras</a> para corregir estos errores.<BR>\n"; print "</BODY>\n</HTML>"; } } }
function check_required($form){ global $errors; $problem = true; if (!$form["recipient"]) { $problem = false; $errors[] = "No hay un destinatario para enviar este mensaje."; } if ($form["required"]){ $splitstring = split(",",$form["required"]); for($x=0; $x < count($splitstring); $x++){ if (!$form[$splitstring[$x]]) { $problem = false; $errors[] = "El valor requerido (<b>" . $splitstring[$x] . "</b>) no se ha completado."; } } } return $problem; }
function send_mail($form,$invis_array){ $toarray = explode(",",$form["recipient"]); $mailbody = "\nA continuación se muestran los datos que el usuario ha proporcionado desde su web.\nEste mensaje fue enviado por\n"; $mailbody.= $form["Nombre"]. " (" .$form["email"].") on " . date("F dS, Y") ."\n\n";
while (list($key,$val) = each ($form)){ if (!in_array($key,$invis_array)){ if (($form["print_blank_fields"]) || ($val)){ $mailbody .= $key.": ". $val ."\n"; } } } if ($form["env_report"]){ $mailbody .= "\n\n-------- Otros datos de interés obtenidos --------\n"; $mailbody .= "HOST REMOTO: ".getenv("REMOTE_HOST")."\n"; $mailbody .= "DIRECCION REMOTA: ".getenv("REMOTE_ADDR")."\n"; $mailbody .= "USUARIO REMOTO: ".getenv("REMOTE_USER")."\n"; $mailbody .= "USUARIO HTTP: ".getenv("HTTP_USER_AGENT")."\n"; $mailbody .= "\n\n------ Servicio ofrecido por -------\n"; $mailbody .= "-------- http://www.miempresa.com ------------\n"; $mailbody .= "---------- Ingenieria Informatica ----------------\n"; }
$cabeceras = 'From: [email protected] (InterIberica)' . "\r\n" . 'Reply-To: [email protected] (InterIberica)' . "\r\n" . 'X-Mailer: PHP/' . phpversion();
for ($tobla = 0; $tobla < count($toarray); $tobla++){ // mail($toarray[$tobla],$form["subject"],$mailbody,"From: " .$form["email"]. " (" .$form["Nombre"]. ")\nX-Mailer: PHPFormMail (http://www.empresa.com)"); mail($toarray[$tobla], $form["subject"],$mailbody, $cabeceras); } }
$form = strip_bad_stuff(decode_vars()); fill_data($form["bgcolor"],"#FFFFFF","bgcolor"); fill_data($form["text_color"],"#000000","text"); fill_data($form["link_color"],"#0000FF","link"); fill_data($form["alink_color"],"#FF0000","alink"); fill_data($form["vlink_color"],"#000099","vlink"); fill_data($form["background"],"","background");
if(check_referer($referers) && check_required($form)){ fill_data($form["subject"],"WWW Form Submission"); fill_data($form["email"],"[email protected]"); fill_data($form["Nombre"],"Cliente desconocido"); fill_data($form["title"],"Form Results"); send_mail($form,$invis_array); if ($form["redirect"]){ Header("Location: ".$form["redirect"]); } else { print "<HTML>\n<HEAD>\n"; print "<TITLE>".$form["title"]."</TITLE>\n"; if($form["css"]){ print "<link rel=\"stylesheet\" href=\"".$form["css"]."\">\n"; } print "</HEAD>\n\n"; print "<BODY".$form["bgcolor"].$form["text_color"].$form["link_color"].$form["alink_color"].$form["vlink_color"].$form["background"]."\">\n"; print "<H2>La información que se muestra a continuación le ha sido enviada:</H2><BR>\n"; while (list($key,$val) = each ($form)) { if (!in_array($key,$invis_array)){ print "<b>".$key .":</b> ".$val . "<BR>\n"; } } if($form["return_link_url"] && $form["return_link_title"]){ print "<BR><a href=\"".$form["return_link_url"]."\">".$form["return_link_title"]."</a>\n"; } print "<center><a href=\"http://www.empresa.com\">empresa</a><br>Ingeniería Informática</center>\n"; print "</BODY>\n</HTML>"; } }
error($errors); ?> |