Código PHP:
// set the default timezone to your own zone, not the servers.
date_default_timezone_set ( "America/Peru/Lima" );
// date("w") is day of week. 0=Sun, 1=Mon ... 6=Sat
// date("G") is the hour, in 24hr mode, example 1pm is 13
// the first image: mon-fri, 8am-1pm
if(( date ( "w" ) > 0 && date ( "w" ) < 6 ) && ( date ( "G" ) > 8 && date ( "G" ) <= 13 )){
echo "<img src='xx1.png' alt='' /><br />" ;
// the next image; mon-fri, 1pm-5pm
if(( date ( "w" ) > 0 && date ( "w" ) < 6 ) && ( date ( "G" ) > 13 && date ( "G" ) <= 17 )){
echo "<img src='xx2.png' alt='' /><br />" ;
// the next image; mon-fri, 5pm-8pm
if(( date ( "w" ) > 0 && date ( "w" ) < 6 ) && ( date ( "G" ) > 17 && date ( "G" ) <= 20 )){
echo "<img src='xx3.png' alt='' /><br />" ;
// the next image; mon-fri, 8pm-9pm
if(( date ( "w" ) > 0 && date ( "w" ) < 6 ) && ( date ( "G" ) > 20 && date ( "G" ) <= 21 )){
echo "<img src='xx4.png' alt='' /><br />" ;