Código PHP:
$conx = @mysql_connect("localhost","root","");
if (!$conx)
die('could not connect: ' . mysql_error());
$estilo = $_POST['estilo'];
$schedule= $_POST['schedule'];
mysql_select_db("eaton", $conx);
$consulta= "SELECT schedule,general_order,style_number from info where schedule='$schedule'";
$resuta= mysql_query($consulta) or die(mysql_error());
$raw =mysql_fetch_array($resuta);
if($raw['schedule']==$schedule and $raw['general_order']==$go and $raw['style_number']== $estilo){
$query= "SELECT (Max(id)+1) maximo from embobinado ";
$resut= mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error());
$row =mysql_fetch_array($resut);
$linea= $_POST['linea'];
$prefijo = $linea;
$cod = $row['maximo'];
$codigo = $prefijo."-".$cod;
// Including all required classes
// Including the barcode technology
// Loading Font
$font = new BCGFontFile('barcodegen/font/Arial.ttf', 18);
// Don't forget to sanitize user inputs
$text = isset($_GET['text']) ? $_GET['text'] : $codigo;
// The arguments are R, G, B for color.
$color_black = new BCGColor(0, 0, 0);
$color_white = new BCGColor(255, 255, 255);
$drawException = null;
try {
$code = new BCGcode39();
$code->setScale(2); // Resolution
$code->setThickness(30); // Thickness
$code->setForegroundColor($color_black); // Color of bars
$code->setBackgroundColor($color_white); // Color of spaces
$code->setFont($font); // Font (or 0)
$code->parse($text); // Text
} catch(Exception $exception) {
$drawException = $exception;
/* Here is the list of the arguments
1 - Filename (empty : display on screen)
2 - Background color */
$drawing = new BCGDrawing($codigo.'.png', $color_white);
if($drawException) {
} else {
// Header that says it is an image (remove it if you save the barcode to a file)
/*header('Content-Type: image/png');
header('Content-Disposition: inline; filename="barcode.png"');*/
// Draw (or save) the image into PNG format.
<div class="etiqueta">
<div class="col-6">
<a href="emb.html">Estilo:</a><b><?php echo $estilo?></b><br>
Schedule: <b><?php echo $schedule; ?></b><br>
Fecha: <b><?php echo date("d-m-Y"); ?></b>
<div class="col-5">
<img src="<?php echo $codigo; ?>.png"/>
$conx = @mysql_connect("localhost","root","");
if (!$conx)
die('could not connect: ' . mysql_error());
mysql_select_db("eaton", $conx);
$sql="INSERT INTO embobinado (schedule,go,estilo,idtx,statusemb,fechaemb)
VALUES ('$schedule','$go','$estilo','$codigo', 'Complete',now())";
if (!mysql_query($sql,$conx))
die('Error; ' . mysql_error());
echo"<script language='javaScript'>
function imprimir() {
var Obj= document.getElementById('desaparece');
Obj.style.visibility= 'hidden';
<input type='button' id='desaparece' onclick='imprimir()' value='imprimir'>}</script>";
else{echo "<script language='javascript'>
alert('Los datos no coinciden.')